Just Jot It January : Day 8 .Mongrel Acrostic

Today  Dan is  hosting   at  LindaGHill‘s  post he  introduced himself  this  way  :Welcome to #JusJoJan. My name is Dan and I’ll be yourguest host for a few days. If you’ve been to my place over at No Facilities (http://noFacilities.com), you’re probably looking for the rest of this post. I promised Linda that I’d be good, keep my word-count low and take care of business.

This is the beginning of week two. So, if you’re in for the long haul, congrats! your 25% of the way there. If you’re joining us today, welcome aboard. I’m not writing for JusJoJan, but I’m reading as many as I can. Now for your prompt for today:”

The Just Jot It January 8th prompt, brought to you by Geoff of TanGentle is: “Mongrel.” Use it any way you like. Make sure you stop by Geoff’s website and say hello to him!. Here’s the link: https://geofflepard.com/

Rules  and Pingback  here 



Steve the Mongrel

My best friend of  childhood years

Only  he could  ease  away  my fears

Never hurt me, always  pleased  to  see me

Growing up  together  the  perfect we.

Running,  laughing   chasing  bikes

Either  snuggling up at home or  out on hikes.

Lovely Stevie now your  gone  but I  still love  you so!

Mum, Me  and  Steve  mid 1960’s
Steve, Mum, my  eldest  son and  me  early  1970’s




Just Jot It January: Tangible

Rosemary  Carlson who  is  guest hosting  on Linda G Hill‘s post  at  the  moment  said: “Wasn’t yesterday’s prompt fun? I know I’ve enjoyed it! Welcome to the prompt for the 6th of January.  Please drop by my blog sometimes. Just click on  https://rosemarycarlson.com. I’ve really enjoyed guest blogging for Linda and reading your comments and feedback.”

Our prompt for January 6. It is brought to you by Prajakta at https://anarmchairperfectionist.wordpress.com/ Your prompt is: “Tangible.” Use it any way you like. Make sure you stop by Prajakta’s website and say hello to her!


#JusJoJan        rules  and  pingback here 

Tangible Anger

It is  here feel it

The  anger  is tangible

It is strangling me

Image  found  here

Tangible  Hate 

Right there in his eyes

Hate for her poured out of him

It was tangible

image  found  here 


Just Jot It January : Spangly

Today, day  5 of JusJoJan  and  LindaGHill has a guest blogger Rosemary Carlson.Rosemary has invited us all to visit her blog here   https://rosemarycarlson.com/.  :The Just Jot It January 5th prompt, brought to you by Judy E.Martin, of the blog “Edwina’s Episodes” is: “Spangly.” Use it any way you’re inspired to. And make sure you stop by and say hi to Judy as well! Here’s her blog: Edwina’s Episodes

Pingback here

All spangly and  sparkling


She  was  all spangly and  sparkling

As she  was  dancing dancing

Lightening  up  the  space from darkling

Her feet  , stilettoed  flying.


He  was spellbound  by her

As she  was  dancing dancing

In his arms  he had not  a care

All spangly  sparkling  dancing  dancing.




Just Jot it January. Spider.

So here we are on the ptescipice of a New Year. It is now that the Just Jot it January rears it’s challenging head.

Again LindaGHill is hosting, thank you for this Linda.Well no more prevarication let’s get on the road!!

The Just Jot It January 1st prompt, brought to you by Barb of ghostmmnc, is: “Spider.” Use it any way you’re inspired to. And make sure you stop by and say hi to Barb as well! Here’s her blog: https://teleportingweena.wordpress.com/ 

Rules and Pingback here.


Sorry spider but you cannot stay

Please don’t take offense I pray

I really don’t want to moan

Do understand this is not your home

Even if you promised to behave

Really you are spoiling the peace I crave.


If we were having coffee: MIL,MIL and Stuff

Story of  my life 

If we were having Coffee: I would  remind  you  that  there  are lots of  other  coffee mornings  all shared  and organized  By  Diana  and  Gene’O  over at,Part time monster


Do join in

Come on  in  it is nice  to  sit  and  have a  chat  after  all  the  hustle  and  bustle  of  the past  few days.   I  can  still entertain  you  all  with tea  and coffee  from all over  the world not to mention all our cakes  and muffins  and  as Paul  calls  them sweets! Every single  one  is  calorie  free! Plus of course  we now have spirits  and liquors  to warm the coldest of  you.

So, If  we  were having  coffee :  I am not  sure  where  to  start I would  say  I  wish I was in my  pajamas ….. but  I  am  not  like  most  things  lately  I  don’t  get  what I  want. I  get  what is  good  for  me instead, or  even  worse  what  others  think is  good  for me!   Every man/woman  and his  dog  thinks  they  know better  than me. From  wrapping  me in  cotton  wool to  nagging  me  to  death!

