The Moon’s Pull

Full Moon

Three glorious  nights, though the  true  bloom is  but a few  seconds

Full moon  graces our  heavens making  everything  magical

For  three nights,  that is  what  the scientist  reckons.

We all fall under  the  full moons’ spell it is  magical.


Pulling  on  the seas and oceans

If, ware wolves do exists the full moon touches  them

Beast and man alike feeling  your touch as  emotions

Rejoice  the last  full moon of  winter  is  with us again.


Through  the ages man has looked to the  moon in awe

He has painted pictures of  it’s  glory

Told tales  and   written music  to celebrate it’s lore

Wrote in poems  and prose it’s story.


Phases of the moon

This  is another poem  for “fullmoonsocial

Winter’s last full Moon a Nonnette

Full Moon

You stand  here  in the silver moon light

You feel the magic of  time old

Washed in the tides ancient pull

Dancing freely in  night

Feeling free not cold

Sparkling not dull

You are  the

Full moon



This  is another poem  for “fullmoonsocial


Dedicated  to  my  eldest  son.

Full Moon Celebration

This  is part of “fullmoonsocial


Full Moon

So again  she is  here  to bath us  in her  full light.

Taking  center stage , full and  blooming

She  fills us  with  passions  and  true delight

Her  full on  Mother  Earth’s tears all consuming.


Lupine call

The lupine creatures  howl stirring up  our  forgotten fears

Reveling in her  silver sparkle and  feeling  her pull

Man too is  drawn out  to gaze  on her  as he has down the years

Rejoice, Rejoice she is bounteous , she  is  beautiful  .


Gently  she touches  our  hearts  and  souls

Bathing us  all in soft  soft  silver light

She encourages us  to rise  up  and  follow  our  goals.

Sadly her  brilliance  starts  to wain after  her  first glorious night


Full Moon

Dreams Cast

Cast your dreams

Cast  your  dreams upon  the  sea

In tiny boats of  paper

Send  them out  in search of  me

Ignite their  lights   with a magic  taper.


Watch  them sail away towards  the horizon

Bless  them gently  as  they go

Your  dreams  are  what  you should  keep  your eye on.

They  will reach me faster  than  you will know.


Buried Alive

Buried alive

She is  so near, yet we cannot  see her

Lying in between the roots  and  leaves

No more  pain, no longer  cold not  a care

Unlike  those  who search, her loved  ones grieve.


Fear  and terror  her  last feelings

Trapped  and scared knowing she was lost

At  first  she  begged to be released  but  there was no appealing.

Why  had  she smiled  at  him, her  life had  been the cost.


Her soul still lingers

Only  sixteen  her life all over all her hopes and dreams

Gone slipped  through her fingers

Her  picture like an icon, shattered plans and schemes

She  is lost to  them gone  but  for now  her soul still lingers.


Blood on my hands

Blood on  my  hands, bright  red  and  warm

Where is  it  from , sticky  thick . Have  I caused  harm?

It  runs  slowly  down  my  fingers then drips on to the sand.

Where  am I , alone  here  with  blood on my  hand.


You  are  guilty it  is  your  fault all your  doing

The  machine of  war  keeps  turning  all hell ensuing

You can carry  all the blame, look at  this  world  you have  built

Never  mind  the blood on your  hands  there are  gallons  more  you’ve  spilt.


Who  are  you to  blame  me,

Show  yourself , reveal  your face  let  me  see.

Why  me,  what  have I  done  to have  blood on my  hands.

I have  done  nothing , I do not  wage  war I don’t  make  stands.


You  are  guilty it  is  your  fault all your  doing

The  machine of  war  keeps  turning  all hell ensuing

You can carry  all the blame, look at  this  world  you have  built

Never  mind  the blood on your  hands  there are  gallons  more  you’ve  spilt.


Take off the blindfold

I am  no one  just  an ordinary  woman, I have  never  hurt  anyone

I have  never have I  killed  so why  is there blood on my hands

Why am I here, this empty place, dirty under  this  sun

I need  to  wash  this blood  from  my  hands.


You  are  guilty it  is  your  fault all your  doing

The  machine of  war  keeps  turning  all hell ensuing

You can carry  all the blame, look at  this  world  you have  built

Never  mind  the blood on your  hands  there are  gallons  more  you’ve  spilt.


I am your conscience, your  last  chance

Take off  your  blindfolds  and  stop  the devils  dance

Love  each other, share  what  you have   for a  change 

Before it is  too late , have compassion. That is not  so strange.

