Just Jot It January. One Liner Wednesday Times Two

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“Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.”
George Carlin

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“Good sex is like good bridge. If you don’t have a good partner, you’d better have a good hand.”
Mae West

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Just Jot It JauaryDay 17. Complaint

Hi  it is  day 17 at  Just Jot  It January over  at  LindsGHill’s blog Shan Jeniah https://shanjeniah.com/about/, is  doing her third and final day as our guest host for Just Jot It January.  The Just Jot It January 17th prompt, brought to you by  me, blogging at Willowdot21 is: “Complaint.” Use it any way you’re inspired to. And make sure you stop by and say hi to Willow as well! Here’s her blog: https://willowdot21.wordpress.com/



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I used  to  work in  Customer Services  in a large  supermarket, I had  to deal  with  all sorts of  complaints, difficult  customers, visitors  and  queries… Not  mention  take orders  for  party  food  and  cakes  and  at  Christmas, Turkeys  and  Geese! Easy  one hand  tied  behind your  back  stuff!

Well  you  would  not  believe some of  the  daft  things   we had  to  deal  with. EG : Lady  wearing  Barbour  Jacket  and  headscarf  throws any  empty  egg carton  at  me . ” These  eggs  all cracked  when I  boiled  them ”  she screeched at  me! I  replied  that  eggs  do crack  when  they are boiled occasionally. WRONG!  I will not  bore  you  with  what  happened  next  but in  the  end I gave  her  a refund  and  another  box  of  eggs! I also had  to  smile at  her  and apologise  for  her inconvenience??

Another  day  a woman  came up  to  the  desk  and told  her  husband  had  been in  at  the weekend  and  a cashier  has been  rude  to him. I asked if she had  the receipt so I could  see which cashier  had  served him. …. Imagine  my  delight  when  she handed  me  a bill  for  a Tesco’s … I  smiled  sweetly  and  said  sorry  madam  but  the  incident  did  not happen here.

I got  thing’s  wrong  too, one  evening  we were  checking  the returns  .. ” who  dealt  with  this prepacked  Colli ” the  supervisor  asked, I said  I had. “what  did  you  do  for  the customer ” she  asked  sounding  irritated. I told her  I  had  done  as always  given her  a replacement  and a refund. She  almost  smiled. “Great , they  are  from Marks  and Spencer’s”  we  did  all chuckle !

I  won’t  go on  but  below  is  an Acrostic  Nonet   about  the  time  a man  came in  and  thrust a bunch of  flowers into my  face. ” They  don’t  smell,  they are  seven days  old  and  were guarantied for ten day. ”  … what could I  do  apart  from smile?  Yes  a  refund  and  a new bunch of  flowers!

Image  found here 

Acrostic Nonet  Complaint.

Can you  help me  these flowers don’t smell

Only had  them seven days see

My wife’s so disappointed

Please do something for me

Let’s see what  to do

Are  you  happy

If I give

New buds




Just Jot It January :Impenetrable Acrostic

Today is day 16 of Just Jot it January over at LindaGHill‘s blog and Shan Jeniah at shanjeniah’s Lovely Chaos.

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The Just Jot It January 16th prompt, brought to you by Blog Woman!!! of Blog Woman!!! -Life, Uncategorized, is: “Impenetrable.” Use it any way you like. And make sure you stop by and say hi to Blog Woman!!!, as well! Here’s her blog: https://blog-woman.com/.



Impenetrable Acrostic 

I stand lost and frightened

Menace surrounds me like walls

Pacing back and forth I am trapped

Echoes of hate like foot falls

No hope left , giant rocks are all I see

Even the light is like a steel barrier

Trapped no way over no way out for me

Restless night mares hold me down

All is dark and there are no doors to see 

Barbed edges  rip my skin, keeping me down

Loneliness  has  me in  it’s hold

Everything  is impenetrable I am locked in

Image found here 

Just Jot It January Day 14 Mercy

Today over at LindaGHill’s blog  Shan Jeniah is guest hosting for the next three days. Do visit her at shanjeniah’s Lovely Chaos

Today’s Prompt is Mercy and is brought to us by BarbCT at Gallimaufry don’t forget to drop in and see her.

