The Friday Reminder for #SoCS & #JusJoJan 2023 Daily Prompt – Jan. 14th

LindaGHill said :”Welcome to the Daily 2023 Just Jot it January Prompt and the Stream of Consciousness Saturday prompt for SATURDAY, JANUARY 14th! Well, so far, so good. I’m doing pretty well keeping up with the prompts this year by staying ahead of the game. There’s something to be said for taking the pressure off by being prepared. “

 Your prompt for #JusJoJan the 14th and Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “once upon a time.” Start your post with “Once upon a time,” then write whatever comes to you, whether it be fact or fiction. Have fun!

Once upon a time


Image Found  Here 

Once apon a time there was a young prince, named Bonniface. His  family  had  reigned over  their  kingdom  for  a  thousand  years!! Sadly the  present  king ( Bonniface’s dad) was   not  the  best  with  the  royal  purse  and  right  now  the  kingdom  was  deeply  in  the  red!  The  King  and  Queen  after much deliberation  decided  Bonniface should  marry Princess  Precious  from  the  the  kingdom  next  door  but one.

Well  that  was  not  so  bad  she  was  quiet  a  looker! So  it  was  a light  and happy  heart  that  he  set  off to meet  Precious. All went well on his arrival until after dinner whilst having   drink out on  the palace  veranda  that  Precious  showed  her  true  colours.

She  told  Bonniface   that  if  he  wished  to  marry  her  he  had  to carry  out  some  quests  for  her, to  prove  his  worth.

Poor  Bonniface   had  spent  the  last  two  years, getting  water  from  the  Well of  Life, crystals  from the  Mountains of  Doom and  three  scales  from a  living  dragon (  boy  that  was hard!) and  now  he was  supposed  to  getting  a  lock  of  hair  from a fairy!

Night  was falling  and  Bonniface  was hungry  and  so  was his  horse. As they  rounded  the  bend  Bonniface  saw  tiny  twinkling  lights  up  ahead. Ah!  he  thought  perhaps  there is  a chance  of  shelter  and  food, his  horse  (  who I  have  not  introduced  yet, named Jet, due  to his  colour) thought  exactly  the  same .

Nearing  the  lights the Prince  and  horse  were  amazed  to  see  that  they  were  surrounded  twinkling  fairies! They  were  really  so  enchanting  and  beautiful. The  Prince stood  stock  still  and  opened  mouthed. The  tiny  and  beautiful  faires  danced  all around  him. All  the  warnings  he  had  been  given  about  this  sort  of  thing totally  disappeared from his  mind  and  he  forgot  the rain and  the  tiredness  and  smiled !

A beautiful  soft  voice  from  behind  him made  him spin  round .


Image  Found  Here 

There in front of  him  was  the  most  beautiful  Fairy Prince, blonde  hair,  blue  eyes, red lips  and  equally  as  tall as  himself.  Bonniface  was  smitten . “Prince  Bonniface I  assume” said  the  silver tongued  Fairy Prince, ( he really did have a  silver  coloured  tongue). “I  have  had  my  eye on  you  for  several  months  now”  The  Fairy  Prince  smiled  and  bowed  very  low  taking  a  good  look  at  the  bedraggled  Bonniface  as  he  straighten up. Bonniface  was  still dumbstruck.

Well  the  Fairy  Prince  persuaded  Prince  Bonniface   to  stay  for  dinner  and  for decency’s sake  I  shall not  mention  what  happened  after  dinner   but  boy  it  was  hot and  joy  reigned  supreme!

