Monday Music Moves Me. Thank you.

It’s Monday again, so it’s time to hit the dance floor.  This week’s theme is whatever music moves you

This is a music link up.  Your post must contain at least one song or your URL is marked “No Music”.

 The guidelines are simple.  Every other week, a suggested (not mandatory) theme is given to build your song picks. YouTube and other music sites have options to create and embed playlists or individual songs into your post. On the off weeks, we dance to whatever music moves you (your choice)! To access the party, add your music post below, and visit others on the dance floor. Let the party begin! 

Well it’s Thanks giving this week in the U.S. this week so let’s go with Thank You Songs. We don’t celebrate thanks giving here and sadly there are plenty of countries at war right now who have nothing to say thank for. Don’t get me wrong I am not preaching… Just saying 💜💜💜

So happy Thanksgiving week have a great time.

Monday’s Music Moves Me is sponsored by MarieCathyAlana, and Stacy, so be sure and visit them, where you can also find the Linky for the other participants.

The Three Things Challenge. #193

Welcome to Di from pensitivy101: The Three Things Challenge. #193
Every day she’ll give you three things that will hopefully trigger your creativity.
You don’t have to use them all if you don’t want to, simply read the prompt and see what comes to mind. Today’s Three Things are silent eerie evening

Welcome to The Three Things Challenge.

It’s Thursday, the eerie, silent evening is broken, the noise is deafening! We all have our lights on, doors and windows open and we are cheering for the NHS and all Keyworkers! THANK YOU!

Thank you for the Bloggers Recognition award

Many years ago I decided to stop accepting awards and made my blog an award free zone. That is not to say I do appreciate these awards because I do and I always acknowledge them and thank the blogger who nominated me and if I know I also mention the blogger from whom the award originated.

Well this one The Blogger Recognition Award has plopped into my email box four times this week and so as it is mainly about passing tips on to new bloggers I have decided to accept.

First of all let’s say thank you to Jim Webster and Roberta Eaton and Sue Vincent and also Mary Smith for nominating me. All of them eminent bloggers and I am sure you have come across their blogs and their books and really enjoyed them.

Now here are the rules

  • 1. Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.

2. Write a post to show your award.

3. Give a brief story of how your blog started.

4. Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.

5. Select up to fifteen bloggers you want to give this award to.

6. Comment (or pingback) on each blog to let them know that you’ve nominated them and provide a link to the post you’ve created.

I started blogging over seven years ago while I was recovering from a serious accident. I was in hospital over a month and had three operations. When I finally left hospital I had to learn to walk again and cope with a changed life. I found this very hard at first, my friends circle grew smaller but as I have since realised those who remained are the good ones. I had to retire something I was not in anyway prepared for. Anyway it’s been a long process. At first I was very depressed, I felt limited and trapped and actually very angry. After nearly three years I was referred to a pain clinic where I met an excellent pain phycologist who after talking with me for a couple of sessions suggested I write my pain and frustration out. Two of my sons suggested I start a blog. With their help I did. At first my blog was a miserable and dark place to begin with.

I feel I have grown since those dark days, I have learned a lot from the many beautiful people on wordpress. I can honestly say blogging saved my life ..thank you everyone you have all helped me.


My first piece of advice is take time to find your niche you may try a few different styles before you are happy with your blog. Try not to talk too much about your private life unless that is what your blog is about. It can get nasty and cause rows if you are washing your laundry in public.

My second piece of advice is always read and comment on others blogs. Do have conversations with other bloggers it feels so good to give and receive support from other bloggers. Always be kind remember you may need support one day. I have made so many real friends on wordpress and this will be true of all blogging platforms.

Now I have to nominate some bloggers.





Geoff Lepard

Mum C writes

Savoring sixty and beyond


Rantings of a third kind

John Holton

Ben Naga


Jim Adams

Violet Lentz

John W Howel

Look what I have got.

Well Hello everyone, I am excited and delighted, why? Well I don’t usually win prizes…. I even once came second , but because only the first places were announced and I was told quietly, I have had to keep that a secret too. But I knew and for that I am happy.

Now I digress I was telling you all about my beautiful prize 💜. My lovely blog sister, Suzi Tench who blogs at My Colourful Life. Ran a competition drawn, the prize was a journal made by her. I won!

I missed the post lady when she brought the package on Thursday so Hubby popped up to town on the Friday to collect the package for me. Unfortunately he came up against a jobs worth , so he asked for it to be delivered again. It arrived today.

What a beautiful case
Full of goodies and a card.
With a perfect Maxim
Full of lovely things
My attempt at flatlay.

Then I had another surprise I opened up the journal and found it was all laid out for me month by month. 😁

Excuse my shadow

So thank you so much Suzi I can’t wait to start using it 💜💜

So here is the list of my goodies.

  • 4 beautiful magnetic page markers
  • 4 rolls of coloured tape
  • 4 flavoured teas
  • A Rose hand cream
  • A beautiful tin of scented candles
  • A very cute pink biro
  • A silver pencil case
  • A pack of thirty colouring pencils
  • A Zen colouring book
  • And by beautiful journal.

I am a lucky blogger, so I suggest everyone pops over to Suzi’s blog, this month she is doing a Blogmas Series.

Just a quick but really heartfelt Thank You.

Hello everyone I just wanted to say hi and thank you for all the lovely messages and prayers and buck up messages you have sent I really appreciate them all.

Thank you also to my blog sis Ritu for letting you all know.

