24 Seasons Syllabic Poetry Challenge, No. 27,Spring Equinox.

depth of field photography of tulip flowers

The 24 Seasons Syllabic Poetry challenge for #TankaTuesday welcomed writers to create poetry using kigo phrases for different hemispheres. Participants were invited to select a form and incorporate specific kigo words into their poems.

Below are three kigo phrases for the Northern. Use one kigo phrase in each of your three poems in whatever order you’d like.

🌱 Northern Hemisphere:

  • #1: “tranquil dawn” (nodokaall spring)
  • #2: “hazy moon” (oborozukiall spring)
  • #3: “birds enter clouds” (tori kumo ni irumid spring)

🪻 🪻 🪻

Waking the first bird
Rips apart the tranquil dawn
Gaia has risen

As sleep evades me
I watch the hazy moon light
Gently comforting

Photo by Frantisek Duris on Pexels.com

The birds enter clouds
Heavy dark and menacing
Like my soul captured.


Throwback Thursday. Holiday Meals.

Lauren is our hostess this Thanksgiving week and she chose a great topic – whether you celebrate Thanksgiving or not. The idea of a holiday meal includes any holiday occasion your family celebrates. That covers a lot of ground.

To participate, head over to Lauren’s post, read the rules and join in. Lauren gives a little guidance to get the creative juices flowing:

This week’s prompt is: Holiday Meals.  

I really don’t know how my mum used to produce such wonderful Christmas dinners, for so many people because money was so tight but she really always came up trump’s.
It all started Christmas Eve when we all went shopping with mum…. We all regardless of age had stuff to carry home. Everything was got then it was home and busy in the kitchen…mince pies were made, veg prepped, turkey stuffed, gravey prepared. The Christmas pudding and cake were made weeks before yet always tasted as fresh as if they had been made the day before. As fast as my mum made mince pies my brothers pinched them!
We had a tiny kitchen and how we all got in there to help here was a miracle.
Mum’s old gas cooker was very temperamental and often blew up.. nothing worse than singed eyebrows thank goodness.
There were eight of us plus numerous waifs and strays! No one was ever turned away from our door.
I have always followed my mum’s tradions, her menus and her panicks.
Breakfast : scrambled eggs and salmon with buckfizz.
Turkey and Ham or Pork or occasionally Beef. Stuffing, sausage meat, roast parsnips, carrots, sweet potatoes, potatoes, basted with honey.
Coliflower and Broccoli cheese, Brussel sprouts, peas and gravy, Yorkshire pudding, bread sauce and Cranberry sauce, apple sauce and horseradish sauce!
Christmas Pudding, Cheesecake as mice pies.

I have had Christmases with no heating, Mother in law most years even though she was not keen on me and everyone knew it. She made it clear she would rather be at her other son’s. Christmas when Hubby was ill, some when he was away. Christmas Dinner in Pubs and with relatives!

We had one Christmas in Spain but that was very odd . The two older boys were with us but we did miss the rest of the family. It’s absolutely wonderful now we have grandchildren they make Christmas so special.

I remember one year when I was about fourteen years old. Dad was washing up at our Belfast sink ( before they were fashionable) he put the plates on the draining board, we dried them and put them on the dresser behind him. What we didn’t realize was that he was lifting the clean dishes and washing them again 🤣🤣

The A Mused Poetry Contest 11/14 – 12/11/2020

The Christmas Email 🎄

T’was the night before Christmas, I’m peeling the sprouts,
I’ll regret it tomorrow of that I’ve no doubts.
I’ve spent hours wrapping pressies for under the tree.
Everyones socially distancing so it’s up to me.
This year’s been a bummer so I thought let’s spread the joy
(cough) Here’s our news which is bound to annoy.
Lets start with grandpa well he’s loosing the plot
he’s been stalking the estate quite a lot.
Since they said he can drive no more,
he’s been acting like a bear with a head that’s sore!
Hubby has been busy washing hands and making masks
when people get too close he takes them to task.
Jerome, Cathy and Hermione are fine,
in and out of school all the time.
Fighting over computer, laptop and tablet …all of them mine!
We’ve all had to isolate at different times ,
we’ve done as we’re told to avoid fines!
We’re all sick of watching the neighbours breaking the rules.
How will we ever be rid of this Covid surrounded by fools.
The chickens stopped laying last week,
the hamsters are missing we’ve not heard a squeak.
We’ve had our fair share of hospitals and Ambulances too.
But to be fair in lockdown there’s not much to do!
My goodness is that the time,
I must get this sent then open the wine.
Merry Christmas to you and your bubble,
let’s hope 2021 is less trouble.
The Vaccine is coming we’ll all grow two heads..I don’t really care, in 100years we’ll all be dead!

© willowdot21

Part of Chelsea Owen’s mused poetry Challenge.