In  the  morning  the  Fairy Prince  invited  Prince  Bonniface  to  stay  with  him  forever, apparently  if  he  stayed  he  would  become  a fairy  too  and  be  married  to  the  Fairy  Prince. It  took  Bonniface  a  split  second  to  weigh  up  the  pros  and  cons  of  life with the  Fairy  Prince  or  Princess Precious…… Yup  he  stayed  and  he  and  the Fairy  Prince lived  happily  ever  after. Well I  say  happily  ever after  they  did  have  their  ups  and  downs  and  Bonniface  found  himself  in  the  body  of  a  frog   more  than once   but  he  and  his  Prince  never  slept on  an  argument and  they always  made up  before sunset . They  had  lots of  fun  and  glorious sex  and  Bonniface   never  had  to  go  on  anymore  quests!

Jet  became a unicorn  and  was  very  popular  because   he  was  the only  black  unicorn in existence!


image  found  here 

Prince Bonniface’s  parents  suddenly  came  into  money  and  his  younger brother  Bob  became  the  next in  line  (  Bob  was an accountant   so  the  kingdom was in  safe  hands)


Image  found  here 

Princess Precious, well after  a  year or  two  decided  that Bonniface was  not  coming  back so  she  married  Prince  Rufus  of  some  other  Kingdom and  after  an uneasy  start  they  fell in  love  and  she  become  half  decent !

I  won’t  say  they  all  lived  happily  ever after   because  let us   get  real  no one  does  not  even in real  fairytales.   But  these  guys  above  made  a pretty  good  fists of  it!


This is a rewrite of a post I did in 2017.

Christmas Fairy Blues.

google images.

Christmas Fairy Blues.

It’s not fair it’s a shame

Christmas has come and gone again.

I am cold and put on weight

All those chocolates I normally HATE!

The holly has all gone from the halls,

And someone broken my best baw-balls!

There is a bit of Christmas tree

Stuck up part of my anatomy.

It is cold and bloody wet

But no one gives a damn about me I bet.

No one worries about the Christmas fairy

As long as she is cute and pert and not BIG AND HAIRY.

The snow has gone and turned to slush

The dogs  are eyeing  me up  would help if I SHOUTED MUSH!

Santa came, he was drunk, and rough

And now this fairy is UP THE DUFF.



It’s the third week of the month! Time for an Ekphrastic #PhotoPrompt

This challenge explores Ekphrastic writing inspired by visual art (photographs). Diana Peach from last month’s challenge has provided the photo for this month’s challenge:

Moonlight Child.

Silver moonlight child
Hidden in the forest wild
Fairies see, and smile.
Caught in your reflection mild
Pray for us please moonlight child.

This is part of Colleen Chesebro’s Tuesday Tanka Challenge.

Not the A to Z April Challenge : Waterfall


Fractals of multi hued motes of light

Greets morning  through the  waterfall

Silver  gleam has  ruled  the night

Dawn puts all that  to  flight

Dancing skipping  all

Tumbling down










Not the A to Z April Challenge : Fortress

Fortress on the Hill

From ancient  times upon the tall hill

The  fortress stood  and remains still

Many  have  said  that  fairies dwell

Hidden but casting  spells

Ghosts  within there dwell

Dreams enough to fill

The fortress still

You could fall

Under the


The Return of Little Mae and Polar Bear ( repeat of the last chapter.)

As I have said  before I have been well below parr mentally  of late,  but I feel now I must  pull myself up by  the Boot Straps!

Some of  you may  remember I started  a saga  last year  Little Mae  and Polar  Bear.  Well I left  them all alone  back in February

(when I was doing  Fanfofeb) facing  almost  certain  defeat by  the powers of evil!

Well it is about  time I sorted  them  out,  so  here is  the last  chapter I wrote  all the other  chapters  are dotted about in the main  blog

when I have time I shall put it all together on one page! …. I should  do so with  The  Sword  Of Runes  too!

Right  cut  the chat  back  to the action.




Loud the noise of battle , bloody and debauched. The bodies of the dead stacked high

The smell of rotting flesh assaults  the throat, and burns the eye . The stinking smell raises to the sky.

The wounded lay in filthy piles, demons and maggots gnawing on their wounds

Their screams of fear and pain add to the  impending doom.


