Daily Prompt – JusJoJan the 7th, 2024

It’s Sunday and Linda says: “Welcome to the seventh prompt for Just Jot it January 2024! Today’s prompt is brought to us by Dan Antion. Much appreciated, Dan! Please be sure to visit Dan’s blog to read his posts and say hello. And follow him while you’re there if you’re not already.

Your prompt for JusJoJan January 7th, 2024 is “curious.” Use the word “curious” any way you’d like. Enjoy!


Curiosity killed the cat
Unfortunately it was a car knocked it flat.
Riddles always interest me
I get caught up by curiosity
Oh! It’s so odd so curious
Unable to resist we let our hearts be boss
So intriguing I am curious


Am I a curious person? Well you can be answered two ways. You might find me curious, odd or unusual….. Or I might strike you as curious as in always asking questions… curious to know the facts, the outcome, the reason or the resolution. I am a little curious in both senses of the word.

Then there are books I will mention two : The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time is a 2003 mystery novel by British writer Mark Haddon. Its title refers to an observation by the fictional detective Sherlock Holmes (created by Arthur Conan Doyle) in the 1892 short story “The Adventure of Silver Blaze“. Haddon and The Curious Incident won the Whitbread Book Awards for Best Novel and Book of the Year, the Commonwealth Writers’ Prize for Best First Book, and the Guardian Children’s Fiction Prize. Unusually, it was published simultaneously in separate editions for adults and children.

The novel is narrated in the first-person perspective by Christopher John Francis Boone, a 15-year-old boy who is described as “a mathematician with some behavioural difficulties” living in Swindon, Wiltshire. Although Christopher’s condition is not stated, the book’s blurb refers to Asperger syndrome (which today would be described as an autism spectrum disorder), high-functioning autism, or savant syndrome. In July 2009, Haddon wrote on his blog that “The Curious Incident is not a book about Asperger’s…if anything it’s a novel about difference, about being an outsider, about seeing the world in a surprising and revealing way. The book is not specifically about any specific disorder”, and that he, Haddon, is not an expert on the autism spectrum or Asperger syndrome.

The book uses prime numbers to number the chapters, rather than the conventional successive numbers. Originally written in English, it has been translated into 36 additional languages.

informafion Wiki  It is a great book I can highly recommend it 😃.

Then of course there is The Old Curiosity Shop is one of two novels (the other being Barnaby Rudge) which Charles Dickens published along with short stories in his weekly serial Master Humphrey’s Clock, from 1840 to 1841. It was so popular that New York readers stormed the wharf when the ship bearing the final instalment arrived in 1841.

The Old Curiosity Shop was printed in book form in 1841. Queen Victoria read the novel that year and found it “very interesting and cleverly written”.

The plot follows the journey of Nell Trent and her grandfather, both residents of The Old Curiosity Shop in London, whose lives are thrown into disarray and destitution due to the machinations of an evil moneylender. Information Wikipedia  Another great book.

Well that’s me done for this prompt..

Friday Reminder for Stream of Consciousness Saturday: Acronym.

Badge by Shelley Krupa..

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “acronym’.” Choose an acronym and use it any way you’d like. Enjoy!

TTFN is an initialism for “ta ta for now”, an informal “goodbye”. The expression came to prominence in the UK during the Second World War. Used by the military, it was frequently heard by the British public. Read more here.

A little acrostic poem TTFN

Take my heart with you as you go
Thank you for coming remember me
Find my photo in your pocket
Never forget we’ll meet again.


The Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS March 26, 2022 On Sunday!

Badge by Shelley Krupa

Friday’s here! And so was Linda with our Stream of Consciousness Saturday prompt: Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “rope.” Use it as a noun or a verb. Have fun!

Photo by Evelyn Chong on Pexels.com

“Give them enough rope and they will hang themselves.’ Now that’s an interesting one. It basically means to allow someone to accomplish his or her own downfall by his or her stupidity or pride.

“Throw me a rope” this one means help me out , throw me a rope as in a rescue, from a boat, burning building, or even to use during s climb. Those are the litteral meanings. Now it can also mean tell me what happened, throw me a rope and I can help you. Give me a clue of what you need and I will help. Or even show me some patience and I can help you or you can help me.

“At the end of my rope“, that litterally comes from dangling at the end of a rope being hung. But it can mean, to run out of patience, get very angry, be ready to go mad or have a nervous breakdown.