A Job Description For The Writer’s Pet #amwriting

Calling all ambitious animals a note from Lucy Mitchell.



Sometimes, the best part about writing is that my dog is always snoring nearby, offering sleepy moral support as I sit at my desk, agonizing over my latest fictional romance.

Read at source

Mary and Jo the end of the beginning.

Today is the 5th January the Epithany, the day the three kings (magi.com ) visit the the new baby the saviour. The end of my Christmas Story but the beginning of another.

Okay Driver, we can walk from here, we have plenty of time. Looking really smart in their rich and kingly robes they stepped out of their limmo  the last of the journey their greeting to express.

Image from Pixabay

The gifts they bare are unusual, not ones seen every day. They had researched them well to help this new king on his way.

Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh  are the gifts they proffer. These unlikely gifts are special and each have something to offer.

They left the dunes and followed the star’s light towards the hotel lit up in the night. When they arrived   everyone in reception turned to look at them, the young lady on the desk asked if she could help, yes they said “is this the Hotel Delph.”

We have come to see the baby, we have come baring gifts.  A familiar young man ( Gabe) smiled and beckoned them towards the lifts. “He is waiting for you back here in David’s room,” he said as  he led them through the doors marked staff and into the gloom.

Image from Pixabay

They followed him up a passage feeling somewhat overdressed, all the staff they passed bowed and seemed very much impressed. As they reached David’s door Gabriel disappeared, “Why does he keep doing that ” asked Balthazar “Am I the only one who think it is weird?”

As they entered the room all of their worries flew away before them was the most amazing sight they had ever seen in all of their living days.

© willowdot21 2019

Angels, shepherds, sheep and all. Children,hotel staff animals large and small. They could hardly believe it true, all wondrous things here, heaven sent, and in every hue.

image from Pixabay

The babe was such a glorious sight, he was holy, holy and  he was surrounded by light and love and joy he was such a beautiful boy. This was the boy, the son of God he was going to save the world and by kindness, no use of the rod.

They drew forth their special gifts , gold for a King , Frankincense a perfume bitter but royal and Myrrh to use a soothing balm for the body royal.

Happy staff

The Hotel staff where so happy and  jubilant Irena and Annya  so proud they had helped. They loved this couple who’s short stay had touched their lives .

Image from Pixabay

The gents from Magi.com were blown away with this place and so happy they had come all this way. To share a part of this birth to witness the miracle of the blessed babe and see his worth.

Now if everything you have read here is true, is a choice that I will leave up to you. But Angels and shepherds and the neighbours, pets and live stock too with wise men and gifts and happy staff and children in a 5star hotel with everyone happy as if all under a magic spell.

Well lets leave the parents and baby to sleep the staff, shepherds and wise men a watch over them to keep. They have to be up early tomorrow it is true. They need to make ready for a long journey out of this land. They have to escape Herod   and his evil band, of  killers of infants under a year. Yes that is why the Angels and the wise men had bid them flee from here. But for now we will let the three of them sleep for with fate and pain they have many an appointment to keep.

Image from Pixabay

Mary and Jo Part 28

This is part twenty eight of my reworking of the Nativity. From an idea I first wrote in December 2011.

Image from Pixabay

And what of our three wise men who follow the star, to find the babe of Bethlehem. They checked and double checked the charts they knew the 5th was the date imprinted on their hearts

They had stayed up discussing Herod and the proposition he had made for information about the whereabouts of the babe. The stranger Gabriel made a lot sense when he told them of Herod’s plan to find and destroy the babe if he can.

Image from Pixabay

They decided that they would give him the swerve they had not liked his manner he had had them all un-nerved. They decided they would give the parents the tip to leave Egypt asap and give the man the slip.

Image from Pixabay

So not long now till they set off into the night to pay homage to the holy mite . He is the new, the the shining light. With their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh gifts which will in the future share.

Image from Pixabay

Mares and Jo take their rest, something is telling them to stay, Gabe mentioned three wise men from far away. He also told Jo to be clear, after their visit they could not stay here. They must immediately up and leave Egypt without delay.

Image from Pixabay

Sleep sweet couple while you can there will be grief when your boy becomes a man.

Image from Pixabay

He has come to save us all, it is true but to reach that goal,Mary and Jo there is much grief for you.

Mary and Jo. Part27.

This is part twenty seven of my reworking of the Nativity. From an idea I first wrote in December 2011.

Where are those three wise men, I hear you say where are magi.com are they not coming to pray? They have been busy checking their star charts to see what they say.

image from Pixabay

They must arrive in January, on the fifth day. Now as it happens that is a good thing you see, for they have hiding from Herod. They need to keep their movements hidden from him, to save the baby.

Image from Pixabay

Now don’t you forget them because you will see they will arrive safe on the day pre decreed! They will bring their presents fit for a new king. The the new order of life can begin.

Image from Pixabay.
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