
This is my chance to display my poetry and pros . In a way it is mainly for my own expression of the pent up feelings and stress that usually pins me into a corner on a daily basis! My profile tells you all you need to know about me , my poems and stories, I think tell you even more. I hope you can enjoy my work, feel free to drop in at any time you are always welcome.

Crossing the bridge

I am the mum of three boys all now grown and flown to live their own lives. Luckily they do keep in touch and visit often. I now have two beautiful grandsons.

When I started this blog I had not long come home from hospital after an accident in which I broke my back. I was in hospital for a month and had three operations.

It has taken me a long time to recover, I am still recovering but every day my body is getting stronger.It has taken a huge toll on me mentally I had to retire early on health grounds, I had to come to terms with finding out people I thought were friends were not. I had to make a new life for myself. Things I could do easily have become difficult.

Writing poetry and prose has helped me a great deal, in fact I think it has saved my life.

651 thoughts on “About”

  1. From the bit I have read. WILLOW21, you have an AMERICAN FAN 4LIFE. Know, I will always support your works. I hope to someday say, I KNOW HER…:0) PEACE DARLIN!~

  2. poetry and prose, they are a gift, only those few capable souls dab in this mysterious art and continue to inspire us readers. you have that gift in abundance and you wield it like a weapon to inspire and a symbol to awe. the few of your posts i read set me in awe. you are truly talented and worthy of the gift. keep writing, i would be visiting again to drown myself in your mysterious words of art.
    btw thanks a lot for visiting my blog and tirelessly commenting on it.

      1. Hi Willow, Why on earth would a visitor to your site be password protected? I am not trying to be a problem, but I don’t understand this at all, and it makes me not even want to visit the site. I like your writing, but what is this about?

      2. Hello Anne I am sorry I am doing a review for Geoff Le Pard and I have protect the post so he can check it out first. The password only applies to that one post. It will be public as soon as he has seen it. The password is lepard1234 feel free to use it. I am sorry I did not mean to cause offence 💜💜💜💜

  3. Yes I will call in whenever I wish,
    as you know, Vampires do that 🙂

    Have a wondrously fine day
    and a wicked evening also 🙂


      1. I have just read your profile my friend, those that left you behind are not true friends and through this great struggle you have found the most beautiful of those, sometimes life throws one hell of a dice, and living through the tortures and the excruciating pain as a result is indeed a hardship, at first everything seems inaccessible, out of reach, crushed by fate and yet with a noble heart and a yearning to push the boundaries almost beyond capability there is that real hope, and a genuine reason to look forward, to flourish and to reach higher than ever before.

        I don’t know you very well yet but I can see from your profile that you have started that journey, and are overcoming your fears, taking on the world and winning, yes there are those hard times still lurking in the shadows but you are strong and ready to push your positive energies to the fore, and your writing is the vehicle in which to excel, and from what I have read of your work so far you are certainly doing just that my friend, so keep that sparkle and that liveliness flowing through your lovely words and nothing can stop you from reaching your goals.

        Be very well my new friend…

        Androgoth Xx

  4. Thank you again for your encouragement , I mean that, I am amazed to find that people like my words, I am also delighted. As to friends yes that was a very painful lessen but it had to be learned. I did write a poem about that it is called Diamonds in the dust. I am honoured that someone with your talent reads my work. Be well and be happy.

  5. You have a gifted way with words that can touch the deepest parts of the human soul. Your poetry is so real to me. And thank you again for dropping by my own blog. I also ADORE the picture you have above there. Did you create it yourself? I’ve been sitting here staring at it for ages! Xx Lily

    1. Thank you for your kind words I am short on time tonight and events in the “the real world” are demanding my attention for a while. As soon as I am able to get back here I shall answer your comments in full. As for my art work I have used Google images. So until be well be happy and power to your pen x willotw x

  6. your blog is an oasis of inspiration and dreamy calmness in this twisted blogosphere. your endless talent for bending and shaping words in to creations of beauty unmatched is profound. therefore i nominate you for the Versatile Blogger Award. 🙂

    Versatile Blogger Award

    1. Thank you so much I am truly honoured and I shall comply with the rules that bind this award asap! Please be patient as I have been away and as usual all the jobs that you need to do, do not stop and wait while you are away ..it piles up!! Thank you again.

  7. Hello , thank you for visiting my page , you are most welcome. I am so glad that you like my blog. I look forward very much to having a good read on your blog. I have to go and be in the real world right now but I shall be back later to check your blog out, which if the quick peep I have just had is anything to go on, will be a delightful read. Be well and Happy and power to your pen. XX

  8. Hi Willowdot21…… I’m really happy to meet you and to find your poetry……. I hope you will always continue with your expressions, regardless of the inspiration you find………

    1. Hello again, I stupidly deleted my poetry site (with reason I thought at the time), but now I have realised things and I have changed in my mind set. I will have the site back up by Monday.

  9. Hi. I was awarded the Liebster Blog Award, and you were one of the five blogs I wished to pass the award along to! You can read more about it on my blog. Cheers! Lily

  10. Thank you for visiting my blog, havent seen you liking my post much, i have to find some good post which may suite your taste of reading, but i like your posts they are good and very informative. I enjoy it anyway. Have good weekend.

  11. Very serious introduction, but the dee pee doesn’t fit you for this introduction. That should be a strong one as this one is depicting your weak nature of hiding yourself.

  12. Hi! My goodness, you’ve been busy. I haven’t read all of this yet but I will. I take your point at the top of the page about having an outlet for all the stress we have these days. Clearly you have a fine outlet, well done.

    1. Thank you, I do have a lot to work out and in doing so I have found some stories and poems have popped out too! I have only been doing this for about six months so please forgive any short comings!