“Being roped into it”. Being tricked, cajoled or forced in to doing something you don’t want too, against your will!

Then there are rope bridges, rope soles on shoes, rope ladders and rope hanging basket holders.
“You can be roped off” like a section of a room, garden, street or even crime scene.

You could be feeling “ropey” or very ropey if you are ill or unwell.
Ropey” can also mean badly or shoddily made, like a ropey meal, dress, bag, house ect.

You can be “ropped in” mean being made to stop, having limits put on your quotas or boundaries , made to conform.

Now it looks like “I have run out of rope“, come to an abrupt end, no ideas left, no space left, run out of ideas, words, hope ect. So to end a short acrostic rope poem.


Rescue me
Oh! I am failing can’t you see.
Please throw me a rope
Everyone needs hope

#JusJoJan prompt the 24th – “Trigger”


Trigger happy
Ready half cocked
In a state of waiting
Geared up
Going to be fired
Engaged, finger poised
Ready to pull the trigger.

This is part of LindaGHill’s Justjojan. A day late!

#JusJoJan prompt the 10th – “Cheese” Poetry.

An Acrostic Poem ,Cheese.

Cherished taste buds explode Heightened tongue tickling al la mode.
Ectasy spikes with pickle
Elevating justices start to trickle.
So give in enjoy and applaud
Everyone loves a good Cheese board.

Part of LindaGHill’s Just Jot it January.

#TANKA TUESDAY Weekly #POETRY CHALLENGE NO. 209, Last challenge of 2020

Good morning and welcome to Colleen’s Tuesday Tanka Challenge. Colleen said : “For the LAST poetry challenge of 2020, I want you to write a poem about hope, using your favorite poetry form (it doesn’t have to be syllabic). Please make these poems inspirational to others.

No negativity and No politics! We’ve all had enough politics to last us another lifetime.

After you’ve written your poem, tell us why the specific form you chose is your favorite. Why does that form resonate with you? If it’s a new form, teach us how to write that specific form.

I’ll stop by and comment throughout the week as time allows. There will be NO recap post on Monday, January 4, 2021. Make sure and visit the other participant’s post through Mr. Linky or from the ping-backs on the challenge post.

Tanka Tuesday will resume on January 18, 2021.”

New Year New Hope

© willowdot21

Harvengers of hope and light arrives
Open the doors for their entry
Praise the welcome gifts with joy
Enter the new year now
Full of confidence
Undo all ills
Let ties of
Love bind

Today I have chosen my two favourite forms of poetry, the Nonet and the Acrostic Poem . This is an Acrostic Nonet. I love the way these two disaplines concentrate the mind. When put them together I feel I have achieved a small triumph.

Be blessed and safe everyone happy New Year.

The Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS Dec. 19/2020

Badge by Shelley Krupa..

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “magnet.” Use it any way you’d like. Enjoy!

I chose to do an Acrostic Poem .


Image from pixaby

Magnetic Northern lights.
Attracted to each other
Gathering with a chink and a clink.
No way to escape the poles.
Electrons spinning and dancing
The magnet works it’s magic.

This is part of LindaGHill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday

The Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS July 18/2020

Here is the Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday. #SoCS from our fabulous host LindaGHill. I have done an Acrostic Poem.

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “link.” Use it as a noun or a verb; use it any way you’d like. Enjoy!

image from Pixabay

Sinuously, and slinkily she

Leaves the shadows of night behind.

Indigo black she shimmers

Nubile coiled like a spring

Kneaning her senses

It is her way

Ever coiled

Sleek of


The Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS April 4/2020

JustTime for LindaGHill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday. Linda said :Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “deep.” Use it any way you’d like. Have fun!

Deep Acrostic.

Image from Pixabay.

Descending deeply

Ever lower into black

Eternally falling

Powerless to escape the deep.

Shelly Krupa

The Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS Feb. 29/2020

Badge by Shelley

Today is Saturday and it is time for LindaGHill’s Saturday Stream of Consciousness .Our prompt for this week is: “Ect.” Find a word with the letters “ect” in it, and base your post on that word. (Not to be confused with “et cetera,” which is “etc.”) Enjoy!

I have chosen to write an Acrostic Poem about the Borg.


Combining minds as one being

Oneness, their signature

Linked by a signal thought

Loneliness not in their vocabulary

Each was different, now united

Communication continuous

Time alone not an opion

Innovative immiterial, obsolete.

Voices meld as one no need to complete.

Each, is no option, Borg is singular.

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