Ovi Poetry Challenge 41: HOPE is your inspiration.

Photo by R. Fera on Pexels.com

They prayed, yet they were unheeded
Bombs fell they prayed, more was needed.
The strong thrived, the weak were weeded
Light brought hope on the white doves wings.


The Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS Feb. 10, 2024.Light,Dark and Heavy.

It’s late Saturday and finally I have a chance to sit down and open LindaGHill’s prompt email. Here is what she said. “It’s Friday! And that means I’m here with your Stream of Consciousness Saturday prompt. I’m quite proud of myself so far with keeping up on the blogging. I hope it will last. Here’s this week’s prompt:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “heavy/light/dark.” Use “light” and/or its opposites. Bonus points if you use all three. Enjoy!

Well I have written two poems and I got all three words in both poems so do I get extra points? I called both poems:

Polar Opposites

Polar opposites were they
He the night she the day
He, a fallen angel, dark
She, so light without a mark
They met, the universe exploded.
Ignored the odds against them heavy loaded.
They were never meant to be
Yet could their love set them free. ©willowdot21

Lost souls shattered hearts.
She came from the light
He from the dark depths of
Love and beauty grew in her wake
Sadness and pain followed him,his smile fake
They fell in love
The Angels wept from above
The hordes of hell rebelled
So star crossed were these lovers
Hope was lost by their sisters and brothers.
Some railed against the impossibility
Others prayed for love and pity.
God smiled “They are not ready”
Satan found his heart heavy.
Could she save his soul
Would he devour her whole.
So star crossed were these lovers
Their love was cursed from the start
Light souls dark heavy heart.

© willowdot21

Badge by Shelley Krupa..

Thursday Doors. Another Day.

Welcome to Thursday Doors! This is a weekly challenge for people who love doors and architecture to come together to admire and share their favorite door photos, drawings, or other images or stories from around the world. If you’d like to join us, simply create your own Thursday Doors post each (or any) week and then share a link to your post in the comments below, anytime between 12:01 am Thursday morning and Saturday noon (North American eastern time). If you like, you can add our badge to your post.

Join in at Dan Antion’s No Facilities.

in primo piano – photos

For visually challenged writers, the monochrome image shows an empty corridor with several doors opening in a line, one after the other. These are the type of doors you see in any stately, home, mansion or castle. What secret do they hold!

Above one of the magnificent doors I pass on my way into town.

Below a story about doors.

The early morning light crept along the corridor of the sleeping house. Trying hard not cause any disturbance, unfortunately not trying hard enough. Missing it’s footing the light stubbed it’s toe on the doorframe. Letting out a loud screech that would have woken the dead had it not been for the loud crash of the dawn breaking over the horizon.

Tiny jumping dust motes and mites bounced up and down rejoicing in another day. The light carried on along the corridor and through the doors entering each room gingerly, not wanting anymore injuries.

The dark was cleaning it’s teeth in the bathroom as the light crept across the threshold. They nodded politely to each other as dark clocked out and light clocked in.

Just another day light thought to itself as it closed the door and limped on.

Tuesday Tanka. Early Cold Season Part 2.

Early Cold (January 5 – 20) Shokan 小寒

Welcome to the 24 Seasons Syllabic Poetry challenge for #TankaTuesday!

The 24 Seasons Syllabic Poetry challenge for #Tanka Tuesday continues with the second week of the Early Cold season. This week’s writing invitation is to compose a haibun using the kigo words and phrases from the Early Cold Part I challenge post.

Walking at First Light

I still miss her, following at my heels. In the early morning. She wrapped in her double fur coat, me shivering. We’d traipse the fields, the birds looking for food on the hard cold earth. She never threatened them curious she’d check out where they pecked. Now I greet the winter dawn alone these days, the crows still forage.

cold light breaks
wrapping my coat close
crows forage

© willowdot21

Through the Window .

Sally from Hot Dogs And Marmalade wrote a post this morning called Through My Window and please do read her post here. It’s a lovely post and has lovely photos. Anyway at the end of her post she said “Somewhere in all this is a poem. It’s about darkness and light and reflecting.I’m just too tired to write it. Can you?”

So I did here you go Sally 💜💜


Woosh! She swirls her skirts around

Orange, gold, grey and blue

Silently, she wakes the day, without a sound.

She crayons the trees in black, anew

Bidding farewell to the night

Gently she drops dew the land to nourish

Waving off the early bird in flight

She wakes the Sun so we can flourish

#TankaTuesday #Poetry Challenge No. 294, 10/18/22 #Ekphrastic #PhotoPrompt


Hello everyone this week our wonderful host and tutor for wordcraft and Tanka Tuesday Colleen said :

“This challenge explores Ekphrastic poetry, inspired by visual art or photographs. Lisa from TaoTalk, provided the photo for this month’s challenge:”

Lisa said she took this image at the Felt Mansion (western Michigan) in 2020. With Halloween just around the corner, the stark imagery in this photo sets a mood. Let’s see if you can capture the mood in your syllabic poetry. Use the photo as your inspiration!

This week I have chosen a Sijo. What is a Sijo?

The Sijo is a Korean form believed to have first been used in the fourteenth century. It is similar in structure to various Japanese forms such as Haiku. As with many forms of poetry, the Sijo became a preferred poetry form of the yangban or ruling class as well as royalty. They were written in Chinese and were originally short songs set to music. The focus of the Sijo is usually nature and contemplation. There are:Three Lines 14 to 16 syllables per line
A total of 44 to 47 syllables for the entire poem.

This is a black & white image of an ornate pond & garden from the Felt Estate in western Michigan
© Lisa Fox, Felt Mansion.


Monochrome light plays upon the water reflecting grayish tones.
Darkling mirrors merge above and below casting an illease.
Nature also reflecting this too as Halloween draws near.

This is part of Colleen’s Tuesday Tanka Challenge.

The Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS Dec. 18, 2021

It’s Saturday and time for LindaGHill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday and the prompt this week is : “opposites.” Use the word “opposites” or write about things that are opposites. Have fun!

This is the second time I have written an interpretation of this song by The Rasmus because I love it and there is always more to find in this story of these two opposites.

Polar oposites were they
He the night she the day
He a fallen angel, dark
She so pure without a mark
They met, the universe exploded.
They ignored the odds against them loaded.
They were never meant to be
Yet could their love set them free.

Badge by Shelley Krupa.

Thursday photo prompt -Secrets #writephoto

Sue Vincent’s#Writphoto.
Hi everyone just a quick note if anyone would like to re-post any of their old #writephoto prompts please do. While Sue is not posting a photo prompt due to not being well, she would love to see old ones reposted.Now if you would like to join in please use the #writephoto badge

This part of Sue Vincent’s Thursday Photo Prompt –  #writephoto. I wrote this one in Nov 2016.


Secrets. A Nonet.


Fractals of light  pour through  the  window

Motes of  dust  dance across the  floor

Timeless here within the  slow

Span  of  her life  Princess

Familiar kneels

And prays  for less

Pain. She hides





It’s the third week of the month and so this challenge explores an Ekphrastic  prompt. Inspired by visual art (photographs). Colleen selected the image for this month’s challenge, but she’ll choose someone from the recap to pick the image for next month.

Image by Michael Bußmann from Pixabay.

Water mixed with light
Bright fractals seen through prisms.
Brightening the day.
Tiny motes of life are we
Caught tight never to be free.

This part of Colleen Chesebro’s Tuesday Tanka.

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