Ovi Poetry Challenge 47: THRIVE is your inspiration.

Deep within Gaia’s womb life stirs
Awakes prepared for what occurs
To grow and thrive amongst the firs
The forest fern is triumphant

Throw at me whatever you will
I shall withstand all and thrive still
I will survive your bitter pill
Smiling as I greet the sunshine

© willowdot21

This is part of Ronovanwrites Ovi Poetry Challenge.

LindaGHill One-Liner Wednesday. Family communications.

Hubby had a doctor’s appointment today , he went early as our reception staff can be very picky if you are even a few minutes late and will send you away….. Not so the doctors you can wait ages to see them with no recourse!

Here are some of today’s WhatsApps between us while he waits and waits!

Hubby: I’ve arrived 🤣🤣

Me :👌
Hubby: Thank you 🥰❤️
Me: 💜
Hubby 10 minutes later: Still waiting 😭
Me: That’s not unusual 😲😞
Hubby: Noooooooooooo😱

Hubby: 🤣🤣🤣🌹

Last I heard he was still waiting at least 20 minutes after his appointment time. 😲

Part of LindaGHill’s One-Liner Wednesday

The Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS May 4, 2024.

Badge by Shelley Krupa..

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “note.” Use it any way you’d like. Enjoy!

There are many … musical notes, 🎶, written notes, high notes and low notes and they are not only musical they can refer to high or low points in your life.

Money can be referred to as notes, you can write a note to anyone even yourself. You can remember noteworthy things, people or books absolutely anything at all. To make a note is to remember.

Would I write a note to a younger me.. No I really don’t think that I would because I don’t believe we can go back in time and change anything. I believe that if we changed anything we would probably make things much worse. To be honest I believe it would do more harm than good. If I knew then half of what I know now I would never make the trip. That said I actually wouldn’t change a thing because I love my family and friends and pets …. My life hasn’t been a bed of roses but who’s is? If anyone tells you they have the perfect life and they wouldn’t change a thing, I am sorry they are lying. So make a note to take Facebook and possibly peoples blogs with a pinch of salt.

So note to self … don’t give in and don’t give up! Never worry about what’s gone…it’s done , no point in worrying about what’s coming because it’s unknown and may never happen. Life is in the now so all you can do your best. …So I have actually made a note for my younger self … but nothing too leading.

This is part of LindaGHill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday.

Ovi Poetry Challenge 41: HOPE is your inspiration.

Photo by R. Fera on Pexels.com

They prayed, yet they were unheeded
Bombs fell they prayed, more was needed.
The strong thrived, the weak were weeded
Light brought hope on the white doves wings.


Ovi Poetry Challenge 40: TRAGEDY is your inspiration.

Picture from Pixabay.

Tradgedy befalls us all true
So we need strength to fight on through
All will pass, skies from dark to blue
The the sun will always rise and set


Just Jot It January 19th January. Tenacious.

LindaGHill’s email arrived this morning with today’s JusJoJan prompt. “Welcome to the nineteenth prompt for Just Jot it January 2024. Today’s prompt was kindly given to us by Cheryl. Thanks so much, Cheryl! Please be sure to visit Cheryl’s blog to read her posts and say hello. And follow her while you’re there if you’re not already.”

Your prompt for JusJoJan January 19th, 2024 is “tenacious.” Use it any way you’d like. Have fun!

I used this story before but it’s one of my favourite stories .

Tenacious Colleague

Inch by inch they moved forward, attached by ropes around their waists. The ice was so cold they could feel it chilling their bones. Carefully watching for any cracks that might appear in the ice, the man at the front of the line signaled for them to stop and listen.

They all did, hearing the ice groaning and over that the tired howling of exhaustion. They all knew what to do. Spread out, those at the front laid down and continued to inch ahead. Those further back held on tight to the ropes securing the tenacious men at the front.They held those ropes tight they would not give an inch or they might slip and drown.

The howling was getting quieter now but no one could give up or relax their efforts. This was a valued member of their team who had saved many of them before.

Then the cry went up “Got her” slowly inch by inch they hauled her out. She was passed down the line across the frozen lake to the shore. As soon as she reached the bank she was wrapped up warmly in a moon blanket. And rushed off for medical treatment.

Later they visited her. Luckily the Vet said she would be fine but this fabulous tenacious dog, part of their team had been within an inch of losing her life! Even so she was soon back working with them again. © willowdot21.

Image from Pixabay

Just Jot it January 14th 2024. Writing

It’s me again, back with your regular daily prompt for Just Jot it January 2024. Our prompt for today is courtesy of Joanne. Thanks, Joanne! Please be sure to visit Joanne’s blog to read her posts and say hello. And follow her while you’re there if you’re not already.

Your prompt for JusJoJan January 14th, 2024 is “writing.” Use it any way you’d like. Have fun!


I used to love writing letters but even more I loved receiving them. Sadly nowadays the art of letter writing is dying, we are all too dependant on electronic mail and mobile communication.