Our Conscience


If we were having coffee: Teeth, family, and everyday

If we were having coffee

It is If we were having  Coffee  time  again how  are  you all  and  what  have  you been up  to this  week! I have  been  busy  all  month  doing  Love is in  Da Blog   over  at Just Fooling Around  With Bee and  even though I have  found it  very hard at  times  and I have had  to leave  my  comfort  zone I have managed  to make it to the end of  the  month!

So  come in it is lovely  to see you all here again. The fires are lit  the cushions are plumped up and  we have  the coffee and tea on  the go  and the cakes and sweets are all set out.  We  have  tea  and coffee  from all over  the world not to mention all our cakes  and muffins  and  as Paul  calls  them sweets! Every single  one  is  calorie  free! Plus of course  we now have spirits  and liquors  to warm the coldest of  you.

If we were having  Coffee: I would ask  you what  has been going on in your world this week, has  anything  deeply affected  you, have  you need a sympathetic ear, a shoulder to cry  on or  just  needed someone  to make  you laugh! If  yes  feel free to talk it out  here  with us. We will all help if  we can.

If we were having Coffee: I would  remind  you  that  there  are lots of  other  coffee mornings  all shared  and organized  By  Diana  and  Gene’O  over at,Part time monster  

If  we were having  coffee:  It has  been  another  busy  week  we are still decorating  among  other  things  but  the  room is  looking  good and  we are  both pleased  with it.

I have  had  the usual  round of  gym  and classes   plus  shopping  and housework… I  am very  boring  this  week.  If  we were having  coffee: I would  tell  you  how  I had  to  visit  the  dentist  this  week, I have  been having  problems   with  my  second but   end  teeth  top left  and top  right. When I  broke  my  back  five  years  back  I  damaged  them the  force of  my  head  hitting  the floor put  an  identical  crack  right  through the both of  them! Well during  the course of  last  year both teeth  have  developed abscesses and I have lost  them both. Anyway  long  story  short  I  was  going to have implants , well I  knew  they  would  be  expensive  but I  did not realize that  not only  would  they  cost  nearly  £9000 but  it  would  require bone  removed  from  my  hips  to facilitate  the  implants  as  my  gums  are  so  small  and  they have  healed up  very  short.

Well I  am not  a rich  woman  and  though  I  would of liked  implants the  thought of an operation  on my  hips  and  my  jaw was just too daunting. Also  think of  all the  more sensible  things I  could  do  with £9000 pounds! So on Monday  I went to see  the dentist  and  we discussed  my options. Well I am going  for  soft  nylon  plastic  dentures  which will cost £350 pounds…. expensive  still,  but  a much  more  reasonable  price.  All this  for  two  lost  teeth, sadly  I cannot  eat  properly  without   them so  needs  must  when  the devil  drives. I don’t  want  you  to all start calling  me  gummy  behind  my  back!

Coffee and Cakes

If  we were having  coffee: I would ask  you  if  you would  like some more  coffee and some cakes.Plenty  to choose  from and all calorie free.

If  we were having  coffee:I would  also  tell  that  my  eldest  sister  is improving  after  having  her  stent  fitted, it  has taken her  a while  to get  herself  back  to normal   but I am happy  to  say  she  really  is on the  mend  now.  My next  sister  who  had  the  shoulder  operation  is also  finally  on  the  mend. She  actually  drove her car  for the first  time  in three  months a huge  thing  for her  as  she hates  to be  at  the mercy  of  asking  others  to take  her out and about.

While  we are  going  through  the litany  of  my siblings  ills  my  brother  ( twin to the sister  recovering   from  the shoulder  operation) is  out of hospital  and home  after  his  foot  operation, he is also on the mend …slowly   but definitely improving. My other  sister  is  still awaiting  her heart  operation  unfortunately  she is not feeling  at  all well  and is  peeved  by  the fact  that  she is having  to wait  so long  for  her operation.

Well that  just leaves  my  last  remaining brother  as as I have  heard  nothing  to the  contrary  I  am assuming he  is  fit  and  well.

If  we were having  coffee: The  boys  are  all busy  at  work  and play  and  the beautiful  Newbie  is  only  10 weeks off  a year old!!I would  apologize  for  not  being  very  dynamic  this  week  but it  has been a long  long  month ! I shall  close  now  and  send  you all my  love  and look forward  to seeing  you all next  week! Lets  go  and mingle  with Paul  and his  guests. Paul  has  always  written us  a beautifully  kind  and insightful  post.

Coffee and biscuits
And of course  the


over at Part Time  Monster  and Gene’O’s



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