The Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS April 27, 2024

Its Saturday and early yesterday this morning Linda popped in with this “Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “show.” Use it as a noun or a verb. Have fun!”

Show must go on was Freddie Mercury’s by line. Even when he was dying he put on the make up and showed us how it was to be done! So let me show you Freddie at his best!

Let me Show Freddie at the end !

Now Freddie has shown Sam the Show must go on and that that’s a lesson Sam has learned well in his approach to his fans and the Show.

Then just to end up let’s rise the tempo and listen to Leo Sayer with the same message. He says the Show must go on too!

This is part of LindaGHill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday .

The Lie. The Trick

Another poem for Child Abuse Month back in April 2013. This one is about child brides. Girls are as good as kidnapped by their own parents . Imagine the culture shock from living life here in the west to suddenly finding out that the exciting holiday you were looking forward to was just a ruse to get to India,Pakistan or Afghanistan to marry you off often to an older man.

In the villages of India,Pakistan, Afghanistan and Africa. Children as young as 6yrs are married off to older men. It is wrong, don’t you think.


Happy head full of teenage dreams sending texts and watching ipad screens. Looking forward to the summer holiday visiting cousins far away.

At the school gate with your friends you’ll see them all when the summer ends.

Eighteen months later them’s the brakes. OH! what difference those months make! No longer a carefree happy teen, a mother in servitude, dreams of what her life could of been.

Why did her parents trick her into marrying an older man she did not know. All her schooling all her dreams blown away in smithereens.

She remembers weeping so, begging her parents not to go. Why did they do this to her she wants to know.

Put a stop to child brides

Grace’s Birthday.

After reposting, a couple of my poem yesterday from Child Abuse Awareness Month 2012. I thought I would tidy up and repost this one about female genital mutilation( FGM ). This poem broke heart to research and write. It broke my heart again today. Some girls are as younger than the Grace in my poem

Photo Credits

Such a pretty girl, such a lovely face. You cannot believe what they planned for little Grace.

She has dressed up for the party, she is twelve today the house is full of women they are all Aunties, that’s what mama says.

She can’t remember detail, her screams that made her mother pale. She does remember blood OH! it was everywhere. She remembers the cobwebs on the ceiling at which she had to stare.

The pain is still so awful she can’t get out of bed. So much blood but none of it is as bad as the thoughts within her head. So tired and in need of sleep but the pain is so intense that she cannot find rest. The pain does not relent.

They told her she was clean now , and fit to be a bride. They said she was a woman and she should be filled with pride.

Poor Grace could feel no pride, all she felt was pain from the stitches and the feeling that she would die if they touched her again. She feared growing up and having to marry a man they told her they’d have to cut the stitches then. She could not bear that thought..I do not think anyone can.

photo credit

This poem is about female circumcision or female genital mutilation( FGM ) as it is commonly known. I could not write this poem last week but I did post a link to information on this abuse. But I felt I must be strong as I must bring this abuse of young girls to your attention. So there it is a poem for Child Abuse Awareness Month.

photo credits

George's Guinea Pig World

Tales from the hutch

Colleen Chesebro, Author & Poet

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Sillyfrog's Blog

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Writer Ravenclaw

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