Cry for Help.

Cry For Help.

Help she screamed I cannot cope

No one turned no one spoke

Help he pleaded I am depressed

No one listened or her pain redressed

Help she begged I can’t go on

No one heard above their lala song

Help someone it hurts me so

No one bothered, as she swam against the flow

Help she whispers as ended her life

No one reached out to save her from strife

She said no more, she had died

No one noticed no one cried.

Twittering Tales #120 – 22 January 2019

This is my entry for Kat Myrman’s Twittering Tales.

Photo by Juan Pablo at
Queen of the Road
Soon, she told herself, I will escape. She’d got her HGV licence two weeks ago. She was longing to tell her awful boss to stick his job, to sick his slimy hands and leud suggestions.
As soon as she got the result of her interview. She’d walk out of here and be Queen of the Road.
(278 Characters)

Colleen’s 2019 Weekly Tanka Tuesday Poetry Challenge No. 120, “Cold & Storm,” #SynonymsOnly

This is my entry for Colleen Chesebro‘s Tuesday Tanka Challenge.

Strangely the temperature dropped here and we had snow which I have a video here. My poem is an Etheree.

Deep Winter




All in silence

The tempest arrives

Freezing, chilling the ground

Squalls whipping up banks of


Blizzards persists temperatures

Dropping fast like falling mercury

Noses grow red tingling fingers and toes.

#JusJoJan 2019 Daily Prompt – Jan. 22nd

Our prompt for Jusjojan 2019, January 22nd is brought to you by Pamela! Click here to find her last post and say hi while you’re there! Pamela’s word for our prompt today is “curiosity.” Use it anywhere in your post or make it the theme of your post. Have fun!

I have written an Acrostic Nonet today.


Curiosity just killed this cat

Undead it can’t be made, that’s that.

Rigamortus has set in

It can’t be cured you see

Only nosiness

Stilled this cute cat

I tell you



Image from Pixabay

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Tanka Tuesday

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