The Witch of  the East watched through the rain

Enjoying  the smell and screams of agonizing pain.

She was aroused by the smell of fear and hate

Summoning  one of her minions her desire to sate.


The Battle raged  below while she in carnal acts

Took such pleasure from a hound of hell, with his master she had a pact.

The noise they made could be hear below in the battle

Men shuddered at the sound, the demons were aroused and stampeded like cattle.

Mae and Ewen held  the line

Fight on fight on he pleaded all will be fine .

How  can that awful screaming scare us so?

It is a sound no human should ever have to know.


Mae was chilled to the bone, her soul felt almost frozen.

Her thoughts went to her beloved Polar Bear.

Where was he, she needed him. He had sworn he always would be there for her.

Tired so tired Mae could hardly raise her sword.


At first she did not feel the pain

Then it awoke in her as she was struck again and again.

Brave Mae  took the savage beating .

Then in went the blade as she fell her thoughts still fleeting .


Up in the castle  the demon and Witch both both reached  a climax

He exhausted, she her skin all torn blood flowing  in tracks.

Heaving and sweating with lust

She threw him off though he was in mid thrust.


The Witch felt Mae’s wounds and her pain.

Though in agony  she smiled  seeing now  her end game.

Dragging herself over the demon’s

quivering body,

The Witch crawled towards the window leaving a trail all bloody.


With an evil glint in her eye she saw Mae’s plight

She watch as Ewen  sped to her aid moving at full flight.

Her heart beat faster as Ewen took Mae’s bleeding body into his arms

Smiling  she crawled back to her demon lover to drink of him , she had no qualms.

Ewen bore Mae away to rest to heal to sleep

It hurt him so to see her wounds. Out loud  he did weep.

Mae found  Polar Bear in her dream, helped by an angel with raven hair.

He stretched out and  touched Mae , she felt safe now he was here with her.


FanFoFeb : Mae and Polar Bear. (The loss of faith)

Loud the noise of battle , bloody and debauched. The bodies of the dead stacked high

The smell of rotting flesh assaults  the throat, and burns the eye . The stinking smell raises to the sky.

The wounded lay in filthy piles, demons and maggots gnawing on their wounds

Their screams of fear and pain add to the  impending doom.

The Witch of  the East watched through the rain

Enjoying  the smell and screams of agonizing pain.

She was aroused by the smell of fear and hate

Summoning  one of her minions her desire to sate.


The Battle raged  below while she in carnal acts

Took such pleasure from a hound of hell, with his master she had a pact.

The noise they made could be hear below in the battle

Men shuddered at the sound, the demons were aroused and stampeded like cattle.


Mae and Ewen held  the line

Fight on fight on he pleaded all will be fine .

How  can that awful screaming scare us so?

It is a sound no human should ever have to know.


Mae was chilled to the bone, her soul felt almost frozen.

Her thoughts went to her beloved Polar Bear.

Where was he, she needed him. He had sworn he always would be there for her.

Tired so tired Mae could hardly raise her sword.


At first she did not feel the pain

Then it awoke in her as she was struck again and again.

Brave Mae  took the savage beating .

Then in went the blade as she fell her thoughts still fleeting .


Up in the castle  the demon and Witch both both reached  a climax

He exhausted, she her skin all torn blood flowing  in tracks.

Heaving and sweating with lust

She threw him off though he was in mid thrust.


The Witch felt Mae’s wounds and her pain.

Though in agony  she smiled  seeing now  her end game.

Dragging herself over the demon’s

quivering body,

The Witch crawled towards the window leaving a trail all bloody.


With an evil glint in her eye she saw Mae’s plight

She watch as Ewen  sped to her aid moving at full flight.

Her heart beat faster as Ewen took Mae’s bleeding body into his arms

Smiling  she crawled back to her demon lover to drink of him , she had no qualms.

Ewen bore Mae away to rest to heal to sleep

It hurt him so to see her wounds. Out loud  he did weep.

