The Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS March 25, 2023

Badge by Shelley Krupa..

LindaGHill is here with our prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday, she said”Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “the last thing you emptied.” Think of the last thing you emptied or something you empty often and use it as your prompt any way you like. Have fun!

Well I do love a cup of coffee, sadly these days my my tummy cannot tolerate real coffee but I have discovered a decent instant that I enjoy. So something I empty often is a coffee cup. Like everyone else I am always emptying things like, washing machines, dishwashers, tumble dryers, dustbins, sinks ect ect. So rather than rambling on about that here’s a little story about Death… His job is emptying the world of its dead. This story is about how he emptied his cup, his skeleton and a Starbucks.


Death was back in Starbucks again drinking coffee
he’d sent out invites but to the other three.
Like last time he had made his mark
He’d emptied the place those not dead sat stunned in the park
He finished his coffee, it was his second cup
Looked at the clock and decided his wait was up.
He knew his friends were tardy but enough was enough
He was busy collecting the dead and their stuff.
He rose from his seat and made for the door
Leaving a trail of black coffee on the floor.
“Damn coffee goes right to my feet” Off he stomped out into the street.
Pestilence,War and Famine were out having fun,
Too busy to join him, forgetting that he’s number one!
Behind him the cleaner followed with a mop
Turning he flashed a smile, the man fell with a plop!
Scooping him up as he went on his way mumbling to himself the start of another bloody day!
He did not need the others he was the boss,
Whatever they caused he picked up the loss.
So if you see him keep on his right side
Don’t offer him Columbian coffee you might hurt his pride!

© willowdot21.

Seriously, Another Year.

Death sat alone in an empty pub, everywhere he went this happened, he’d come in everyone else would leave. Such a shame he thought sipping his pint and watching it drip right through to the carpet….. so embarrassing!

The door flew open with an almighty gust of wind blowing in dust and tumble weed, very unusual for Brixton. Three hooded and cloaked figures entered “Hey man this is a step up from that coffee bar we met in last time” shouted Plague as he sat down and picked up the lager death had ordered for him on the pub app. “How have you been ” asked Death.

“Actually I have been so busy, as busy as you mate, yup it’s been a great couple of years! “

Famine sat down to his Guinness, the food on his plate turn to mush as he breathed on it. “Cheers Death I’m starving and parched.”.

Death nodded as War came in the sound of fighting and gunshot could be heard from the street, hi big man I’ve been busy too handy with Plague here, grabbing all the headlines I can do loads of damage.

Death moved his sythe and war jumped up waiving an AK-47 at him, Death gave him a withering look and said, “Don’t threaten me, you’ll only come off worse! ” War sat down.

“Tell me” asked Famine whose poked Mother Nature she’s in a foul mood, floods, fires, earthquakes, record hurricanes and tornadoes, not to mention climate change. Is she joining us today. ”

“No” Death replied “She’s too busy fighting back, sick of these humans leaching off of her. She sent you her regards Plague and says you’re doing a great job.”

The unfortunate barman came across to the table when Death beckoned to him, “Another round young man and packet of crisps for my friend Famine here! “

The barman, was all at once exhausted, ready for a fight, starving and showing all the main symptoms for covid, returned to the bar and poured these oddly unquieting customers their drinks. As he came back he tripped on Famine’s shopping nearly spilling the drinks. ” Mind the toilet rolls ” Famine snapped. The other three turned and looked at him and as one asked “Seriously”

As they left the barman collapsed, a riot broke out on the streets of Brixton, all the food shops, even Waitrose had their shelves cleared by starving people. Death sighed and set to collecting the dead , a never ending task which pained him. Suddenly his mobile rang

“Hello God here, I see you are all there”

“Yes we’ve been here a while Sir.”

“I know, I suppose you want an apocalypse now?”

“Not really Sir”

“Well you’re not really giving me much choice are you?”

“And a happy New Year to you too Sir”

Death turned his phone off and headed back to the pub, when he arrived it was packed .

March Speculative Fiction Prompt


First they came and it was like all hell had been let loose. They had brought the virus. It had spread like wildfire burning up the population. Those that were not infected were  slaughtered, a few survived.

Those that survived left the cities and towns keeping together for there was, then, safety in numbers.

The Vampires finally exhausted the all life on the planet. They began to die, no source of blood to sustain them they became extinct.

The tusnami came and seemed to cleanse the planet. It might of helped had there been a population left.

The night of the eclipse a lone figure ran through the city. Eyes full of fear legs driven by determination alone. Feet sinking in the wet sand.

It, was neither male nor female, human nor vampire. It was a hybrid, age could be no more than ten. Why can we be sure of that? Because ten years is all it had taken to bring this planet to this decaying state.

The hybrid found itself sinking into the sand. Terrified it struggled it had no knowledge of how to escape. It had struggled all it life to keep alive. It had known nothing but struggle.

Slowly the sand did its job and the hybrid suffocated and died.

There was soon nothing to even mark the hybrid’s passing. The eclipse did not end and eventually there was a planet no more just a dead rock.


This is my entry for the Myths of Mirrors prompt for March.

Stream of Consciousness Saturday: Safe/ Save.

This week Joey from Joeyfully Stated is standing in for our LindaGHill who is busy signing books and doing authory things 😉

So Joey has decided that our prompt this week is Safe/Save, each, both as you like. Also as ever extra points for beginning with either or both 💜. Whatever you do, if you join in have fun.

So a big thank  you to Joey

Rules and Pingback Here


Save the world she said

We need to keep our planet 

So the future’s safe.

Image from Pixabay


Save me the voice cried

It repeated in my head

Mermering it died.

I did not heed what it said

Why did I not keep it safe.

Image from Pixabay.

The Prophesy



They  all new  what  the  book  foretold and  what was  to come

When  the  sky  would  darken  and  the life  would  leave  the  sun.

Some  took  precautions  , built space  ships  took  supplies and  fled

Those  of  us  who  stayed knew  that  time was  short  and  we would soon be dead.



We felt  the urge  to go to the sea, to escape  the heat and  smell of  the  city

Abandoned  cars  and  burning  streets the  empty  loneliness ,hopelessness  and pity.

We picked up people along  the  way  we all needed to  reach  our final  destination

To witness the  end of our planet, as it got  turned  to  dust  and  blown out  into  the  constellations.



So here  we  sit  at  the  end  of  our planet’s mad,  crazy  days

We all watch  and  wait as the sea boils  and  bubbles in a  golden haze.

None of us  have  any  idea  when this  will all be over  or  when it  will end

Have no fear, when the time  comes  we will all go together,  in a  second  my friend



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NaBloPoMo : Death’s Book is Missing

“Well” said the voice filling everywhere  with light

Somehow everyone calmed down as all their fears took flight.

They  knew they were in trouble they new they were in bin!

They  had all been careless and causing  trouble  but felt there was no great sin.


A voice as smooth as syrup  gently calmed the street

This calm somehow traveled around the world, believe me no mean feat!

Death was secretly relived  to see his lord and master.

Plague, war and famine  if they had of had hearts would of felt them beating faster.


“Good evening, Death, I hope you are well and I see you have brought  your brothers.

You  have got  yourselves in to an awful mess  Death.” God said, then turned his head to look at the others.

The angel of death standing by God’s side tears of relief running down his beautiful face

“We have the book, boss” he said.He  held it in his right hand,” praise  be, we now can sort out the human race”


God  looked down on the angel of death who now sat in his hand, what was he to do with him

And Death  and his brothers three? They  were doing their best but God’s patience  was growing thin.








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