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Mercy  for the children

Image found here 

Please show some mercy

Too many suffer today

Don’t close  your eyes, see


Mercy for the Addict

He has lost it  all

An addict with no hope

Show mercy  for his soul

Rain Room
Image found here 



Mercy for Mother Nature 

Image found here

I have nurtured  you

You have plundered and raped  me

Please show  me Mercy

Stream Of Consciousness Saturday and Just Jot It January. Pantomime Nonet.

LindaGHill said  our  Stream of Consciousness Saturday prompt is also our  Day 14 of Just Jot It January post. So: our Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday and Just Jot It January is: A word that starts with “P.” Find a word that begins with the letter “p,” and make it the theme of your post. Bonus points for starting and ending your post with a “p” word. Enjoy!


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Pantomime Nonet

Image found  here 

Prancing horses and skinny  dancers

Light up the usually  dark stage

Men dressed as silly  old dames

Principal boys  are  girls

And  a good fairy

What is all this


OH! yes




Just Jot It January: Hospital

Today is  day  13 of  LindaGHill‘s Just Jot it  January.

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The Just Jot It January 13th prompt, brought to you by Charlene Bullard of FaithtoRaiseNate.com, is: “Hospital.” Use it any way you’re inspired to. And make sure you stop by and say hi to Charlene as well! Here’s her blog:http://faithtoraisenate.com/ 




A Day in Hospital  after I  broke  my  back  for  the  second  time  January 2009

In and out of sleep, it is very confusing. There is no rest really  the pain does not let up  and it is only  when the drugs  are administered  that I drift off properly. Gwen is as ever calling for Audrey , the lady  next too me is dosing  and I feel so odd. My husband has  put some books on my Ipod  the only  trouble is  that I drift off mid story  and it is  so hard to rewind.

6am lights on and breakfast, it is easier to have toast I can eat that lying down, though I would like some porridge  but there is no one to help me …. so toast it is.  The lady next  to me tells  me how nice the porridge is… yes I bet it is.   Time  for blood pressure and temperature, “have you passed a motion willow” “No  not yet” I reply. “we can give you some medicine  for that” the nurse says ………….. they can give medicine for everything but can they make  me walk. I drift off again.

8.30am “Hello willow time to wash  dress you and change your bed”. I just smile,I hate this, I understand it has to be done  and they do it well  but they talk over me about  their lives, have they have mistaken me for one of the old ladies in here  that cannot or will not communicate . Shall I interrupt their chatter or shall I…… there you go all clean and comfy now.  They walk away and I am alone again  time for Imogen I think !

My head is so messed up where the hell am I … oh! God I can’t  move , help, help!

“Hello Willow I am just doing your blood pressure , it is high are you okay? ”  I look at the nurse  and I try  to say I am scared I keep having bad dreams and I feel so trapped in this body brace. What I do say is “I am okay  just having strange  dreams, do you know when  my operation will be ?” No  she shakes her head.

She doesn’t  know, I watch her walk off and I am slipping off again, Imogen is singing in my head

10.am  The  lady  comes round with the hot  drink, I have coffee in  a beaker  with a straw , it tastes funny but it the only way to get a drink.

…………. “hi ” It is a doctor  now, ” what are you listening to?” I am about to tell him  but he is asking me more questions , it is so hard to concentrate but I do my best.


12midday dinner arrives, Oh! I am in luck today  the young girl  is  here to help me. She is African  and so pretty she has a pretty nature too. She smiles and talks to me as she feeds  me, she listens to me, she really  does. I ask  her is she going to be a nurse , no  she  is going to be a pharmacist, shame she would  be a great nurse.