  13. first I am in love with the image you used it is really great, I truly like and in love with all u’re post and can’t wait for the next … keep posting … 🙂

  14. I haven’t forgotten about your Vlad stories Willowdot
    and this weekend I will be having a good read of that
    new one my wickedly fine friend 🙂 😉

    Have a fun weekend 🙂

    Androgoth XXx

    1. Dear Androgoth, please do not feel under pressure the story is not going anywhere. It is waiting for you and I am grateful that you can be bothered to check it out for me. xx

  15. Hi Willow,
    Just wanted to let you know I’ve added you to my blogroll (thought I’d already done that!) and also added you to the list of nominees for the “Genuine Bloggers Award”. Sorry it wasn’t included to begin with – I meant for you to be there. (Please see my post from last night – can’t get the “permalink” to post correctly here!)
    Warm wishes to you, 🙂

    1. Hi Betty, than you for nominations and please do not worry whether I am in lists or not we are both here to write. I shall read your, last nights blog with pleasure, thanks for adding me to your blogroll ( Blogroll always makes me smile as it is so close to what we refer a toilet roll as the bogroll!! 😀 ) be well and happy! xxx

    1. Thank you so much Steph for nominating me I already have that award but I shall mention you and thank you on my page and nominate some more amazing bloggers! I am always so grateful, honoured and happy to receive nominations! Than you so much!

  16. It is well deserved, Willow. Your never give up stance to your pain along with your fun attitude to everyone who visits and reads your great poetry and stories.

    I am happy to give you the award, Willow 🙂

    1. Again I say thank you and I am grateful, blushes as she attempts a curtsy, trips and falls forward …Gasp!! Luckily the hero Vlad is in this evening , with a swish of his cape he flies to the rescue saving willow’s extra blushes!! BTW have you met Vlad??xxx

  17. Hello Willowdot,
    I am sorry it has taken me a while to get back here. I am so impressed with your blog and your strong character from reading your profile. I am looking forward to getting to know you more 😀
    May your week be filled with love and laughter,
    Raven xox

    1. Hi Steph and thank you I have already got the Liebster Blog award but I shall thank you for it and nominate some new ( to me ) talents. I am very grateful for the award I am always surprised to be offered them, I mean that honestly I am nor posturing honestly. xx

      1. The pleasure is all mine. After all there is no rule that says you can’t get it more times. I nominated some others who had it already.
        Love Steph

      2. Hello again Steph this is what I love about wordpress we meet such wonderful people and we all have wide and varying talents, prose, poetry prosetry and photography and art! I am happy to be here it has helped me immensely through some very dark times… what my eldest son ( 38yrs) would say Darkside Mum Darkside.

      3. It has helped me a great deal too in forgetting things, well not forgetting I don’t want to, but in getting over things that were very painful and indeed one meets wonderful people.
        Love Steph xx

  18. sometimes i wander, no I wander all the time, LOLs
    I am not lost, I just can’t stand still it seems…
    I am so glad Greatpoetrymhfs reblogged for that is how
    I felt your energy …and how i am here…
    I got stuck on the image you used for you, and so many words
    I heard on the wind…
    I hope you don’t mind, …this was just a small bit…

    I stand naked in my thoughts I take

    each emotional step I fear I will break

    somewhere within I know I am stron

    I just need to find where I belong

    I know I will enjoy wandering through your thoughts you have so eloquently put to words and verse,
    Thank you for sharing such inner beauty, that is so rare these days,
    Take Care….
    You Matter…..

    1. Thank you Maryrose that was such an emotional and impromptu poem, I do open my heart when I write and I can see that you do the same . I am pleased that we have been introduced by Greatpoetrymhfs reblogging she has opened up new horizons for me ..we can tiptoe to the crest of the highest hill and peep at what lies ahead of us! BE WELL AND HAPPY.

  19. Willowdot21, for the simple fact that this is to express yourself from pent up emotions, and your poetry and all. I already like your posts! I read a few lines of one of your posts, and I really liked it!

      1. no problem 😉 i also had time issues right now that’s why the posting of my list is very late.. i haven’t completed the 15 nominees yet ! i might post a follow-up nomination hehe 😉

  20. Thank you for clicking to ‘Follow’ me
    Willowdot I do hope that you are okay
    and enjoying your time here in our
    WordPress, I have just changed my
    theme, well for now anyway, I could
    easily go back to how it was before
    but for the now I will see how it goes 🙂

    Have a sweet Tuesday Willowdot 🙂

    Androgoth XXx

  21. Hi Androgoth I do not know what happened I was always following you then suddenly I was not …. well I am again now !! I like the new theme …. glad to be following you again!! Be happy hugs! 😉

    1. I am following you too but I never receive updates
      for anyone as I have turned off everything that sends
      e mails to my inbox 🙂 It is very nice NOT to have all
      those ridiculously inflated e mail stats, but it does now
      mean that I have to try and keep up manually…

      Sooooooooooo when I am late to add comments, it is
      not just on your Space, it is accross the whole spectrum
      of my friends Spaces 🙂 have a fun evening Willowdot 😉

      Androgoth XXx

      1. Thank you Androgoth yes the email amount can be very daunting when I go away I am astounded by the amount there is to read on my return :-[ I am always delighted to have you visit you just drop by when you can you are always welcome xx

      1. Blush..deep breath and I accept gracefully!! 😉 you are also a guiding light to me I think we all give each other hope to carry on and we give us the chance open up and fly.

      2. Thank you for so much praise. But we do indeed give hope to one another.

    1. Thank you so much for the award, I was more than happy to nominate your blog and you as you are one of my faithful readers and for that I thank you xxx

  22. The reason for that is that I changed my settings ages ago to minimise
    e mails back and forth from WordPress, in fact I don’t receive any updates
    via e mail ever and just use my blogroll to visit, I have no idea when any
    of my friends add a new posting unless I go into my dashboard, but again
    I rarely go into that and just randomly visit Spaces, usually the one’s that
    visit me on a regular basis, but I do try to get over to everyone’s Spaces
    eventually, I do hope that you will be calling back again soon and all you
    have to do to change my username is to go into ‘Links’ and update from
    inside there, just change the 1 to a 3 and that will do it 🙂 😉

    Have a wickedly fine evening Willowdot and have a fun Monday also 🙂

    Androgoth XXx

  23. Thank you Andro I shall make sure I visit you now , I wandered why I never saw any of your work I assumed you were taking a break ! Right Vlad and I shall be visiting very soon!