I am home safe now after a few very painful and scary days. I have to keep my arm elevated most of the time hence the snazzy blue sling .

Hubby took this shot of unawares!

I am on Mammoth amounts of heavy duty antibiotics. I am grateful to the hospital,the I.V drugs , family, friends and last but not least you wonderful people. I am also glad to have all my fingers, toes,and limbs. I will be writing a blog about how this all came about from a tiny scratch. No, not because I want to bore you all but because I think it is important we all know how these things can happen and when to react and go and get help. I believe if hubby and I had left seeking extra help (even though I had seen two doctors in the previous two days) it might of been too late. The outcome would not of been so good.

Anyway I am not myself really yet, I am still in pain and very tired so I am closing now. I don’t feel up to blogging yet so I shall just be reading and commenting, or sleeping 😴.

It really just want to say thank you all and thank you God. 💜 I hope to be back soon 💜

D Day 75 th Anniversary.

This week we are all saying thank you to all the soldiers who gave so much for us on the beaches of Normandy. Americans, English, French and Belgium troops. The D Day Remembrance Services.

Without Death, Bloodshed and Suffering

Without death, bloodshed and suffering wars are never won
And only hatred and grief survives when the fighting is done
And war heroes honoured in every war street parade
By war men the memories of war not allowed for to fade
The politicians the praises of the war dead do sing
Their politicising of war for sake of power not an honourable thing
For God, Flag and Country and National Pride
Far too many good young people in wars have died
one war leads to another war as the wise one did say
And millions for patriotism in wars with their lives do pay
For the sake of war the war men create us against they
And for the love of a flag the young and brave die in wars today
And on Remembrance Day the war men parade up and down
In a show of patriotism through the streets of the town.
Francis Duggan

Francis Duggan

(1946 – Present) ” I have been penning stuff since 1973 have written up to nine thousand individual pieces which can be seen on various online poetry sites, I was born and raised in Millstreet Co. Cork Ireland and I have been living in Victoria Australia for the past twenty three years “… Francis Duggan.

This modern poem is timeless it could refer to any war! It says a lot of things I agree with. The tears I have shed whilst watching the D Day 75 th year remembrance services are witness to the fact that no one wins in war. No one , no person, no country, no religion, no sect nothing and nobody wins,only the politicians and the arms makers ………….. They win hands down every time .

Politicians plot scheme and win, our young people in the armed forces are maimed and killed, sacrificed on the altar of their greed ( the politicians greed that is). Then the truth is sanitised and the politicians brush things over! We never learn, it has been this way since the beginning of mankind and I see no changes yet . willow.

photo credits

Happy Christmas Everyone

I wish all my lovely friends and followers here on wordpress a very happy Christmas may you all be blessed with a happy time.

Yule tide is upon us and today is it’s eve. No doubt you have all been very busy today. Well it’s time for you to sit down and have a break. So let’s all raise a glass to eachother and shout Happy Christmas.

Below is a little Christmas poem and some Christmas music.

Thanks for all your patience I love you all!

It A Miracal

Black, black the sky, cold the winds blow

Across the sand by the light of the stars progress was slow.

She was slight but with child. Tired and near her time.

They had had to travel though, the census to sign.

They arrive late after many days travel and there was no place to stay.

She was too tired to chide her man for his incompetence

Her time was near, she urged him to find a place she could lay.

He found a stable bare and full of the animal’s stench.

He did his best to make her comfortable as she began her labor

She was so young and a virgin she knew not what was happening

Finally a child was born as promised a boy to the world a saviour.

From outside came a gentle light and the sound of singing.

People came from far and wide, rich and poor bringing gifts

No one knew why they came but come they did

All saw the beauty of the family and felt their sorrow lift.

September Music 27

For the month of September I am going to choose a piece of music or song and write a poem or alternative version. Jane Dougherty is doing a September Stanza here. And Kat Myrman is doing September a poem a day Here.

Today’s piece of music is Thank You by Alanis Moressette.

My interpretation. A mirror Etheree


We have

Only one

Chance to fulfill

We owe it to God

To do the best we can

No one else lives it for us

Be grateful for the chance to shine

Know that what you have is so devine

This is your only chance to let it work

We are all responsible for our fate

Is that too damn hard to contemplate.

Don’t blame it on everyone else

It’s my life and I’ll own it

Thank you God for letting

Me see the whole truth

You have opened

My closed eyes

Now I


Random Act of Kindness.

As I mentioned on my SoCs post today I was at my niece’s wedding in Brighton yesterday. It was a beautiful day and it was wonderful to have all the family there.

Now my brother the father of the bride told me a lovely true story.

Everyone had left for the registry office leaving my brother and his daughter to wait for their taxi. The taxi had been order and so all they to do was wait for it.

Unbeknown to my brother the

Taxi firm he had used to take him and his daughter to the wedding, computer’s had crashed. They were just one of 140 people waiting for a taxi that was not comming. The drivers were in the dark. My brother and niece were not in a good place either. Standing on the pavement outside the house panicking.

Well my niece was getting stressed as were the bride’s maids not to mention my brother.

Then the most amazing thing happened a total stranger stopped his car and offered them a lift. This random act of kindness made the day. My brother tried to pay this wonderful person but the guy would hear non of it. He told my brother to make a donation to charity.

So whoever you are wherever you are thank you for saving the day.

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The Elephant's Trunk

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~wandering through life in my time never know where it will stop next~

Heartland Echoes

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