The Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS July 31, 2021

Its Saturday again and time for LindaGHill to give us our prompt for SoCs.

Our Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “the last photo you took.” Take the last photo you snapped. What’s the first word that comes to mind when you look at it? That word is your prompt. Enjoy!

© willowdot21.


Gently, evening falls
Languid after a mixed day
Over head sleepy bird calls
Repair to nest and bush
I delight in skies of pink faye.
Over the hedge golden eyes
Userp the leaves of green like
Spirits watching us through the night.

Badge by Shelley Krupa..

Thursday photo prompt: Darkness #writephoto

For visually challenged writers, the image shows a bank of dark clouds rolling in across a sunny moor, casting its shadow on the hills of the horizon.

This week’s prompt ~ Darkness

And so the darkness fell with a crash and a clatter waking up early evening, who was feeling rather drawn out. “Where the hell have you been it’s nine fifteen and I need some rest” Eve Nin complained. Darkness huffed and puffed and looked at his watch, ” I’m not late it mid July and I am bang on time.” He replied. “Well” Eve laughed, “your right about the bang, you made enough noise arriving to wake the dead! ” Darkness and Eve both jumped as a voice from below them screeched, “He bloody did and we are not impressed, we set our alarm for October 1st, and it’s nowhere near that yet.”

Night put his Horlicks down and inquired what all the unholy row was about! Eve said it was nothing to do with her , her shift was finished and she off for a drink with Dawn . Darkness stepped forward akwardly. “It’s my fault, I tripped on the horizon, Eve had a low hold of the sun and it blinded me temporarily. As I fell I cut my knee on the course grass, I have very tender skin you know. The noise I made woke the dead! ” Night took a sip of his Horlicks and said almost kindly, “Would you like a cup”

Darkness sank down next to night and said, ” Yes please” As Eve and Dawn downed their third Sambuca and relaxed, Night and the Darkness sat quietly with their hot drinks and waited for the dead to go back to sleep.


This is part of Sue Vincent’s Thursday Photo Challenge. #writephoto.

The evening

The golden shafts of light cascade through the branches and leaves of the tress opposite

The shadows creeping silently across the lawn usher out the day in preparation for the night.

It is still warm, OH! that’s such a treat .To sit here in the garden wrapped in the evening’s glory

Celebrating  a glorious day , a once in a life time, stunningly sunny perfect story.


I was sure I could see fairies dancing, tiny wee beauties leaping and prancing.

Okay it was, maybe a trick of the light , as it flowed through the garden setting me off romancing!

Sipping  a glass of ruby red , drinking in the scene sipping at the wine

It was all so glorious, a precious moment it could be nothing less than divine!

Finally the in the last rays glow , the silent birds  now knew it was time for day to go

Leaving us here all hushed and quiet , basking in pure delight as we lay below.

Colours now all monochrome, gone the golds and greens of day slipped away into black and grey.

Sipping gently on  this succulent  wine, regarding  nights approach, pushing away all remnants of the day.


A collective sigh at nature’s glory, we raise our glasses  to her  story.

The flowers bend and go to sleep, the ivy silently and relentlessly creeps

Children from their bedroom windows peep.It has been a wonderful day, hey kids are you still not asleep

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