  24. Hey Willow! Now that I’ve done away with The Secret Burrow, I’m blogging here letterstosylvia.wordpress.com
    Do check it out =D

  25. After reading your response to A Thousand Words, I felt the need to write and tell you that you sound just like me!!! How funny or serendipidous it is. . .After ready “about” you, sounds like me again. . .I have decided to follow for awhile to get to know you better.

    Peace in your world,
    Sandy Ozanich

    1. Hi Sandy glad to meet you. So you, like me need to watch what you say. I am going to throw caution to the wind and follow you too. Two big mouths together.

  26. Thank you for your lovely gift Willow
    and I hope that your Christmastime is
    a very sweet and happy one my lovely
    friend 🙂 🙂

    Oh and be good, but never too good 😉 lol

    Andro xxx

      1. Yes, and me too 😉 🙂
        Be good and naughty…
        Just like Me 😉 🙂 lol

        Andro xxx

  27. Wonderful stuff. I was hoping to fill out a star but see you have already accomplished this. Congrats! Well deserved!!! I have a question maybe you could help me with, what do I do to give out a blog award , If the year has ended? Thanks and big smile!

    1. Thank you Heather you are very kind. As to the question about the award I am not sure I have always been able to pass them on after being awarded them myself . Someone must make the awards up but I don’t know who so I shall see what I can find out and then let you know if I find any info. Be happy and blessed. xxxxxx

  28. Willow have you received my invite, check your email 🙂
    Of course on my return to my Space I will resend it, but
    in the menatime just click on this comment and reaquest
    access to my Space and of course I will let you in 🙂 🙂

    Have a wonderful rest of evening and be wicked 😉 🙂

    Geoff xxx

    1. I hope so, you are always welcome. I am always amazed at the fabulous range of talent hidden here. I hope you will not mind me returning soon to your chambers! I was lucky to stumble upon your page while looking at another’s. Be well and happy!

      1. When you can find time. 🙂
        My pleasure.

        Enjoy the rest of your Sunday..

      2. Sorry to hear. I hope tomorrow is better.
        I can relate, you know I can.
        Should you EVER want to chat, above on my page “How to contact me” Please, feel free, I mean this.
        I can and will speak to anyone I like.
        The offer is always there ok


      3. I kinda knew already.
        I think on here you know who is real, who is fake.
        You, like me are real.

        I am glad we met and connected, really.
        Friendship and the ability to just give a $h1t is an easy art, more should do it in our world.

        Anyway, thank you 🙂
        Please smile and try and and smile more.


  29. I’m in love with that picture. And can’t wait to read your poetry. The short bio has already captivated my interest!

  30. This is lovely, Willow, & very much like my old postcard of that tightrope walking, laying his own string out. Like it.

    Here’s hoping you are well today…

      1. Do OK, Willow, but a wee problem with work. Methinks the blog is outted, and I am viewed in a different light now. Viewed, that is, as of I was 2011 & 2012 (which they didn’t know what I suffered internally – because I just continued on with my duties) – although now is 2013 and I am over all that. Not sure, Willow…

      2. Noeleen the only point is, you need to know that you have moved on. It is easy for me to say but don’t worry about what people think, the only thing is you know you have moved on! I believe in you hun!! xxxx

      1. Yeah, whenever you can. 🙂
        How long till repair out of interest?


      2. Got a lovely light weight just larger than notebook Asus today. It even has touch screen. Our youngest and his wife popped in so he could set it all up for me. Right now it is restoring so later tonight or tomorrow. I shall be grateful the phone is making me boss eyed. 😉

      3. Yeah I hate the net on the phone…
        Asus touch screen. Windows 8 I presume?
        Lucky you..
        I want one now 🙂 lol

      4. Yes windows 8 , the family had all got together and bought me a laptop for Christmas but it broke down so it was money back and get a new one. I am very lucky.

      5. I am scared to install windows 8 into my Machine got a copy here. Not touch screen. I have a touch screen Samsung Tablet 10″…But its Android.
        Let me know what it is like please…

      6. Took me ages to go from XP to W7. Might throw W8 on a laptop, have a look. I don’t like change 😦 lol

      1. LOL!!!
        I am a pc tech…
        Why didn’t I say this..

        >>Idiot here<< lol

      2. lol…Go top left. name of your blog, highlight, comments….Some end up there, directly to you. As well as the Orange Quote top right.Saves going through every email. Works for me.

      3. No problem x
        And I am about to read your blogs. Just getting my Daughters to sleep x

      4. Yeah. I enjoyed my half a day with an empty house today, but then enjoyed it when the house was full later on. My 4 kids (2 boys 19 and 21) and Daughters (2 and 3) All keep me on my toes. But I teach them as I was taught. My Daughter just bring tears of laughter to my eyes, my sons I am proud of…

        A good busy. I knew you knew that though.. x 🙂

      5. I am the same age as your middle son, lol.
        Yeah I love it when they are all here. It is a busy house and a happy house.
        The only pisser (Sorry to swear) is my pain. There are days I hide away. But my family get it.So they understand and help. But it gets me down.
        But hey, I just move on and help others who maybe need help in the same way. I really enjoy debate and speaking to people. And having fun. Like you.
        And my answers are blogs 🙂 lol

      6. 😉 old enough to be your mum! I get the pain thing some days I despair too my lot understand luckily. All we can do is our best. I think that by reaching out with our blogs we can help not only others but ourselves. Be happy that’s our aim 😉 cc

      7. I follow.
        I went from 48 tablets a day (12, four times a day) to 12 tablets a day. (3, four times a day)
        The pain never changed and I feel like I woke up from a slumber. I mentioned this before. Some days I need to take 24 tablets. But by the end of the year, I will be off the lot. And try something else. These pills are poison. The side effects are killer.

        And yeah. blogging, I do it because I enjoy it, I need to share (badly, I don;t know why) And there are some really cool debaters on here who I speak to on other Social Media platforms.
        Love debate. Not arguments, through logic or anything, lol..Good old fashioned debate.

