Round up of April Child Abuse Awareness Month.

I originally wrote this post and all the posts I have done over these last days of April Child Abuse Awareness Month over 11 years ago… NOTHING HAS CHANGED.

Today is the last day of April and I have to say I am glad. Everything I have researched, everything I have written about Child Abuse has made me sick and sad!  Children are our future a singer once sang, but he had, had his childhood stolen and he became a strange and sad man and he is not the only one.

Yes children are our future but at this rate do we have one. Children are mistreated , abused, sold down the river in every single country under the sun. The poems I have written have all been stories but are all based on facts I researched. The things that are done to children, some beaten black and blue. Married off at eight or nine or sold in to slavery too, girls cut and sewn up simply to please men, young boys dressed as girls and taught to dance bought and owned by “Pious” men and used for sex  after they have watched them prance.

Children in refugee camps prisoners of war…so many wars in this world so many refugees. This video is about Syria but it could be any war at the moment. How can they grow up normal?

Children and young people bullied at their school, harassed by phone and internet just for not being this weeks “cool” Young girls taken out of school and trained to be prostitutes the younger they are the better for old men who like them best if they are cute. Stolen from their village and sent as slaves to other lands worked to death  and beaten  or used for sex acts and killed when it all gets out of hand.

Forced to watch their parents, their homes and friends destroyed, tortured and burned  or maimed. They get dragged off into the jungle as boy and girl soldiers to be trained. Young girls get used as wives, still fight until their babies drop then they carry them into battle on their backs to machetes in hand, kill people and set fire to bodies, villages and crops.

Young girls about to take their GCSEs  go on holidays to their parents homelands for pre exam treat have no idea they are off to their future husbands meet. Ripped from all they have known a normal western life suddenly to become a stranger’s wife and live a poverty stricken village strife

Children, abused and battered, some physically some mentally , sexually used from an early age . What chance have they got their heart so full of rage. Some will become  abusers for abuse is all they know, some will with help flourish and try to teach it should not be so.

No doubt there are more ways that children get abused, some parents even abuse their own children, sexually or with the fist, these will be the fathers who boast that their little girl is sweet sixteen  and never been kissed!  The otheres will be mothers’ who force or sell their children however much those children resist. Or push their children to be models, beauty queens or actors to fulfil their own ambitions.

Or seeing your mother beaten until she is hospitalized , living in fear of being next until your humanity dies.

I know that I am ranting but as these tears fall from my eyes there are children out there starving, freezing , hurting, bleeding, screaming , pleading, broken , humiliated and every so often one of them dies. Actually lots of them die. Don’t worry, you can close your ears and eyes … it is too late for me now I have learnt the who’s and whys. Sadly Abuse breeds Abuse and many mental illnesses.

I have to stop writing now , but I promise I shall not stop shouting out because I have just started now. I have written more but I haven’t the heart to print anymore now.💜

Sad Lost Dolls.

Yes she is a beautiful child she has that look of innocence that drives men wild. She could make a fortune it is true but is it really the right thing to do.

She will love it all the fuss, the travel the treats the complements from all she meets. There is a future in photo modelling  for her she has that presence that maked all who see her stare.

What if she falls into the wrong hands there’s plenty out there who will misuse  her beauty plenty who have nasty plans. No she will be fine no harm will come to this child of mine.

“Mummy , mummy can I go and play?” no my sweet not today. “Please mummy I want my friends to stay!” no you have work to do, send them away. “Please mum can I go to school I want to be with people my age I want to learn and play the fool.”  “No we have a teacher for you, there are adverts and film work for you to do.”

“Why can’t I have friends around that are my age I don’t the like photographers they rant and rage.” ‘No I told you you are special your very precious. You don’t have time to skip and play face it sweetie  your looks won’t last and you’ll be too tall one day!”

We should get a couple more years fame at this rate we are clawing in the money she has time to be young later she can wait. Sadly that’s not true her childhood  robbed and she becomes sad and blue.

Slowly all her ties get cut  her friends grow few she is neither child nor adult too. The lines of age soon get blurred is she thirteen or twenty three and a third?


Another form of abuse not quite so obvious but just as dangerous. The parents live their dreams and missed opportunities through their children. Not all but some, child models, child actors, child beauty queens loose their childhoods. They feel no worth unless they are being complimented . They are not balanced, being deprived of growing up through a childhood. Basically they are used as much as if they have been sold in to slavery.  Sad little lost dolls. A poem for Child Abuse Month.

Virgin white four little maidens of the night

I read on Resurrection’s page back in April 2012 that it is Child Abuse Prevention Month. April is also National Poetry Month. So I followed her example and wrote my own poem about the sad, bad subject. Here is her poem

Today again I April I am rewriting my post.