Mae found  Polar Bear in her dream, helped by an angel with raven hair.

He stretched out and  touched Mae , she felt safe now he was here with her.



Post on your site, and join FanFoFeb . The rules are easy!

1. It’s never too late to join in, since the “FanFoFeb   Fantasy for February lasts all month . (it doesn’t have to be a post) counts as a “post.” If it makes it to WordPress that day, great! If it waits a week to get from the sticky note to your screen, no problem!
2. If you write a FanFoFeb  . post on your blog, you can ping it back to the above link to make sure everyone participating knows where to find it.
3. Write anything!
4. Have fun!









FanFoFeb: Mae and Polar Bear. 12/02/2014

“Yes I have  the child “replied the Witch  of the East

“He  is mine and on his innocence I feast!”

“Then why did I find him lost and alone in the snow?”

asked Mae.

The Witch told Mae ” I sent him out to snare you didn’t you know.

I needed him to gain your trust and love so I could reel you in. It worked  well my dear.

For your army is within my domain and you Mae, you are here!”

Mae’s temper flared this evil woman was laughing at her.

Eyes  flashing  Mae  raised her sword to the, now giant witch , “No, No” screamed Mae!!

“You evil bitch”, you  shall not win this day.

Mae advanced her eyes were wild and flashing ,

Whirling  her sword at the witch she advanced and down upon  her brought it crashing!

A high  pitch squeal was heard, it was the boys scream, followed by  the East witch laughing.

She had tricked Mae who now was shocked to see the boy child cut in two

His life’s blood oozing out, dead, dead the child was dead what was poor Mae to do?

Just in time  Mae turned to see hordes of demons, eyes a blaze slavering for her, fast advancing

Mae saw no other way but to turn and run . Out through the doors her eyes with fear dancing.

As she reached the courtyard Ewen  saw her plight

He called upon his men to help her,  he shouted  “save Mae, men fight!!”

Still Polar bear is trapped  under the East Witch’s spell

Trapped in a nightmare having to watch Mae’s agony, in his own hell.

An angel is with him trying to easy  his pain

But  she feel his anguish making him cry out  again and again………………


Post on your site, and join FanFoFeb . The rules are easy!

1. It’s never too late to join in, since the “FanFoFeb   Fantasy for February lasts all month . (it doesn’t have to be a post) counts as a “post.” If it makes it to WordPress that day, great! If it waits a week to get from the sticky note to your screen, no problem!
2. If you write a FanFoFeb  . post on your blog, you can ping it back to the above link to make sure everyone participating knows where to find it.
3. Write anything!
4. Have fun!

FanFoFeb : Mae and Polar Bear 08/02/2014

“At last you have decided to show some sense”

Hissed  the witch of the East

“What have you to say in your defense ?”

Mae could not believe her ears such words from this female beast!

“Why do I need to defend myself to you”

Mae asked her temper, for the first time rising.

“I am not in the wrong here, no, that is you!”

Her hand around her sword hilt tightening, she look amazing , even frightening.

The Witch stood and seemed to grow filling all the room

Standing her ground  Mae  faced her arch enemy.

Sweat ran down Mae’s back she feared that she might swoon

A shaft  of silver moonlight shone through the window so Mae  could see.

Why have you turned this beautiful kingdom into a dark night

You killed  my father  and you have banished  my sister , why

What  have  we ever done to you , why  use us to vent  your spite.

You  have my half brother here, I know he is here I heard him cry.

Post on your site, and join FanFoFeb . The rules are easy!

1. It’s never too late to join in, since the “FanFoFeb   Fantasy for February lasts all month . (it doesn’t have to be a post) counts as a “post.” If it makes it to WordPress that day, great! If it waits a week to get from the sticky note to your screen, no problem!
2. If you write a FanFoFeb  . post on your blog, you can ping it back to the above link to make sure everyone participating knows where to find it.
3. Write anything!
4. Have fun!

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