Jus JoJan :23/01/14 Mae and Polar Bear.


Out  the demons came, evil incarnate

Our Heroes held their line  hoping death was not their fate.

Stand your ground cried Ewen wait until you smell their breath

Do your best to sever their heads men it is the only way they will meet their death.

The winter Queen had her polar  bears at the ready

She cautioned Mae  to cling to Vlad and to fire her arrows steady!

Mae cried I am ready now to fight for my father’s honest name.

I swear I shall right all the wrong  and restore this land again!


The winter Queen threw off  her cloak and and waved her sword on high.

Mae  clung on to Vlad and followed her into battle screaming “Victory for  my kind or  I die.

The Battle raged day and night the demons never tired.

No sooner were the demons chopped down  more of them were sired!

Sword on shield, arrow on shield Blood and skin on the battle field.

Then  Just as they thought  nothing could  get worse

The Evil witch of  the East  sent  her evil dragons out like a curse!

On and on they came one after the other getting  larger and and  more fierce.

They waded into the Humans and the fairies killing them their screams the dawn  did pierce.


1. It’s never too late to join in, since the “Jot it” part of JusJoJan means that anything you jot down, anywhere (it doesn’t have to be a post) counts as a “Jot.” If it makes it to WordPress that day, great! If it waits a week to get from the sticky note to your screen, no problem!
2. If you write a JusJoJan post on your blog, you can ping it back to the above link to make sure everyone participating knows where to find it.
3. Write anything!
4. Have fun!

JusJoJan: 22/01/14 The Doctor’s Surgery

Sitting int doctors surgery 

Wondering what will he say to me

Just don’t know what to say

All my symptoms have mysteriously flown away


Sitting at the doctors don’t  know what to say

I hate being here I want to run away.



Sitting in the doctors room

Feeling full of gloom

He is taking my blood pressure and listening to my ticker

Monitoring my pulse , blue peg on my finger see the number flicker.


Sitting at the doctors don’t  know what to say

I hate being here I want to run away.


Walking out the doctors room feeling much relieved 

It was a simple muscle strain and not a heart attack as I had believed !

Walking out  the door of the doctors surgery

Suddenly  the long walk home  is no problem to me.  🙂  



Can I stir your Emotions!


Can I write  words that stir  your emotions

Can I steal your heart and demand your devotion.

Could  ever I inspire you to cross the ocean

Carefully spiking  your drink with a love potion .

Weeping softly at life’s sad trickery

Wending slowly away from all types of frippery

When it is the sad slow decent of life it is slippery

Waving around on life’s dangerous  periphery .


Inspired  by Opinionated Man  from his poem from an iphone.

JusJoJan: Play for the Devil


Play for me, said he
Play for me well and I will set you free.

Tired was she of forever practicing scales
Tired was she of the crowd and their appreciative hails.
Tired was she of forever moving on to the next town.
Tired was she of having no roots, and never settling down.

Play for me, said he
Play for me well and I will set you free

Stunningly beautiful was she,
The top of her profession she was set to be.
Acclaimed and always the star of the show
The world at her feet up was the way she would go.

Play for me, said he
Play for me well and I will set you free.

Tempted, tempted was she
By dark cloaked figure who promised to set her free.
What would you want as payment she demanded to know
What would it cost to rest, from her shoulder’s this mantle to throw.

Play for me, said he
Play for me well and I will set you free.

What is your freedom worth to me
Let me think this over very carefully.
A moments silence then he said with a sneer.
Your talent young lady your nimble fingers my dear.

Play for me, said he
Play for well and I will set you free

Closing her eyes she thought for a while
The idea of freedom filled her head and made her smile.
I shall do it, I shall do it cried she
For she longed to be normal,she longed to be free.

Play for me, said he
Play for me well and I will set you free.

Fine he said as he took her violin and her bow.
He touched her hands and head then he bid her to go.
Of a sudden she was fearful, yet why she did not know.


Play for me, said he
Play for me well and l will set you free

I can’t, I can’t cried she
What have you done,what have you done to me.
Nothing that you did not ask me to do
Beware what you wish for, in case it comes true.