1pm  the cleaner is here  she is nice always smiling  but  she does not speak a word of English. She has  the most lovely eyes.


“Hello Willow  how was your morning ” it is  my husband  he is here  to help  me through the afternoon, trouble is  I keep slipping in and out of sleep. Why will they not operate  I will feel safer, stronger, better  after they have. My husband talks  and I listen, he tells me how cold it is , how bad  the snow is. I want to be awake  but I just keep slipping away.

3pm the tea lady again  she gives  me a beaker of coffee and my husband  a cup of tea. The lady in the  next bed  had has two biscuits.

6pm dinner arrives, my husband helps  me, he is getting good at  this.


He stays  till about 7.30pm I urge  him to go home and rest.

I ring for a bedpan  the nurse says ” surely  you have a catheter”   “yes” I said ” I do not need to pee”. It is  almost impossible  to use a bed pan when you are  laying  flat. This nurse  leaves  me on the bedpan  for over 20mins  then longer after I have rung  for her to help me.  I ask her  have I been, no she says walking away. ………. Why can’t I tell if I have been, why can’t I go, why can’t I feel . My stomach  really hurts, so does  my back I start to cry  then  the cloak of sleep surrounds  me again.




11.30pm  I hear  the nurses starting  the drugs round  the night shift  must be here , they are so noisy, blood pressure, temperature , pulse, tablets. Straighten the bed. Lights out ..not bad  tonight it is midnight. Let me get these headphones  back in  shut  the ward out.

Just Jot It January 12th : Tingle : Acrostic Poem.

Today  is  day 12 of Just Jot It January over  at  LindaGHill‘s Blog. Linda is back for a limited time to provide us with prompts. We’ll be having another guest poster on Sunday.  :The Just Jot It January 12th prompt, brought to you by Tessa of the blog Always A Writer, is: “Tingle.” Use it any way you’re inspired to. And make sure you stop by and say hi to Tessa as well! Here’s her blog: https://finallyawriter.com/

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TINGLE : Acrostic Poem

Tensing  muscles  and  heightening senses

Invisible  vibrations of  the  sexual type

Needing  release,  to hell with  expenses

Gnawing  want   as lips meet,   building  the hype

Lust grows  as  clothes  are  ripped off

Engulfing all, the  tingle grows as  two become one

Image  found  here

One-Liner Wednesday & #JusJoJan 11/17 Prompt : The Universe



Today is  day 11 of LindaGHill‘s   Just Jot It January is  to  be  combined  with One Liner Wednesday.



“Only two things are infinite, the universe
and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.”

Albert Einstein:

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Just Jot It January:Danger

Today is day 10 of the Just Jot It January and over at LindaGHill’s blog it is Dan of No facilities  last day of guest hosting.Thanks Dan you have done a great job!

The Just Jot It January 10th prompt, brought to you by Matthew over at MWLange is: “Danger.” Use it any way you like. Make sure you stop by Matthew’s website and say hello to him! https://singularfiction.wordpress.com/blog/


Danger Acrostic

Don’t go too near the line

Alarm bells will ring

No second chances this time

Get back, no last fling

Easy now danger is all around.

Run, get out, go to ground.

Image found  here 


Danger Haiku

Go now if you stay

All will be lost we’ll be found

Danger in our love



Just Jot It January: 9th day, Power

Well another day with Dan at  No Facilities (http://nofacilities.com/2017/01/09/fight-or-flight-or)

Thank you Dan you are doing a great job! Today’s prompt for Just Jot It January at LindaGHill‘s blog is brought to you by Erica over at 20/20 hines sight is: “Power.” Use it any way you like. Make sure you stop by Erica’s website and say hello to her! https://2020hines-sight.com/ 

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Power absolute 


It can be a force

For good or even evil

Enhance or currupt.

Image found here

Power, power

Moving silently

Power along the wires 


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Power love.


Huge but so gentle 

She moves her calf to safety 

The power of love.

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