Acrostic Poem Letter

Long distances made smaller
Email or a mobile caller
Time was we only had paper and pens
To cross the miles between friends
Every letter on the page
Really spoke of love,news, even rage


Death writing Life’s Poetry

Image Below found at 

Come in my dears
Watch your step don’t trip on fears
The room is empty and dark
But there’s a scratching, hark!
Slowly accustoming to the lack of light
In the corner theres a curious sight .
Who is this, who can it be ?
It’s Death ( in his civies ) writing Life’s Poetry.
Feel sorry for the Reaper? I agree.
He is exhausted by Life’s demands and quirks
He has to go out collecting the dead but what really irks
Is he has Life’s poems to write,
So his time is not free, right.
Can you hear that shushing sound, Lets see what can be found.
Billions of egg timers set out on shelves .
The sands of time running out on themselves.
I feel sorry for Reaper don’t you agree.
He is always busy now writing poetry and collecting the dead
Plus he now has an apprentice to train and keep fed.
Don’ t you feel a pang of sympathy?
He holds the details of you and me.
Never a moment free,
Not even time for coffee.
He’s very busy as we can see
And I think there is somewhere ,
Anywhere else he’d rather be.
Writing Life’s poetry is hard
No like signing a birthday card!

The Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS Dec. 16, 2023

Badge by Shelley Krupa..

Hello Linda popped into my mail box yesterday and this is what she said:
“Friday is the day, and your Stream of Consciousness Saturday prompt is the game. Sorry I’m late. I slept in, and it was glorious! Here’s this week’s prompt:
Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “bake.” Use it as a noun or a verb, use it any way you’d like. Have fun!”

Bake a cake of love
And mix in friends and loved ones
Kindness is essential
Enjoy on Christmas Day.

Okay that’s a soppy acrostic poem but I do think it would be nice….
I know Christmas can be a nightmare but there are always lovely bits too.
So with a little or a lot of planning things will not go off half baked!
My mum always baked her Christmas cake early November then it sat wrapped up in the pantry getting sozzled as each week she drip fed it whisky! Mum also baked all her mince pies Christmas eve…. My brother’s always tried to pinch at least two while they were hot! Mum was always on guard with a teatowel ready to repel all boarders!

Here is a song about all the awful things that can happen in families at Christmas by my favourite Imogen Heap ….the words are brilliant…. Nothing to do with baking but I love the words they are perfect! Just read them I am sure you’ll of experience some if not all of the situations Immi describes😂💜

This is part of LindaGHill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday


Well today is Tuesday but I was busy yesterday and this morning so I am running late! I popped over to John Holton’s blog and Curious as a Cathy. Well Cathy said. “November is almost gone. Our girl, Marie from XmasDolly, did a stellar job on this month’s themes and she’s closing it out with one more theme suggestion. She wants us to build our music around “thankful songs”

Well I did thank you songs last week so I shall just have to dig deeper. So let’s be grateful for family not only at this time of year but always…I am from a family of six children, there were 9 one died at six months, two were still born and one died nine years ago. I have three sons and two grandsons so yes I am grateful for them all!

© willowdot21. Some but not all of the gang

.. So first up the Pointer Sisters.

This second song “Tiny Human” was written by Imogen Heap about the birth of her daughter Scout. Imogen found the birth and new motherhood harder than she expected. She wrote the song to share her experience and let other new mothers know they were not alone and that celebrity made no difference to coping with motherhood . I can concure with that I found it hard to cope when I was a new mum . The photo below is me with our eldest, second on the way, my beautiful mum and her dog Steve.

© willowdot21

My father’s eyes by Eric Clapton reminds me of my wonderful father.


Then, Daughters for those of you who have daughters, I lost mine during pregnancy, my wise mum told me I’d fill my house with boys looking for a girl…. She was right 💜


Thids beautiful song needs no explanation appreciate your fathers and mothers. By the way James Blunt’s dad survived his illness.

A song close to my heart by John Lennon, I have three sons and three grandsons. You can enlarge the photos by clicking on them . Spot our Beautiful Ruby, sadly gone, in the photos with the grandchildren so grateful for Ruby.


He ain’t heavy but the Hollies goes for all my brothers and sisters.


Teach your children well goes for children and grandchildren.

Yes I am grateful for family… Thank you.

I am most grateful too to my hubby we’ve been together for over 52yrs.

Monday’s Music Moves Me is sponsored by MarieCathyAlana, and Stacy, so be sure and visit them, where you can also find the Linky for the other participants.

Ovi Poetry Challenge 12: PASSING is your inspiration.

An Ovi for a sadly missed sister. The photo below is the two of us together , I have my old camera with me.

© willowdot21

The passing of the seasons
Gentlely denoted by bird songs
Slipping away like loved ones
Nothing ever lasts forever.

We were always together
Joined mentally forever
Death was cruel and cut our tether
Like a breeze I felt your passing

Time passages through day and night
We slip through this realm into light
Sun follows Moon in endless flight
We feel the breath of those passing.


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