Thursday Doors Writing Challenge 2024. What lies in wait.

TDWC 2024 Badge

TDWC 2024 Badge

Dan Antion has invited us to take part in “The Forth Annual Thursday Doors Writing Challenge which officially began on Wednesday, May 1st. The challenge runs the entire month of May. You can submit as many entries as you like. If you want to join the fun, pick a door, write a story, poem, novel, screenplay, musical score – anything at all – as long as it’s inspired by that door image. The completed entries and images to use are in the gallery on Dan’s page along with the Rules .

I have written a little “prosetry” an almost story/ almost poem about a hungry Vampire. Can you see her in the shadows?

What lies in wait?

Photo by Brenda Cox

In the shadows she stands jealously watching those who walk in the sun.
Fingers ripping at her skin,slowly her blood drips down her white face.
Longingly, she weaves her dreams where her hopes are spun.
Watching those who live in the light, her thoughts so dark.
She wants their bodies, she craves their souls
She needs their blood and to devour them whole.
Her eyes searching for a victim to lure
To infect a victim, her motives unpure.
She watches as a young man walking home.
The burning ache deep within her drives her to distraction.
She aches for him, she burns for him she cannot find satisfaction.
Blood lust makes her bold and brazen she steps out of the shadows to catch his eye.
He moves towards her in the shadows
Excited by what he sees. Her body barely covered by her cloak.
Attracted by her jet black eyes and her skin so white
His juices rising from deep within …a desperate need to taste her.
Come, she whispers licking her lips
He slides his hands along her hips
She acts all soft and coy
Moving her body into his, he’s suddenly filled with joy.
He thinks she likes him, that he will have his way
Unsuspecting he follows her deeper into the shadows.
Away from human hustle and lights they move away
The danger lights should be flashing , the warnings he refuses to see
Too busy to notice her eyes change colour and her lips flush blood red.
She lets him slip inside of her she still likes to feel desired
She lets him reach his highest delight, as her fangs sink in his neck.
She sucked him dry and for a second mourned before leaving him for dead.

Ovi Poetry Challenge 47: THRIVE is your inspiration.

Deep within Gaia’s womb life stirs
Awakes prepared for what occurs
To grow and thrive amongst the firs
The forest fern is triumphant

Throw at me whatever you will
I shall withstand all and thrive still
I will survive your bitter pill
Smiling as I greet the sunshine

© willowdot21

This is part of Ronovanwrites Ovi Poetry Challenge.

Round up of April Child Abuse Awareness Month.

I originally wrote this post and all the posts I have done over these last days of April Child Abuse Awareness Month over 11 years ago… NOTHING HAS CHANGED.

Today is the last day of April and I have to say I am glad. Everything I have researched, everything I have written about Child Abuse has made me sick and sad!  Children are our future a singer once sang, but he had, had his childhood stolen and he became a strange and sad man and he is not the only one.

Yes children are our future but at this rate do we have one. Children are mistreated , abused, sold down the river in every single country under the sun. The poems I have written have all been stories but are all based on facts I researched. The things that are done to children, some beaten black and blue. Married off at eight or nine or sold in to slavery too, girls cut and sewn up simply to please men, young boys dressed as girls and taught to dance bought and owned by “Pious” men and used for sex  after they have watched them prance.

Children in refugee camps prisoners of war…so many wars in this world so many refugees. This video is about Syria but it could be any war at the moment. How can they grow up normal?

Children and young people bullied at their school, harassed by phone and internet just for not being this weeks “cool” Young girls taken out of school and trained to be prostitutes the younger they are the better for old men who like them best if they are cute. Stolen from their village and sent as slaves to other lands worked to death  and beaten  or used for sex acts and killed when it all gets out of hand.

Forced to watch their parents, their homes and friends destroyed, tortured and burned  or maimed. They get dragged off into the jungle as boy and girl soldiers to be trained. Young girls get used as wives, still fight until their babies drop then they carry them into battle on their backs to machetes in hand, kill people and set fire to bodies, villages and crops.

Young girls about to take their GCSEs  go on holidays to their parents homelands for pre exam treat have no idea they are off to their future husbands meet. Ripped from all they have known a normal western life suddenly to become a stranger’s wife and live a poverty stricken village strife

Children, abused and battered, some physically some mentally , sexually used from an early age . What chance have they got their heart so full of rage. Some will become  abusers for abuse is all they know, some will with help flourish and try to teach it should not be so.

No doubt there are more ways that children get abused, some parents even abuse their own children, sexually or with the fist, these will be the fathers who boast that their little girl is sweet sixteen  and never been kissed!  The otheres will be mothers’ who force or sell their children however much those children resist. Or push their children to be models, beauty queens or actors to fulfil their own ambitions.

Or seeing your mother beaten until she is hospitalized , living in fear of being next until your humanity dies.

I know that I am ranting but as these tears fall from my eyes there are children out there starving, freezing , hurting, bleeding, screaming , pleading, broken , humiliated and every so often one of them dies. Actually lots of them die. Don’t worry, you can close your ears and eyes … it is too late for me now I have learnt the who’s and whys. Sadly Abuse breeds Abuse and many mental illnesses.