        Keeps the mind alive…

        The clocks went forward an hour here in the UK today, So it is 4:52am, where my main clock is showing 3:52am…
        Lucky my PC is clever. 🙂

      8. You were up late! Yes decreasing the tablets is hard and must be done slowly. I have found my pain is worse but I am not giving up. I find it makes me very edgy and I get depressed very easily … that is where you and the guys and gals on wordpress come into your own.Blogging lifts me up and gives me purpose and if I can help one person or make someone stop and think then I shall be very happy. Thank you Shaun for your continued friendship and support …. even if I am old enough to be your mum!! 😉

      9. Yeah I slept a day after being up almost two again. I lose track. Lack of medication is making my body not want to sleep, it is used to the medication. But I feel better in terms of “Me” the depression is slowly going away and I feel less dependant on the medication. Although some days I need more. I will get of them.

        And age has no barrier on friendship. I know people aged 30 who act 10 years old and people 30 who talk way beyond their years. So for me, its about the person, age is just a number.

        And the word press family life me also.
        Well said


      10. I hardly sleep I am sure t due to the painkillers… they are plain killers!! You and I will get there. Yes age is just a number, I am 20yrs in my head !!Try to sleep tonight!!

      11. I doubt I will sleep tonight. I slept 20 hours and awoke at 6PM after being up a day. I need to sort this, and I will.

        And yeah, age is just a number, the ability to talk and debate as an adult is the key, And if we had not shared ages etc. Would we know of an age difference? perhaps not. lol

        Thank you as always

    1. Hi Shaun thank you so much for this lovely award. I shall have to do it this evening or tomorrow as I am out today and after a bad night I truly wish I had a quiet day at home ahead of me instead. Hey ho. I am aware I let one award you gave me slip but I give you my word as a Celt I will do this one. Have a good day 😉 hugs x

      1. I take a “Celt” at their word. As always.. 😉 lol
        At your leisure..

        Shaun x

      2. And your bond is your word..

        So a Celtic fan are you?
        Who is your favourite player?
        What is our best value signing in the last 3 seasons?
        Would Lenny be ok, had we not been in the CL this year…

        lol 😉
        Shaun x

      1. AHHH!!!
        But I knew, that you knew I knew you knew I knew you knew I know,,,,,,,,,,,,,

        no, wait…em,,,,ahhhh 😦

  31. Hi there! Thanks for liking some of my posts and hence encouraging this new blogger to keep scribbling her thoughts! Even More thanks to draw me to your blog. I find such pleasure while reading it! Beautiful words…! God Bless you! 🙂

  32. I vowed to remember our reading promises to each other….and this is a way of keeping that memory alive – nominating you as a wonderful team member, even if you do not accept such things, I just want to say how much I appreciate your kindness to me, and to everyone actually…..http://writingthebody.wordpress.com/

  33. I got your email Willow-Dot but don’t worry
    everything will sort itself out soon, there are
    a number of glitches around here but surely
    those will be rectified soon 🙂 I hope 🙂

    Have a lovely rest of evening
    and a wonderful Monday also 🙂

    Andro xxxx

    1. Hi Richard, thank you so much for the award for which I am most grateful and honoured that you thought of me. As you may be able to see I did accept awards but due to pressure from the “real world” means that I have limited time and so I say thank you but I cannot accept. But thank you so much for thinking of me.

  34. Thanks for visiting my blog Willow, welcome.
    I think you’re very brave and so positive, just keep on writing, you’ve a great blog! 🙂
    I find writing poetry and photography so healing and love being part of the wordpress community.

    1. I love the blog community too and poetry has really changed my life, save it even!I am happy to have found your blog and even happier that you are visiting mine too. xx

  35. Hi there 🙂 Thanks for stopping by my blog. It is my pleasure to visit you and I’ll see you around 🙂 Thanks for the blessings 🙂

  36. Hi Willow Sorry I haven’t been on for a time was with out a computer 2 and half years or so this is roaddog23 it is a shame we can’t wish our pain away if you don’t mine me asking your pain isn’t from aL5DRG IS IT
    Paul Wright

    1. Hi Paul glad to hear from you I hope all is well and you are living life to the full. I remember you from lastfm . I was not sure what you meant by ” if you don’t mine me asking your pain isn’t from aL5DRG IS IT” my pain is from a back injury for years almost now. Thank you for wanting to wish it away we all wish that but we can at least wave and say hi and make contact through the blogasphere! Be well and be happy!

  37. I meant you’re pain Willow my pain come’s from warn out c1 in my nack and my pain
    feels like some one is sticking a nife between my c1 and my skull and shoulders some time’s nice to hear from you Willow oooooxxxx Paul

    1. I see Paul sorry mine comes from T12 to L3 L1 and L2 broken but pinned T12 to L3 . I am so sorry that your pain is so bad . All we can do is get on with life as they say keep on keeping on! xxx

      1. hope you are well to day and out and about doing what you like to do always loved reading you’re peorty on here very lovely Hus &sweetkisses to you Paul

  38. Nice to meet you and thanks for liking my post. I’m so glad to read that your body is getting stronger every day. I too had to retire on health grounds, but that was back in 1993. I lost some friends for the simple reason of not being able to follow them in their social activities. Writing poetry and prose and taking photos has helped me too in dealing with many difficult issues. Quite often I write silly poetry to cheer myself up. Your blog is very nice and deserves all the awards you’ve received. I’m afraid I don’t do awards, too time consuming.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, friends true friends always stay others drift in and out of my life. Like you I found that out the hard way .. it does not hurt anymore. Yes poetry is a life saver. Please be well and happy 😉 and we will speak again soon.xx

  39. Sisterhood of the world bloggers award
    Yes you are being Awarded this by a man
    Below is my reasons:

    I ask in the name of FUN and good manners you accept!
    If you have this already, put it up again and add this:
    “I got this from a man called Shaun”
    😀 I think this would be good fun..

    So I award you the “Sisterhood of the world bloggers award”
    Please accept x Award Below!