Nag nag nag

If we were having coffee: I would  tell you  that  on  Monday  Hubby  and  I went  off  to  a little  town  about  thirty  miles  away  from  where  we live  just  to  get out  and  have  a break  from  the  stresses  of  Mother in  law   being  ill. We  also  took hubby’s  car  along  to  have it  serviced  at a  specialist  garage  there.

We walked  along  the canal  and looked  at  the  beautiful  cottages  and  Narrow Boats! We  found  the  Parish Church  called  St Lawrence, and  spent  a lovely  hour  looking  around inside  and  finding  out how old  and  steeped in  history  it  was! We  even met  a lady  who  was  also  “Just  visiting” and  she  told  us  she lived in  Devon  now  but had  originally  lived  just  three miles up  the road  from where  we live now! Well  what  are  the  chances  of  that!

Some  photos  of  our day.

This slideshow requires JavaScript.

After  more  walking  we  found a lovely  coffee  shop  and  had a  cuppa  and  slice of  cake! We both  had  a  wonderful  time  and  we popped in to  see Mother in  law on our  way  home, she is  still doing  well!! Though  very  concerned  about  her  Lymphoma!

If we were having  coffee : Tuesday  I was  at  the  gym  but  I  had  decided  not  to  go  early  so  I  missed  my  gym buddy! Then  after  that  we  went  over  to  see  Mother in law  ( hereafter  to be  known as  MIL ) . Wednesday L, my  gym buddy  and  great  friend , and I  went  to  our  Pilates  class  which  was hard  work  as  ever  then  we had  coffee  and  a long  catch up! Then  again over  to  check out  MIL.

Thursday  I had  to  go  and  see  a  specialist , I have  been  having  a  lot  of  stomach  troubles  and  I  am  now  being  sick  a lot. I  have  had  all types of  exams and  finally  I  had  an ultrasound  scan  which  showed  that  I  have  a  lot  of  debris  in  my  gallbladder ………. I  was hoping  that  they  might  remove  my  gallbladder  well  after  three minutes  of  prodding  I  was  told  that  the  gallbladder  was  not  bad  enough  to remove……… What?  do  Drs   have  Xray  enabled  fingers …how  did he  know  from  poking and  prodding  me?? Apparently  all  the pain  and  sickness  and  discomfort  is  referred  pain  from my  back!  (  spine  now  curved  after  breaking  back  )…….. Yes  okay   so  I  suppose  I  just  have  to  get  used  to  that  all  too now!  Hey  Ho!   In  the  evening  we had  MIL over  to us  for  dinner .

If we were having  coffee : I would  tell you that on Friday nothing  much  happened , apart  from  washing , ironing   and  cooking. Saturday  core  class and  then over  to  see  MIL with  middle  son!

Today,  Sunday  we Have  MIL  over  for  dinner  again. As  you can  see it has  been a MIL week.

where is  my  cuppa!

If  we  were having  coffee :  I would  have  to  apologize and  ask  where  my  manners   are  can  I  get  you  more  coffee,  tea, something  to  eat  or  an alcoholic  drink?

Well  Having  finish JuJoJan  organised  by  Linda G Hill  at  Life in  Progress February  has  brought us  Love Is In Da Bog  organised  by  Just fooling  around  with Bee  Imaagine  a whole  week  done  already!


I must  dash  now  loads  to do. Sorry  if I  am not  commenting as  much  but my like  does  mean a lot I promise. I shall be back  to  normal as and when.

If we  were  having  Coffee:  I would  have  to  say  we  are  all  sill  waiting  patiently   for  our  dear  Paul  Curran   to  rejoin us here at  the  coffee  share   but  until he is  well enough  and up  and  running again  we  shall  have  to  bide our  time!

For  now  everyone  Be  well  and  happy!

If we were having Coffee Original idea  from parttimemonster.

And of course  the


over at Part Time  Monster  and Gen’O’s Love  you  all

Hugs  for  now 


Just Jot It January

Just Jot it

Just Jot It January, JusJoJan

Write  it as  you think it , every day  that’s  the plan!

This is Linda’s baby she has us all in tow

It is  not too arduous but to say it is easy  is not


Just Jot IT

Just Jot It January, JusJoJan

Anyone  can join in you just  write  whatever  you can.

Do for  your  readers, do it  for  yourself

Just  make sure  you Jot  It , don’t  file it on  the shelf!!


This post is part of Just Jot It January hosted by Linda G Hill.

Thanks for tuning in and if you want to join, feel free to click on the link and start jotting!


FanFoFeb : Mae and Polar Bear 08/02/2014


“At last you have decided to show some sense”

Hissed  the witch of the East

“What have you to say in your defense ?”

Mae could not believe her ears such words from this female beast!

“Why do I need to defend myself to you”

Mae asked her temper, for the first time rising.

“I am not in the wrong here, no, that is you!”

Her hand around her sword hilt tightening, she look amazing , even frightening.

