Stream of Consciousness Saturday: Misshapen, Miscommunication Nonet

LindaGHill said: Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “miss.”  Use it any way you’d like. Have fun!


Misunderstanding in life is  rife

Innocence is completely lost

Sadly a fact of  this life

Sin demands it’s cost

Hopelessness each day

About us plays

Peace we pray



This post is part of SoCS: the  rules  can be  found  here  

The  pingback is here   also

Five Photos Five Stories: Nonet : Grave Storms

Grave Storms

Gentle lapping  of  the ceasless waves

Calling out  to those in the graves.

Weather  beaten, sun bleached stones

Covering  long  cold bones.

Mourners  walk in single

File. Cold winds bite.

Gulls cry,  here

Comes the



Here are the rules for the “Five Photos Five Stories” challenge: “Post a photo each day for five consecutive days and attach a story to the photo. It can be fiction or non-fiction, a poem or a short paragraph and each day nominate another blogger for the challenge.”

I am going  to  try  and use  the  theme  of graveyards.

My fourth  nomination goes to Hortus  Closus

Thanks again to  This  thing  called  life. One  step  at time    for nominating me for the challenge.





Five Photos Five Stories: Time and Tide:Nonet

IMG_20140715_070537698Chilly  mornings, warm  light  evenings

Sunrise, sunset all things  done.

Ripples of  joy, tides of grieving .

Time gathers  momentum

Dead leaves  rise  and  fall

Hear  the silent

Cries  from

Those gone




Here are the rules for the “Five Photos Five Stories” challenge: “Post a photo each day for five consecutive days and attach a story to the photo. It can be fiction or non-fiction, a poem or a short paragraph and each day nominate another blogger for the challenge.”

I am going  to  try  and use  the  theme  of graveyards.

My third  nomination goes to Charlie Mills 

Thanks again to  This  thing  called  life. One  step  at time    for nominating me for the challenge.


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