  40. Hello Willow, happy new year! I wondered if you’d thought anymore about joining in with the Tallulah Devine project as Cammilla the Spaniel? It woudl be great to have you as part of our creative project. Just e-mail info@dsnelson.co.uk if you are 🙂

    1. Yes that sounds like a more sensible approach we all made massive efforts to get the themes out on time even when we have had massive commitments in the real world. Yes definitely a

  41. Thank you for stopping by to visit, and for liking Miss Priss. Writing is indeed great therapy for whatever may be ailing, and I wish you all good things with yours. It looks as though you’re well on your way though Keep at it! 🙂

  42. Willow, Johnny, Deborah, Kate

    As the musical themes idea has evolved beyond the comfortable reach of some of us, and for now, anyway, some of us again have access to the resources that make it possible to have fun with this sort of thing, I am letting you know there is a “new” version starting with the first “new” blog posting Thursday, February 20, 2014. Rather than Music Themists we shall call ourselves CRITICALLY CONFUSING CRYPTICS or CCC .

    Bear has chosen the first subject (theme) MAYA माया which fits quite well with our handle. Eva will pick for Thursday, February 27, 2014 . We shall have some fun!!! er, barring unforeseen circumstances, which we shall detour around, again, if need be. 🙂

    Critically Confusing Cryptic Bear
    Critically Confusing Cryptic Eva

    1. Yes it does look very dramatic when I see it in black and white but it is true. You find the same true of yourself 😉 we are lucky we found out it is a saving grace before it was too late. xxx

    1. Hi Jenni sorry I can’t do awards I get nagged enought for the amount of time I spending writing so I just can’t do awards. I am however very grateful for the nominations!! xx

      1. No problem – they take up a lot of time, it took me weeks to get around to these ones. Take care. Jenni

  43. I saw your replies on OMs blog, Your words and imagery are strong. For me, I run three blogs, and am currently searching deep within to follow my heart’s true path inn life

  44. Very moving “about page”…yes, poetry and prose may save life, it’s true! Thanks for sharing your the courage and sincerity that make your blog so beautiful! Kind regards from France, FGM

    1. Hi Fozzy (hope I can call you that) thank for the award I am most grateful but I don’t do awards anymore but I will pass the award on and mention you. Be well and happy. xxxx

  45. Wow- I had 4 hip surgeries and 13 hospitalizations and can say exactly what you said- I found out who my friends were. God bless you .

    1. Hi Vef I had noticed your absence but its good to know your are around I am honoured you like my poems ect. I am exstreemly grateful that you are not going to nominate me for any awards. Keep well and happy.

    1. Dear Helen I am so pleased that you enjoy my poems. I do not want to be rude but I no longer accept awards I am however very grateful for your nomination. xxx

      1. Not rude at all, Willow, as I realize it is purely voluntary. It was a rather laborious process, so I totally understand. If you just keep writing, I’ll be happy! 😉

  46. Parts of your “about” page saddens me so I’ll howl to the spirit to bless your ongoing recovery to be healthy and happy.
    Other parts of your “about” page makes me howl to the fucking moon. I felt your strength and courage and am happy you found poetry or rather poetry found you. Regardless, it’s the right medicine to heal, feel and love.

    Thank you for following me with face licks and I look forward to visiting your woods M’lle.



    1. I am grateful that have taken the time to read my about page. I am moving forward to being healthy and happier every day, like everyone I have the odd set back! Poetry has saved my life . I know I shall be safe in your woods my Lupine Friend! xx

  47. Ni hao Willowdot 21,
    I am chuffed that you liked my rather gruesome post (my posts are not usually so dark). I’ve been brousing through your blog which has been a real treat, I’ll be back! Hope you will visit me again – you will be very welcome. Zai jian (which is Chinese for ‘Au revoir’!) Herschelian.

  48. “Writing poetry and prose has helped me a great deal, in fact I think it has saved my life.” Ohhh the great wonders of loving and making art! 🙂

  49. Thank you for your visit to my blog and for liking my post, “Soul, Spirit, Heart and Mind,” all of which you share here with your readers….John H.

    1. Thank you so much for your nomination I am sorry but I have to decline as I no longer accept nomination but I am grateful that you thought of me. Also I am sorry for not replying before but you were in my spam File!! I am glad I checked. Have a great week. xxxx

  50. After our quick exchange on my little blog I thought I should come on over here and see your own corner of the blogosphere. This about page says a lot and I sense a person who is awakening to who they really are. You are a good person, that I do know. Now allow me to see little more. MM 🍀

    1. Thank you Nichole it has really helped me I urge you to keep writing. Thanks for your kind words its like exchanging a warm smile or a wave.xxx

  51. Hi there! I just wanted to say that you have an incredible blog, and that I find your writing and poetry to be insightful, refreshing, and apt.

  52. Hi Willow,

    I have recently been nominated for the Liebster Award. As a result, I am to nominate five other bloggers with under 3,000 followers.
    I would like to nominate you. I think you have a brilliant, truly inspiring blog that I enjoy to follow. I will post a new blog post tomorrow with the details.

    xo P!

  53. Hi Willow,
    I know you moderate all your comments – feel free to delete this one. I can’t include your entry in my contest because it says “Wordless Wednesday,” not One-Liner Wednesday. Is it too late to change it? I love the design, by the way! 😀

    1. Sorry Linda what a twit I am I shall change it now can you delete my link I shall do it again . The mistake arose because I had just done a Wordless Wednesday for tomorrow!!!:)

      1. Easy enough mistake to make. 🙂 I’ll take your links off.
        I’m so glad you’re entering the contest! I always worry that no one will bother…. 😛

      2. The only reason I have not tried before was lack of confidence you do so much for us it is good to do a return favour!! :)…..helps if we think first though!! xx

  54. Hi Willow! Glad to have discovered your blog. I now exactly what you mean about finding out who your friends are after an illness. Thank god for poetry and prose, and art, and nature. Pleased to meet you, Marina

  55. Wow, I’m so sorry to hear about your fall and the circumstances afterwards, however we would not be able to get to know you nor enjoy your creative writings had that not happened. I know it was a terrible thing and left you on a new path but perhaps you will love this path and it will help you heal both physically and emotionally and you will be even better than before. I just read your SOCS story and it was exciting, I look forward to reading more posts, I’m now going back for more!! Many blessings to you! 🙂

    1. Hi Deb thanks for reading my about and for the follow , I was really hoping to get over to your place today but the real world keeps interrupting me!! I will be visiting as soon as possible!! xxx

      1. Oh no worries. My internet has been down all day again today, and there saying it won’t be back until tomorrow at 5 pm…I’m using my smartphone right now but don’t want to use up all my data so I have to go back offline…so I totally understand the real world interruptions!! I’ll be here whenever you find a moment, no stressing! 😊 xo

  56. It is a great experience to go through your pages. The ‘about’ part was of real concern, though it happens that you have moved forward . . Best wishes on your journey-

  57. How are you now? I hope your health is much better & Stronger. I am in my 20s and I have been sick often. Love your honesty and the naughtiness with which some of your posts are written. You feel like someone in their 20s let alone mother of 3 grown up men. Love your writing, keep it up.

