#Tanka Tuesday #Poetry Challenge No. 221 #SynonymsOnly

Our Gracious host Colleen Chesebro said WELCOME TO TANKA TUESDAY!

This week, Jude chose the words for us to select our synonyms:

I chose a haiku this time.

Image from Pixabay.

Search & Lost.

The quest has been hard
He had tried to do his best
The truth was not found

Song Lyric Sunday Search.30/09/18.

This week’s Song Lyric Sunday prompt word is search.

I have gone a little off piste this week with Queen‘s Lilley of the Valley.

Brilliant song all about searching for answers to questions that make up our lives.

“Lily Of The Valley”

I am forever searching high and low
But why does everybody tell me no
Neptune of the seas
Have you an answer for me please
And the lily of the valley doesn’t know

I lie in wait with open eyes
I carry on through stormy skies
I follow every course
My kingdom for a horse
But each time I grow old
Serpent of the Nile
Relieve me for a while
And cast me from your spell and let me go

Messenger from Seven Seas has flown
To tell the King of Rhye he’s lost his throne
Wars will never cease
Is there time enough for peace
But the lily of the valley doesn’t know.

This is part of Helen Vahdati’s #songlyricsunday join in here.

Happy Sunday everyone.

NaBloPoMo : Death’s Book is Missing


“Well” said the voice filling everywhere  with light

Somehow everyone calmed down as all their fears took flight.


They  knew they were in trouble they new they were in bin!

They  had all been careless and causing  trouble  but felt there was no great sin.


A voice as smooth as syrup  gently calmed the street

This calm somehow traveled around the world, believe me no mean feat!

Death was secretly relived  to see his lord and master.

Plague, war and famine  if they had of had hearts would of felt them beating faster.


“Good evening, Death, I hope you are well and I see you have brought  your brothers.

You  have got  yourselves in to an awful mess  Death.” God said, then turned his head to look at the others.

The angel of death standing by God’s side tears of relief running down his beautiful face

“We have the book, boss” he said.He  held it in his right hand,” praise  be, we now can sort out the human race”


God  looked down on the angel of death who now sat in his hand, what was he to do with him

And Death  and his brothers three? They  were doing their best but God’s patience  was growing thin.









NaBloPoMo: Deaths Book is Lost


They searched , they over turned countries, cities towns

They lay waste to plains of crops and wherever there was joy they brought frowns.

The  sick got sicker  the wars got worse not one corpse would follow Death

No matter the mutilation, the cancer  or the agony no one took their last sweet breath.


The angel of death was in despair, his boss Death was unsure what  to do

War plague  and famine had never had so much fun no lack of suffering, and that was true.

Governments around the world had meetings, the dead drew up and begged  for oblivion

The angel of death could take no more, he went above his boss’s head, he new it was his wrong.



He crept slowly into the halls of heaven, the holy light

Bathed his body with the warmth he had long  forgot.

The beauty  of what he so missed , reminded him of what he was not.

He wept, he sobbed and grieved. Then he hear the Father’s voice.

Forgive me Father I need to see you I have no choice.


The face of the Father full of love  and warmth looked  down on his errant son.

He knew of course before the angel spoke  exactly why he had come.






The  book was gone  and all was panic

Death  was furious,  the whole place was frantic.

Angrily he paced the wooden  floors

Searching  every room and slamming all the doors.

Things were desperate, so he call the other horsemen in

He  knew that they were busy  causing  war, plague  and strife

Ruining   crops,  watching  people die  and generally spoiling everone’s life .

They came leaving chaos in their withering wake

“Lost the book” sneered War , plague coughed famine asked was there any cake?

The Angel of death  was hiding  from he who was dressed   in cowl and carrying a scythe

Death was frantic he new without his book those who should be dead would be staying alive.

It was famine that found him  while he searching for nourishment

The angel of death  hiding in the fridge , ” he’s in here Death” famine shouted as he took the cheese and went.

Death was too angry to hang about any more .

Come on  we have to search, Now , Shouting for his horse he rushed out of the door!

So the four  horse  men of the Apocalypse followed  by the sulking angel of death

They went forth to find the book , they’d search the earth , width and breadth !!



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