1. It’s never too late to join in, since the “Jot it” part of JusJoJan means that anything you jot down, anywhere (it doesn’t have to be a post) counts as a “Jot.” If it makes it to WordPress that day, great! If it waits a week to get from the sticky note to your screen, no problem!
2. If you write a JusJoJan post on your blog, you can ping it back to the above link to make sure everyone participating knows where to find it.
3. Write anything!
4. Have fun!


JusJoJan : Mae and Polar Bear : 19/01/14

http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_maskcmiJyC1rwbpxs.jpg the Winter Queen and Little Mae

As rooted  to the spot  they stood

Man, Fairy all akin bound in brotherhood!

The sight before them enough to freeze  the soul

Was this  what they had come to claim was this truly the goal?



Of a sudden a roar of hundreds horns

Broke the dark night’s silence like the breaking of a thousand dawns.

A shaft of light hit the castle walls  and out  from every orifice demons and devils crawled.

They  came even though they shielded their eyes for they did not like the light  .



A moment of shock, then Ewen recovered  his voice

Line up  my men and elves line up  we fight  we have no choice!

Mae  shivered at  the thought  that Polar Bear lay close to death

And her kin was that Castle yonder within, out of touch yet in a hair’s breadth !



Inside the castle behind thick walls the evil witch of the East sat in an empty hall

Though the arrow slits  she saw Ewen’s army she willed  Ewens’ men to fall.

And the men loyal to the Winter Queen she cursed, her spite made her ugly.

She crossed the room and wove a spell over the sleeping  boy so he’d never be free.





Post on your site, and join Just Jot it January. The rules are easy!

1. It’s never too late to join in, since the “Jot it” part of JusJoJan means that anything you jot down, anywhere (it doesn’t have to be a post) counts as a “Jot.” If it makes it to WordPress that day, great! If it waits a week to get from the sticky note to your screen, no problem!

2. If you write a JusJoJan post on your blog, you can ping it back to the above link to make sure everyone participating knows where to find it.

3. Write anything!

4. Have fun!


JusJoJan: Meeting in the rain.


Hello, hello I said

He stopped and turned his head

Our eyes met a thousand questions left unanswered.

So long since we last met .

The rain fell hard

Yet I could not feel it, my heart so scarred

Not a word from you, you left me high and dry

Gone without a word nothing left to do but cry.


Your face said it all

Not wanting  to see me, you threw up a wall so tall

Cut so deep I thought my heart would stop

“Sorry my mistake” I said, “I don,t know you” I smiled. I watched as  your jaw dropped


Sorry feeling a tad low so it is time for my  favourite  cheer up  songs !

They  must be played over and over  and as loud as possible and must  be accompanied  by  stupid dancing!!



and  before I go to  bed I have to thank Lindaghill   for awarding  me


Which I am sorry to say I cannot accept as I have stopped accepting awards  due to lack of time on my part. I do  however appreciate awards if I receive them  so please  do visit  LindaGhill  


1. Thank the person who nominated you.

2. Share 7 things about yourself.

3. Nominate 15 bloggers.

4. Notify the nominees.

5. Put the logo of the award on your blog.


JusJoJan: What are we doing?


If this offends you look away, you may

Not like what I have to show you or what I  have to say.

So many people tapped  in pain and fear

So  many souls asking  us for help loud and clear.


Wonderful people in the evening of their lives

Lonely and neglected, lost souls, lost husbands, lost wives.

Easy pickings  for bullying evil staff

Ignoring their charges, at their pain they just laugh.



Teenagers starving themselves into ghosts

Believing the  thinner  they grow they will be acceptable to the heavenly hosts.

Their parents sins telling on them

Young tortured souls punishing themselves again and again.


Couples caught in merciless arguing rounds

Pulling each other deeper, deeper under ground.

Desperate and  hopeless attacking themselves.

 Cutting  and  bleeding into themselves deeper they delve


What are we doing how can all this come to pass

Blood  being let from veins  by scissors and glass.

Ignored,  neglected, forgotten brushed under the carpet

Look away now, pretend it’s not real. God help you pet.

No? this is none of your  doing? so don’t worry or fret!

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