    1. Thank you Hemangini for reading my about page . I am improving, lots of Pilates positive thinking. I think I am about 25yrs in my head! Thank you again for your kind words, I am pleased you enjoy my poetry. 🤗

  58. Have always liked your poetry Willow, and some of your posts really make me think.

    Been thinking about your sister lately though and wondering how she is. I can’t remember her blog name to follow through. Please pass on my thoughts to her.

    1. Hello, thank you for your lovely comments, if you would like to visit my sister’s blog it is called My Blog and the hrl is https://tesscol.wordpress.com/ things are getting harder for her and her husband is blissfully unaware of most things.. though you can see it’s scary for him too. Do visit she would like that 💜💜

      1. It a pleasure, I love your blog too and always happy to chat 💜 I wish I could be nearer Tess but I support by phone as much as I can 💜💜

      2. Mum lived with my sister until last September, and we visited when we could, but it was a long and tiring journey, especially as we had to do it in a day. I don’t think my sister had any concept of how difficult it was for us to travel as she never visited us, so never had to do it. My support were my letters, and when Mum was able, having her for holidays. We do what we can when we can. I’m glad Tess has family close and hope she can get the professional help she needs.

      3. It’s so hard looking after someone with dementia. Tess appreciates any support. She has her daughter’s family and two of her son’s close enough to help and we all encourage her to have professional help too. 💜

      4. My sister moaned at everyone instead of the professionals who could have helped to make things easier with getting Mum into respite more often and on a regular basis. Mum was stubborn and didn’t want to go ‘on a holiday’, but when she went, she had a wonderful time.

      5. It’s amazing isn’t it,people can be so stubborn as to simply cut their noses off to spite their faces. My sister says her husband won’t go for respite but she hasn’t even tried yet.💜💜

      6. With Mum, I think she was afraid she wouldn’t be allowed to come home. However, my sister was ill and she had no choice though it worked out well. My sister is equally stubborn, but does not handle stress well, so there was a lot of friction when we visited. I hope your sister doesn’t leave it too late to get the help she needs. It does make a difference, and the sufferer gets a lot out of it too as they are stimulated, to join in the activities, something my sister did not do for my Mum. I’m not knocking my sister’s care of my Mum, but the stress involved could have been reduced had she pushed for help from the professionals instead of moaning at everyone else.

      7. I totally understand that it’s a very delicate area. Matters are not helped by her low spirits due to lack of rest or sleep.💜

    2. I hope I sent a reply with sister’s address but I got distracted so at the risk of repeating myself. .. Hello and thank you for your kind comments. My sister’s blog is called My Blog and it’s hrl is https://tesscol.wordpress.com/ She would love you to visit the blog. Things are getting a lot harder for her and her husband. You can see at times a frightened scary look in his eyes sometimes then at others he seems blissfully unaware. My sister is struggling but she has family near and happy to help. Hope all is good with you and yours 💜💜

  59. Hey.! 😊🌷
    Pleased to know you.😊 I wish you a healthy and beautiful life ahead. Amen💞
    Actually, I found a way here through someone’s blog. Your blog seems amazing and gives a positive vibe…Now FOLLOWING AND LOOKING FORWARD TO EXPLORE YOUR BLOG MORE.😊

  60. Heyyyy its the honeymooners from Mexico! We just wanted to send you a little message to say thank you again for bringing some extra sunshine into our holiday, it was so lovely meeting you!We are still talking about our encounter with you guys and how wonderful it was!The Banana Daiquiri helped ❤ We hope both of you had a fabulous rest of the week and got home safely (and on time, our plane was delayed by almost 2 hours? WHHAT?)…I haven't got my blog yet but it will happen shortly and you will be the first one to know 🙂 🙂 🙂 Have a beautiful beautiful rest of the bank holiday weekend and give our love to your husband as well! Warmest wishes and sunshine, from Us ❤ xx

    1. Hey there you too it’s wonderful to hear from you . You made our holiday special too it was great fun meeting you both. The rest of our holiday was fantastic but we did miss you two! OMG two hours delay just what you don’t need after a lovely holiday . What a fantastic Bank Holiday weekend this we have had family round today hope you are having a good one too. I look forward to seeing your blog and I will reblog you and introduce you to my blog family 💜🌹💜. It’s great to hear from you both do keep in touch love from us both too 💜💜💜💜

  61. Hi Willow,
    You and I have been around for many years, but I’m just now reading your ‘about’. Betty is a great friend, which is where I’ve seen you before. Anyway, I’m so sorry to read about your accident, but was glad to read that your strength is building. Poetry and writing can definitely be tools for healing and it’s wonderful they have worked for you. I look forward to reading your work. Take care, Lauren 💗

  62. Hi Willow, I’ve seen you for so long, but just stopped by your About. I was retired early due to recovering from a stage IV melanoma cancer 9 years ago. It took me years to gain some energy back. I still have chronic lymph-edema on my left leg, wear a compression stocking every day. I only have the energy for half a day. But I’m grateful to be living. Good to read about you.<3

    1. Hi Miriam you have had a long journey too. I applaud your bravery cancer really saps your energy. I guess putting the compression stockings on can be a struggle because they are so tight! I am glad you are making progress and glad to be alive. Being grateful for life is half the battle. I wish you well and happy.💜💜