Lost youth

Oh! I am tired my feet ache, I think these high heels are torture. Mind you they’re not as bad as  the way men stink.

God it  itches and it burns. Now it bleeds  when I pee but I have to smile when the stinking men do things to me.

See my sister she is barely twelve I have had  to teach her how to dip and delve. It makes me sick what I have had to show her to do but she needs to do it right or she will get beaten black blue.

I am so tired I worked all night through. I didn’t earn enough, so to keep the boss sweet I have to work today too. I am sure I have lice in my hair it is driving me mad but the boss don’t care. I asked for something to sort it out he just slapped my face ……. it is so unfair, no doubt.

Ha, look at us in dresses of virgin white four little maidens of the night. We have skills to make you blush we can play you till you can’t help but gush. That  is just fine because it  means we have to put up with you for less time.

what chance have we

What is the future for us, well who knows, Dr, Lawyer, Architect ha, any of those. I don’t know what’s the point we all got taken out of school at ten years  and got dumped in this joint. The bugs in this place are the biggest you have ever seen, lice abound and herpes too, come join us have some fun…what??  does it not appeal to you?

Lost souls are we no hope, no chance how we  live you never see. Cute short dresses, killer heels, silk underwear for you to look and cop a feel. You can do anything you want to us and we cannot complain or make a fuss.

Ha, look at us in dresses of virgin white four little maidens of the night. We have skills to make you blush we can play you till you can’t help but gush. That  is just fine because it  means we have to put up with you for less time.


There is a whole underworld out there and we need to hose it out and rid it from the face of the earth. Okay that is what I would like to do with the people who run it. I would like to give the girls and boys a chance. We must not forget the boys enslaved too. We need to do something even if it is just a poem or a story!

A poem for Child Abuse month

Sunday Stills: #Pets and # Grandchildren and Dogs.

Terri said that Friday, April 26, was National Kids and Pets Day, so let’s share our favorite images of kids and pets this week. Read about it on Terri’s lovely blog here.

Dog is God spelled backward
Grandchildren are a gift from the Lord.
Both lift our hearts and fill us with joy
With the special magic they employ.
No matter how low or ill I feel
Dogs and grandchildren make my life real.
Thank you God for both.



So Sorry Jamie.

Another poem for Awareness of Child Abuse Month.


Jamie has had enough he is not going to school today.
He is leaving home and running away. He has had enough of what mum’s new boyfriend wants him to do.
And if home were not bad enough he is the butt of the jokes at school.

Jamie has had enough of footsteps up to his attic room.
Waking up at night to find the guy kneeling over him in the gloom.
He tried to lock his door but the key got mislaid
He tried telling mum but she couldn’t be swayed.

Jamie’s tired of finding excuses not to go home
He’d rather stay in town,
Even if it’s raining.
The teachers are not listening to what he’s trying to say
They just dock him points because he is late each day.
Jamie’s friends can’t understand why he no longer wants them round
They don’t realize he does not want that bloke taking them down.

So Jamie heading off this bright September morn
Hoping he can find somewhere to sleep that’s dry and warm.
Where is he going what’s he to do.
There must be some way to help him Someone who can see him through. There are supposed to be places and people to help out …………
So why has poor Jamie been so sadly, left out.

So sorry Jamie.

Child Abuse Month .

Image Found Here

A poem to bring the effects of abuse on children who live in fear of violence, out into the open. When parents fight the whole family suffer. Children live in fear. This is not right.


Mummy and Daddys Game.

Photo by Nothing Ahead on

Every night it is the same,
Mum and dad play their game.
Daddy shouts, makes mummy cry
It’s frightening when daddy’s arms start to fly.

It’s no fun to hear things go bump
When mum falls after dad’s given her a clump.
In the morning mum looks pale Always smiles as the neighbours she hails.

Photo by RODNAE Productions on

I don’t like to see mum’s bruises
Or hear the words that dad uses.
I don’t want to go to school
Rather stay with mum in case dad is cruel.
He rings her in the day you see
He and threatens her, they think that I don’t see.

Hiding underneath the bed clothes pretending it is not real
They just keep on and on not caring how I feel.
Mummy says I must stay quiet and out of his way.
I am not allowed to talk of this at school
Or mention that my daddy is so cruel.

SSSH! what was that awful scream,
I hate daddy he is so mean….
That was the front door ………..
It is quiet now, no shouting any more.
Mummy Mummy are you there , Creeping forward down the stairs
Mummy is laying on the floor
Her head at a funny angle to the door. Mummy , mummy answer please , mummy mummy please don’t tease. Mummy daddy has gone away Mummy speak to me, something say.

Photo by R. Fera on

Earth Day 2024.

I have chosen Mother Earth by Karliene, it’s beautiful, it Celtic , it’s witchy it’s  Karliene in her own words here.