I have to stop writing now , but I promise I shall not stop shouting out because I have just started now. I have written more but I haven’t the heart to print anymore now.💜

So Sorry Jamie.

Another poem for Awareness of Child Abuse Month.


Jamie has had enough he is not going to school today.
He is leaving home and running away. He has had enough of what mum’s new boyfriend wants him to do.
And if home were not bad enough he is the butt of the jokes at school.

Jamie has had enough of footsteps up to his attic room.
Waking up at night to find the guy kneeling over him in the gloom.
He tried to lock his door but the key got mislaid
He tried telling mum but she couldn’t be swayed.

Jamie’s tired of finding excuses not to go home
He’d rather stay in town,
Even if it’s raining.
The teachers are not listening to what he’s trying to say
They just dock him points because he is late each day.
Jamie’s friends can’t understand why he no longer wants them round
They don’t realize he does not want that bloke taking them down.

So Jamie heading off this bright September morn
Hoping he can find somewhere to sleep that’s dry and warm.
Where is he going what’s he to do.
There must be some way to help him Someone who can see him through. There are supposed to be places and people to help out …………
So why has poor Jamie been so sadly, left out.

So sorry Jamie.

Ovi Poetry Challenge 45: SEASON is your inspiration.

This season, so perfidious
It’s meaning, so ambiguous
Full of riddles for all of us
Spring just doesn’t what it is?

Four of them in our year they say
We can have all four in one day
Rain, hail, snow, sun all come to play
All part of Gaia’s little joke


24 Seasons Syllabic Poetry Challenge, No. 31, 4/23/24

Welcome to the 24 Seasons Syllabic Poetry challenge for #TankaTuesday!

Our host and mentor says :”This post welcomes participants to the 24 Seasons Syllabic Poetry challenge for #TankaTuesday, celebrates the community’s support, and discusses the transition into the season of Grain Rain. It also encourages creative expression using seasonal kigo words.

🌾🌧️ About Grain Rain 🌾🌧️

As we enter the last two weeks of April, the Pentads come into play again. They are much smaller bites of time, only five days each!

🪻Can you believe it? We will begin the season of summer on MAY 5th!! 🪻

How does this time of year affect you where you live? Think about the seasonal changes. What descriptive words come to mind? If they work to define the season you’re in, add them to your kigo list.

I have chosen to write an Abhanga. Which should be written in any number of 4-line stanzas with 6-6-6-4 syllables each. L2 and L3 rhyme. The end rhyme scheme is abbc. It is customary to title your poem. My Kigo words are , April showers, April Moons, flooding, rainbows, seedlings in the earth, blossom and Wisteria.

April showers, April Moons.

Photo by Darius Krause on

Everywhere is flooding
The fields are all awash
April moons steal my sleep
Dancing splash splosh .

© willowdot21

Wisteria flowers
My favourite colours
In the earth seedlings start
To be flowers

A gentle time of days
My thoughts are rainbow led
Cold winds rip through branches
Blossoms, all fled.

Earth Day 2024.

I have chosen Mother Earth by Karliene, it’s beautiful, it Celtic , it’s witchy it’s  Karliene in her own words here.

Now I can’t do a post about love for mother earth without my favourite protest song from back in 1997.. Still we have learned nothing! Beds are burning by Midnight Oil. Read about them here

Here is a poem I wrote a long time ago a

And yet  you love us  still

You are old now and you are tired

Your body raped and parts of you burned and fired.

Yet you love us still.

You are patient with us now even though we treat you ill.


Image  found  here 

You were young once golden and new

Green and verdant, seas and rivers running blue.

Young then younger than time

Fresh and pristine were you, unlike now choked up , covered in grime.

Yet you love us still.

You are patient with us now even though we treat you ill.

What promise you had though, when brand new

Gracing the heavens green and blue

Before we gouged you out and burnt your soul

Robbed you of the good that made you whole.

Yet you love us still.

You are patient with us even though we treat you ill.


Image  found  here 

You felt the thaw of ice ages then felt them return

Strange and huge beasts wandered your plains,

You saw  man arrive and you watched his growing pains.

You nursed us gently as we grew.

Sadly, we the ungrateful, turned on you.

Yet you love us still.

You are patient with us now even though we treat you ill.

How beautiful fresh and new were you

When only beasts roamed and flowers grew

When storms were all that raged

Man had not yet started his cruel selfish rampage.

You were fresh and had such great things to do.

Now we have dragged all that is good from you.

We have laid you waste, you can no longer start anew.

Yet you love us still.

You are patient with us now even though we treat you ill.

Sadly we have pushed you toward your end ,

We were selfish we stole we did not bend.

We took from you and did not replace ,

We have fought wars across your body and we have scared your face.


Image  found  here 

Yet you love us still.

You are patient with us even though we treat you ill.

Oh! Earth mother we have pulled you on at such an un-holy place ,

You have tried to warn us but we have slipped through your fingers so far  grace.

Your end is nigh and and it is all our fault ………..

And  yet you love us still.

You are patient with us now even though we treat you ill. © willowdot21

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