      1. Thank you, Willow. Is your back completely heal? My husband had major spine surgery 5 years ago, 6 titanium screws, but he is doing fine right now. ❤ ❤

      2. Hi Miriam I am so much better, I do suffer with pain though and there is a possibility that my back might get worse but I am determined to keep fit and mobile. It’s taken a while but I am finally pain killer free. I was a addicted to Gabapentin and Tramadol. Pill free but not quite pain free…. I would not have it any other way. I am as pleased for your husband’s recover as I am for yours.💜

      3. I’m sorry that you still have pain. I think it zaps the energy. Yes, our determination makes a difference. I’m taking Gabapentin right and Lorazopam at night. I don’t have to take Gabapentin, it just takes longer to fall asleep. The Lorazopam is habit forming drug. I couldn’t go off of it. I tried, but my mind was wide awake. During one vacation, I forgot to bring it. I didn’t sleep for the whole vacation. ❤

      4. Yes that is the trouble with all these medications the are addictive and after a while it takes over your body and you need it just to feel normal. The doctors hand them out like sweets! It has taken me years to get free of them . It’s a fine line . 💜

      5. Yes, that was how I got cancer. I took the combination of estrogen and progesterone for more than ten years and I got cancer. I did’t read the labels. The doctor kept giving refills. Time went by and nobody was counting.
        One night I took two Gabapentin (several hours apart) and I didn’t need Lorazopam. So far Gabapentin is not addictive to me. I’m thinking about taking Gaba to get off Larazopam. I’m just htinking out loud. ❤

      6. Everyone is different, you may need advice from your pharmacist or doctor to help you switch or cut down on tablets doing too quickly can make you very ill, as I can attest. But if you do decide to change your medication I wish you well. I am sorry you got the cancer from taking those pills , I have heard of that . Be well and happy.💜

    1. Hi, yes healing really is a good way to express my blogging experience. I started off the blog writing about my feelings and pain..
      Basically a ‘poor me blog’ thankfully I have grown out of that and hope that my blog is now honest, sad at times but happy too. I am much better now though never pain free but I know how to cope now 😀💜

  63. Heyyyy! Its me again, Sarella from Mexico! ❤
    I hope you are doing well and enjoying the cold Christmas season so far! brrr
    Just sending you lots of Love and letting you know that I have finally started blogging toooooo yaaaay! Thank you for all your help and tips earlier on this year!
    I would be delighted if you'd pop by!
    Lots of love and snowy winter sparkles to you 🙂
    Sarella x

    1. Hi Sarella it’s so lovely to hear from you again! I delighted that you are in touch and that your blog is up and running. I shall definitely be over to check it out. We went back to Mexico last month to the same place and it was lovely. We hope you and your man are happy and well and looking forward to Christmas. We will keep in touch now. 💜💜

      1. Oh how wonderful! Chris and I might go back there again one day too, it was just too beautiful there! So glad you had a lovely time! I guess you got enough sun now to take you through the winter 🙂 Have a beautiful Christmas, we will definitely stay in touch now!! isnt the internet a magical place? haha Lots of love and sunshine to you! ❤ ❤ ❤

      2. Definitely go back if you can it is a fantastic place. I am not sure if you can ever get enough sun to see you through our wet cold winters though. Here’s hoping you and Chris have a wonderful Christmas. I am following you now so we can keep in touch. Be well and happy 😉💜💜

  64. Hi Willow. I just listened to ‘Where is all the ice’ – I don’t have a Sound Cloud account so I’m posting here to tell you how beautiful the reading is. It’s a lovely poem and you perform it beautifully.

  65. As a fellow poet and writer dealing with pain and severely reduced mobility, I’d just like to say hello, thanks for the inspiration and keep writing.

    1. Hi if I have already said this I apologize but had a hic up with the phone. So thank you so much for dropping by. WordPress is a wonderful place for meeting people in similar and, of course diverse situations to our own. I am so glad to meet you and I am always happy to chat. If I have truly given you inspiration I am very happy do keep writing , I hope to too. Be well and blessed. 💜💜

  66. Hi, I was wondering whether you fancied taking part in a Tallis Steelyard blog tour 🙂
    It’s simple, I’ll send you the picture and the story and a couple of pictures of the two new novellas plus appropriate burb. You can top and tail it to suit 🙂

  67. Dear Willow, I heard about your accident and the complications. You are in my prayers that everything heals soon and that you can be home soon too! Lots of love💖

      1. I am so glad to hear that. My youngest son once was at a similar point. He had a serious sepsis on his foot and the line already got close to his hollow of the knee. So, I can imagine how scared you were and how necessary it was to act immediately. Again, so glad you are doing better, Willow 💖

      2. Thank you Erika I am so tired that I can hardly type, using one finger on my good side. I hope your lad had no lasting effects 💜💜

  68. Hi Willow, Oh, I am not at all aggravated, etc. I just was trying to figure it out and to also figure out WHICH password as I am signed in on WordPress, so I am assuming that is my password, but then there is this to sign in with another password apparently, and it is confusing. I may be and probably am today a bit dense, I could not get onto your site, I think, without signing in with my password. Maybe just to explain to us newcomers next time, Would this be my WordPress password? How could I get into your site if I had not used my password already? I feel pretty dumb right now but there may still be some little fragment of hope left for even me. Is it because this is also on Facebook or???

    1. I had put a password on the post not the sight and you would need to ask me for the password , I would give it to you. It’s not your password at all. Sorry 💜

  69. Ah ha! I have it. The true vampires can get into places where we mere humans cannot. I have not yet (at least I don’t think so) been bitten by a vampire, or even licked by one to see if perhaps I might be delicious or not, so I guess that must be it. See, give me enough time and I can figure out anything. Chuckles. I do understand protecting a fellow writer’s work though; that makes a lot of sense. Is this book not published yet? No copyright on it? Well, for sure this is not one of my brightest days. Maybe I should send for a vampire to come and give me a small bite. It might help me to be able to think better; I might have an overabundance of blood right now and I guess that would do it. Well, I hope everyone else has a good sense of humor. I do. Hugs and good thoughts, Anne

    1. Thank you Anne, I am like a Vampire tonight, sleep has deserted me and I am distraught . I have to be up early and my head hurts and my eyes are red. You need a Vampire I need Morpheus. The work is all set to go and under copyright I just don’t want to reveal until I know he is happy with it.💜🤣

      1. Boy, thank ewe very much!!! I thought I was perhaps daft or something, and who knows, I still may be, but at least not because I didn’t know the secret word. Much better. I guess it’s a good day after all.