Now I can’t do a post about love for mother earth without my favourite protest song from back in 1997.. Still we have learned nothing! Beds are burning by Midnight Oil. Read about them here

Here is a poem I wrote a long time ago a

And yet  you love us  still

You are old now and you are tired

Your body raped and parts of you burned and fired.

Yet you love us still.

You are patient with us now even though we treat you ill.


Image  found  here 

You were young once golden and new

Green and verdant, seas and rivers running blue.

Young then younger than time

Fresh and pristine were you, unlike now choked up , covered in grime.

Yet you love us still.

You are patient with us now even though we treat you ill.

What promise you had though, when brand new

Gracing the heavens green and blue

Before we gouged you out and burnt your soul

Robbed you of the good that made you whole.

Yet you love us still.

You are patient with us even though we treat you ill.


Image  found  here 

You felt the thaw of ice ages then felt them return

Strange and huge beasts wandered your plains,

You saw  man arrive and you watched his growing pains.

You nursed us gently as we grew.

Sadly, we the ungrateful, turned on you.

Yet you love us still.

You are patient with us now even though we treat you ill.

How beautiful fresh and new were you

When only beasts roamed and flowers grew

When storms were all that raged

Man had not yet started his cruel selfish rampage.

You were fresh and had such great things to do.

Now we have dragged all that is good from you.

We have laid you waste, you can no longer start anew.

Yet you love us still.

You are patient with us now even though we treat you ill.

Sadly we have pushed you toward your end ,

We were selfish we stole we did not bend.

We took from you and did not replace ,

We have fought wars across your body and we have scared your face.


Image  found  here 

Yet you love us still.

You are patient with us even though we treat you ill.

Oh! Earth mother we have pulled you on at such an un-holy place ,

You have tried to warn us but we have slipped through your fingers so far  grace.

Your end is nigh and and it is all our fault ………..

And  yet you love us still.

You are patient with us now even though we treat you ill. © willowdot21

The Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS April 20, 2024 Great/Grate.

Its Sunday so I am late again I hope someone made Linda some breakfast, you know how busy she always is! Anyway her prompt arrived Friday as always she said.”Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: ends with “grate/great.” Use one or bonus points if you use them both. Enjoy!

Badge by Shelley Krupa..

Yesterday I was getting ready to go out to a Wedding Anniversary party I went to use my eye shadow brushes and found they had disintegrated! Well that’s great I thought! what do I do now? ….. Then I remembered I have an integrated eye shadow putter oner and I used it…my fingers . I was very grateful to Gaia/ God for designing me that way. So I did my make which was not overgreat but passable.

Song Lyric Sunday: Conflagration!

Well it’s Sunday again and time for Song Lyric Sunday. Our host Jim Adams has again been assisted by Nancy at The Scillian Storyteller. This week, April 14, 2024 – Songs with the lyrics “hot, burning, fire or blazing” are our prompt.

So I have chosen three songs this week, firstly I thought of the Prodigy and Firestarter but I decided well that’s more my lads era so I went for three of my favourites. Starting with Arthur Brown who I saw at Reading festival when I was unbelievably young…. Yes he wore his famous firey headdress!

Fire” is a 1968 song written by Arthur BrownVincent Crane, Mike Finesilver and Peter Ker. Performed by the Crazy World of Arthur Brown, it was released as a single and on the band’s debut album, also called The Crazy World of Arthur Brown. The single became a transatlantic hit, reaching number one in the UK and Canada and number two in the United States, while hitting the top 10 in markets across Europe.

The Crazy World of Arthur Brown had been performing the song “Fire” in their live act to highly favorable audience response. When it came time to record an album, Arthur Brown, the band’s singer, wanted to record The Fire Suite, a rock opera centered around the song “Fire”, which would have focused on the horrors of HellKit Lambert, Brown’s manager and the album’s producer, dissuaded him against the uncommercial original concept. As a compromise, side A of the vinyl record featured a suite of songs written as part of the album’s original concept, including “Fire”, while side B featured unrelated songs.

During live performances and in the black and white promotional television clip, Brown performed the song wearing a burning helmet. The helmet was improvised with a leather skull cap onto which was bolted a metal dish that held lighter fluid or petrol. As the cap was not insulated, the heat from the burning fuel quickly conducted through the fixing bolt to the top of Brown’s head, causing him considerable pain. Brown claims that the flames got up to 4 feet high and at one point caught fire to his clothes during a performance. All information from Wikipedia it is also worth visiting Wiki to read about the recording of their Album Fire it is really interesting!