The Witch stood and seemed to grow filling all the room

Standing her ground  Mae  faced her arch enemy.

Sweat ran down Mae’s back she feared that she might swoon

A shaft  of silver moonlight shone through the window so Mae  could see.

Why have you turned this beautiful kingdom into a dark night

You killed  my father  and you have banished  my sister , why

What  have  we ever done to you , why  use us to vent  your spite.

You  have my half brother here, I know he is here I heard him cry.


Post on your site, and join FanFoFeb . The rules are easy!

1. It’s never too late to join in, since the “FanFoFeb   Fantasy for February lasts all month . (it doesn’t have to be a post) counts as a “post.” If it makes it to WordPress that day, great! If it waits a week to get from the sticky note to your screen, no problem!
2. If you write a FanFoFeb  . post on your blog, you can ping it back to the above link to make sure everyone participating knows where to find it.
3. Write anything!
4. Have fun!

FanFoFeb : Mae and Polar Bear. 04/02/14


The  battle raged  for days then came the ending of the seventh day

All was but lost, such awful wounds suffered on both sides

There was nothing left to do the Winter Witch  took to her knees to pray

Mae Bade, Ewen farewell and left  the battle  field and headed to where the Witch of the East hides.

Ewen and his men also fell to their knees and prayed to which ever God  or Gods  they followed

They watched as the dragons and the demons divided as Mae past

Mae walked up to her old home,  so sullied.  She disappeared into the gates as if she had been swallowed.


Both  sides halted fighting  as at one command.

Ewen when to help the Winter Queen rise but she remained fast.

Into  the dark, cold corridors went Mae , where once  was joy and laughter

All warmth  and colour  gone no sign of her  former happy life.

Nothing  left of her family , not one sign,  just snow and icicles hanging from all the rafters.

No sign  of her sister   or her father gone, destroyed was every sign  of her former life.

With heavy heart and fear  pressing on  her chest

Mae Entered  the throne room to find  the Wicked East Witch seated on her throne

Mae took in a sharp breath, it was so cold . Yet more than  that sadness washed over her and down on her soul pressed.

Entering  the once warm and inviting great hall she came eye to eye   with the woman for whom her hatred had grown.


Sleeping  Polar  Bear

Still in the angels care

For under the East Witches spell

I fear it will not end well…………………..

Post on your site, and join FanFoFeb . The rules are easy!

1. It’s never too late to join in, since the “FanFoFeb   Fantasy for February lasts all month . (it doesn’t have to be a post) counts as a “post.” If it makes it to WordPress that day, great! If it waits a week to get from the sticky note to your screen, no problem!
2. If you write a FanFoFeb  . post on your blog, you can ping it back to the above link to make sure everyone participating knows where to find it.
3. Write anything!
4. Have fun!

JusJoJan: Altered Images


Mavis had such  long , dark and curly hair

When  she went out those  she met would  stop and stare.

Her  eyes were pools of  swirling deep emotions

Fathomless, holding  more secrets than any of the worlds’ oceans.


Her lips full and always  painted ruby red

Stark contrast to her pale  neck , where Vampires fed!

One close inspection  it was obvious to see

In and out those curls, the occasional flea.


The  come hither eyes just  meant  to suck you in

And on close inspection she has awfully  blotchy  skin.

Looking closer  her lips were far from perfection

The stench from her rotting teeth was not beyond detection.


First appearances are  not what they always seem

So don’t get sucked into her nightmare dream.

I am sure that you all know “All that glitters is not gold ”

And fingers should  be warm and tingly , not ice cold.





Mavis had such  long , dark and curly hair

When  she went out those  she met would  stop and stare.

Her  eyes were pools of  swirling deep emotions

Fathomless, holding  more secrets than any of the worlds’ oceans.


Post on your site, and join Just Jot it January. The rules are easy!

1. It’s never too late to join in, since the “Jot it” part of JusJoJan means that anything you jot down, anywhere (it doesn’t have to be a post) counts as a “Jot.” If it makes it to WordPress that day, great! If it waits a week to get from the sticky note to your screen, no problem!
2. If you write a JusJoJan post on your blog, you can ping it back to the above link to make sure everyone participating knows where to find it.
3. Write anything!
4. Have fun!


JusJoJan : No hope slope.


Slowly,  silently an inch at a time

The darkness covers  me like slime

Hastily built walls afford no defense

Hope conspicuous by absence

Tendrils of dread grab

At your  sad soul

Swallows you whole

No hope



Post on your site, and join Just Jot it January. The rules are easy!

1. It’s never too late to join in, since the “Jot it” part of JusJoJan means that anything you jot down, anywhere (it doesn’t have to be a post) counts as a “Jot.” If it makes it to WordPress that day, great! If it waits a week to get from the sticky note to your screen, no problem!
2. If you write a JusJoJan post on your blog, you can ping it back to the above link to make sure everyone participating knows where to find it.
3. Write anything!
4. Have fun!

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