  70. Hi Willow. Just a brief hello and elbow knock from me to say thanks for visiting the inkwell. Your comments to my humble little scribbles have been more than welcome. If there’s anything you would like to see me cover or a poem you would like me to expand on – drop me a line….cheerio for now

  71. Oh my, I’m so sorry about the accident and your serious injury…such experiences, and finding out who the real friends are, can break the heart, soul, mind, as well as the body. I’m glad to meet you here in the safety of mostly goodhearted, supportive blog folk–thanks for visiting my place, and I’ll be back to read more of your posts later 🙂 I will surely keep you in my prayers ❤

  72. Writing is cathartic. I’m so jazzed that you’re here to share your beautiful writing and your journey with us. 🌻

  73. I am intrigued by your experiences. In time, all of us learn that pain is an unforgiving master and the best we can do is find something we love so much that we will do it in spite of the pain.

    Keep on fighting for life! You have so much to offer the world.

  74. Sounds like you’ve had a rough time. Wonderful that you can escape into writing, and it looks like you’ve found support on here. Loved your Mae and Little Bear story. 🙂 🙂

  75. Willow
    I see that you also select pieces of your work, you have a lovely reading voice. I have a podcast where I dramatize stories. I was wondering if you’d let me read vampire’s, the witch and the werewolf over a period of time. It was an incredible read. Full writing credit and publicity to your blog. Are you interested ?

    1. Hi Matt I am grateful that you like the vampires, the witch and the werewolf. …it’s not finished , sort of open ended. I would like to think about this it’s a very tempting offer. 💜

      1. Its mighty long, if I recorded it, it would be in monthly installments and most likely won’t be on the schedule till 2022. But, I loved it from what you wrote so far.

  76. Sadly, I had the same experience when I was diagnosed with cancer, had life or death surgeries and acquired a few more disabilities…people I considered friends turned out to be fair weather friends. Total reality shift. 🙏

    1. I hope you are fully recovered and have your true friends about you. Yes it true when things go wrong, mentally or physically only the few true friends hang around 💜

      1. Same to you, Willow! I made some good friends in support groups at the time and then started my own support group. ❤️

  77. After you mentioned “learning to walk again” in today’s post, I decided to check this page. I usually check it early, but we’ve been back and forth (around the edges) I guess I thought I must have been here before. It sounds like you have been on, perhaps remain on a remarkable journey. I enjoy your poetry and it’s good to know a little more about where it comes from.

    1. Thank you for reading Dan I am still on the journey but so much further down the line . Life always throws curve balls but we can usually cope with them 💜 again HAPPY CHRISTMAS 🎄🎄🎄 and it’s been great to get to know you more this year

  78. Hi Willow,
    I decided to drop in on your site to see if I could add a layer of insight as to who Willowdot really is because you’ve been kind enough to visit my venue and read some of my work.
    Despite being one of the poetry challenged of the world, I’ve learned that poets often make the best friends. They are thoughtful restless souls with profoundly unexpected kinks in their sense of humor.
    You’ve had this bio up for longer than I’ve been blogging so I hope that your back situation has become just a distant memory.

    1. I love the fact that my bio is older than your being on wordpress. I have updated it occasionally and yes my back has improved a great deal, I relearned to walk and I do live a full life now but the pain is still hanging around . I have however learned many ways to defeat and confound it! Poetry, stories and chatting to people really helps. So Gary it good to meet you….that’s one of best things about wordpress….meet people.💜

      1. I too had a back situation not long after I started blogging. I was miserable and thought for a while that blogging was going to become the only thing I could do, if I could just stay seated just right. I was one of the lucky ones though and a simple surgery completely resolved my issue and I’ve not needed or even touched my cane for about 3 years.
        It’s a pleasure to have met and now know you.
        Let’s chat again from time to time.

      2. I do miss the classy feeling of toting it about sometimes, but hated depending on it. And about that Two nations that share one language – – would it not be more true to say, “Two nations fussing with the grammar of one language. . . ?”

      3. I don’t miss stick and only being four foot, ten and half inches I always felt odd with it! Yes indeed I agree fussing with the grammar is more to the point .

  79. Willow, I hope I did your epic vampire,werewolf and witch story justice in my partial reading of it. I posted that this morning.

    1. Hi Matt , we have been looking after the grandchildren all weekend and I have only just looked at my phone …so excited I am off to listen right now …💜💜💜

  80. You are so positive in your approach and have discovered what helps in your recovery and I think that helps. When we accept what has come our way, we cannot change some things, that helps. Regards, Lakshmi

  81. Hi there Willow, …doing the rounds after rejoining WordPress, …you’d have known me as LadyP or Pen, …I’m locked out of my old site (old email>defunct, old mobile >defunct, password>brain defunct😉) …so, starting over, have been just posting now and again, mixing up oldies with newbies poem wise, ….hope you’re doing well, …and life’s a bowl of cherries, ..(not chocolates, love ‘em but can’t leave ‘em )….take care…✨🦋✨🌹✨

    1. Hi Pen yes I do remember you, welcome back. It’s always great to see someone return . Thank you for stopping by to say hi. As you can see I am still here and still standing. I shall follow you again.💜💜💜

      1. And following right back Willow, …it is good to share thoughts and ideas again on WordPress , …I’m a bit limited screen time wise, …eyes are holding me back. (Glaucoma) but I’m not letting it control me too much, …✨🦋✨

      2. It means a lot Willow, … I’ll drop by and enjoy myself taking a tour of your ‘home’ site soon, …just have to rest my eyes for a short time, …I’m never able to just browse on here, …Once started I can’t stop myself…✨😉✨🦋✨

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