. Hi up

I am the god of hellfire and I bring you

Fire, I’ll take you to burn
Fire, I’ll take you to learn
I’ll see you burn

You fought hard and you saved and earned
But all of it’s going to burn
And your mind, your tiny mind
You know you’ve really been so blind
Now’s your time, burn your mind
You’re falling far, too far behind
Oh no, oh no, oh no!
You’re gonna burn

Fire, to destroy all you’ve done
Fire, to end all you’ve become
I’ll feel you burn

You’ve been living like a little girl
In the middle of your little world
And your mind, your tiny mind
You know you’ve really been so blind
Now’s your time, burn your mind
You’re falling far, too far behind

Fire, I’ll take you to burn
Fire, I’ll take you to learn
You’re gonna burn
You’re gonna burn
You’re gonna burn, burn, burn, burn,
Burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn

Fire, I’ll take you to burn
Fire, I’ll take you to learn
Fire, I’ll take you to bed
Fire, I’ll take you, fire

Source: Musixmatch

Songwriters: Liam Paul Paris Howlett / Peter Ker / Vincent Crane / Frederick Michael Joseph Nelson / Arthur Brown / Michael Finesilver / Pablo Gad

Fire lyrics © Bucks Music Group Limited, Onward Music Ltd, Just Isn’t Music Ltd

Next we move forward to 2013 and the Gorgeous and talented James Blunt. Yup I said gorgeous and talented James Blunt.

Bonfire Heart” is the lead single from British singer-songwriter James Blunt‘s fourth studio album, Moon Landing (2013). The song was written by Blunt and OneRepublic‘s lead singer Ryan Tedder, with whom Blunt had previously written the single “Stay the Night“. Imformation Wiki

Your mouth is a revolver firing bullets in the sky
Your love is like a soldier, loyal ’til you die
And I’ve been looking at the stars for a long, long time
I’ve been putting out fires all my life
Everybody wants a flame, they don’t want to get burned
And today is our turn

Days like these lead to
Nights like this lead to
Love like ours
You light the spark in my bonfire heart
People like us, we don’t
Need that much just someone that starts
Starts the spark in our bonfire hearts

This world is getting colder, strangers passing by
No one offers you a shoulder, no one looks you in the eye
But I’ve been looking at you for a long, long time
Just tryna break through, tryna make you mine
Everybody wants a flame, they don’t want to get burned
Well, today is our turn

Days like these lead to
Nights like this lead to
Love like ours
You light the spark in my bonfire heart
People like us, we don’t
Need that much just someone that starts
Starts the spark in our bonfire hearts

Our bonfire hearts
Our bonfire hearts
Our bonfire hearts
You light the spark

People like us, we don’t
Need that much just someone that starts
Starts the spark in our bonfire hearts

Days like these lead to
Nights like this lead to
Love like ours
You light the spark in my bonfire heart
People like us we don’t
Need that much just someone that starts
Starts the spark in our bonfire hearts
Our bonfire hearts

Days like these lead to
Nights like this lead to
Love like ours
You light the spark in my bonfire heart
People like us, we don’t
Need that much just someone that starts
Starts the spark in our bonfire hearts

Source: LyricFind

Songwriters: James Hillier Blount / Ryan B. Tedder

Bonfire Heart lyrics © Concord Music Publishing LLC, Downtown Music Publishing, Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC

Back again to 2009 and Bat for lashes and Daniel . Lots of references to fire in the lyrics.

Daniel” is a song by English recording artist Bat for Lashes, from her second studio album, Two Suns. It is her best-selling single to date, selling over 46,000 copies worldwide. The song was announced as the lead single from Two Suns in January 2009, then released as a digital download single on 1 March 2009, and as a 7″ vinyl single on 6 April 2009. The track was written by Natasha Khan and produced by David Kosten, as with all tracks on the album. Ira Wolf Tuton from Yeasayer provided the bass lines for the song and Khan did the rest of the instrumentation herself. More information at Wiki


Daniel, when I first saw you
I knew that you had a flame in your heart
And under wild blue skies
Marble movie skies
I found a home in your eyes
We’ll never be apart

And when the fires came
The smell of cinders and rain
Perfumed almost everything
We laughed and laughed and laughed

And in the golden-blue
Car, you took me to
The darkest place you knew
And set fire to my heart

When I run in the dark, Daniel
Into a place that’s lost, Daniel
Under a sheet of rain in my heart, Daniel
I dream of home

But in a goodbye bed
With my arms around your neck
Into our mouths, the tears crept
Just kids in the eye of the storm

And as my house spun ’round
My dreams pulled me from the ground
Forever to search for the flame
For home again, for home again

When I run in the dark, Daniel
Into a place that’s lost, Daniel
Under a sheet of rain in my heart, Daniel
I dream of home

When I run in the dark, Daniel
Into a place that’s lost, Daniel
Under a sheet of rain in my heart, Daniel
I dream of home

Source: Musixmatch

written by Natasha Khan.

Bonus track our Sam singing Set fire to the rain because I love him .


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