Tuesday Tanka.

The 24 Seasons Syllabic Poetry challenge for #TankaTuesday is announced for this Winter Solstice season. Both hemispheres, south (summer) and north (winter), participate. Participants are prompted to select seasonal ‘kigo’ words from a list and incorporate them into their syllabic poems, freely shifting between hemisphere categories if required.

This week Colleen said “Happy Yuletide Blessings to you all!

Welcome to the 24 Seasons Syllabic Poetry challenge for #TankaTuesday!

This is the first week of the Winter Solstice season or the Summer Solstice season in the southern hemisphere. The Christmas and New Year’s holidays are upon us! This season is about spending time with your loved ones. Take time off and enjoy your blog vacation. I’ll be here, but not posting every day. I’ll see you when I see you! 🎄

❄️ Northern Hemisphere: December 21 – January 4

On December 21st in the northern hemisphere we experience the shortest day, and the longest night, as the darkest day of the year has arrived. The winter solstice is a time of endings and beginnings. Even as the old year ends, life begins under the snow. The winter solstice celebrates the return of the light. “

“How does this time of year affect you where you live? Think about the seasonal changes. What descriptive words come to mind? If they work to define the season you’re in, add them to your kigo list.”

I have chosen to write an Acrostic Poem Winter Solstice. My Kigo words are Winter Solstice,fallow,cold hands, ice , long nights, taking stock, new life .

Winter’s cold hands embrace the earth
Ice stills up the lakes and streams
Night encroaches on the day
Trees are bare though some have berries
Earth is dying all things lie fallow
Ring out the bells for dying Gaia
Soon to reserrect
Open your doors to friends and family
Leave a place at the table for those gone before
Sing out your thanks and love
Take stock of the old and welcome
In the new …life is one huge
Circle Gaia is dying tomorrow she rises
Earth mother.

A blessed Christmas to you all 💜💜

Ronovan Writes SIJO Wednesday Poetry Challenge #53. Use CONTENTMENT as your inspiration this week.

Ronovan Writes Sijo Challenge Image

We walk hand in hand accepting who we are.
No need to reach for the stars, at one with nature
I’m here for you and you for me we don’t always agree, Yet we have found contentment.


Ronovan Writes #Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt #Challenge 444 DOG and Frog.

Haiku Challenge
Ronovanwrite’s .

Dog and frog.

Croaking from the pond
Ears pricked she barks from the door
Nature’s mismatched friends.

Photo by Lexo Salazar on Pexels.com

This is part of Ronovanwrite’s Weekly Haiku Challenge

Throwback Thursday – #44 – Fireworks Celebrations


This week Lauren has asked us about our memories and feelings about our childhood experiences with fireworks.

1) What are your earliest memories of watching fireworks?

I think I was probably three and I can remember being carried around by my eldest sister. I was wrapped in a blanket, I remember the light and heat from the huge bonfire. The noise and the pretty lights. I remember feeling warm and safe and tomato soup hot and warming.

2) Were you more afraid or excited at the time?

I was excited but mainly I was tired but I remember good feelings.

3) What occasions were celebrated with watching fireworks?

When I was a child it was only Guy Fawkes night Nov 5th ….one of my bothers got married on that date I guess it was a good way of never forgetting his Anniversary!

4) Did you travel to fireworks shows, or did your family have their own, safe and sane explosives?

I don’t remember the family ever traveling to a display. We had a small back garden but our nextdoor neighbours had a huge garden that ran down to the Cemetery…it was huge. Most years we had a party there with a big bonfire that neighbours and friends would spend a couple of days building. There were always lots of people there . Everyone brought fireworks but it was the duty of about four of the men to be in sole charge of the display.
There were always jacket potatoes and tomato soup and usually a pudding too.

5) Did you ever light off illegal fireworks?

I don’t remember ever doing so but I was a scary cat! I remember my brothers would throw “jumping jacks ” around and ‘bangers’ too and that used scare me . I know of several people who were maimed or blinded my rogue fireworks or misshandled usage.

6) Did you typically have a family celebration before the nighttime display? What did it include?

We always had a gathering before we all went next door and often afterwards too. Usually some food, alcohol and drinks for the adults. It was always impromptu and when I was old enough to join in fun!

7) As you grew older, did your feelings about fireworks change?

No, not at all they are fine at a distance and properly organised. I am not keen on big displays …I don’t like, crowds or noise . As our boys got old enough to enjoy fireworks we always, if hubby was around or on my own if he was working, went to the Guy Fawkes night parade from our town centre up to the big field where a bonfire was lit by the Mayor. There was always a fun fair and food and drink stalls. The boys loved it. I was always exhausted when we got back because I had had to pretend it had been fun!

8) Now the thinker: Many places are restricting fireworks now because of the trauma it can cause to pets, young children, and sensitive adults. How do you feel about restricting fireworks?

I totally agree, they should not be on general sale. If you want fireworks you should go to a properly organised display. All too often these days people let fireworks off for birthdays, weddings, parties, New Year’s any old excuse.
Unfortunately these days fireworks sound like guns and bombs and are very unsettling for pets, nervous people and children alike. There is a new reason too we have many Ukrainian refugees staying in the UK there some staying near to us , I doubt they want to hear them a odd times..

This is part of Lauren and Maggie’s brainchild, Throwback Thursday.

Stream of Consciousness Saturday. Ode to 50years marriage.

Badge by Shelley Krupa.

Time for LindaGHill SoCs “Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “ode.” Find a one- or two-syllable word that rhymes with “ode,” or use the word “ode.” Have fun!”

It’s Saturday and hubby and I are celebrating our 50th wedding anniversary today.

Ode to an Anniversary.

Who’d of thought  back on the day
In 1971, so far away
We’d travel lifes tides and make it to this day.
Our children and our grandchildren too
Family , friends yes all of you
Could join us here in celebration
When we can revow our declaration.
Nothing has changed, nothing is new
You love me and I love you. 💜

Our fabulous boys have arranged a lovely celebration meal, with family and friends. Thank you boys, thank you family thank you friends , Thank You Hubby. 💜

Three Things Challenge #353

Welcome to The Three Things Challenge.
For those of you unfamiliar with the challenge, every day Di at pensitivity101 lists three things that may, or may not, be related.
The challenge is to simply read the prompt and see where your creativity takes you, using one, two or all three words in your post. There are no restrictions regarding length, style, or genre apart from keeping it family friendly.
You can use the 3TC, #threethingschallenge or TTC as a tag and the logo if you wish.

Your three things today are:

“Don’t make me laugh” she said, with meaning. “Just look at the state of this dress. It is huge I look like orphan Annie. No one is going to take me seriously looking like this.”
“Don’t worry we can fix that with a nip here and a tuck there we can have you cat walk ready for that interview.” Her friend replied smiling”
Jane laughed, “And my face? Can you do the same for that”
Bridie smiled at her nervous friend thinking never mind the face it the confidence that needs a nip and tuck, but she answered Jane ” Make up hun, just a little make up and you will wow them “

You can join in the Three Things Challenge here.

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