42, Day Twelve.

Jane Dougherty has come up with a theme for May . It is 42, now Jane describes it thus: “42 after Douglas Adams’ answer to the question of life, the universe and everything. The form is like the Cherita in its structure with a bit of added interest. The first line/stanza asks a question or makes a statement that begs a question, the second stanza/two lines sets the scene or the background, the last stanza/three lines answers the question or resolves it in some way.

Why does snow fall

Why down not up, that’s all

I need to know.

It needs to smother everywhere in white.

To silence the loudest night

Dancing flakes flow.

A day in the life… #CarersWeek

Many a true word…..A must read for all.

Sue Vincent's Daily Echo

Image result for juggler cartoon


I woke feeling awful, a cold in my head,
And with no real desire to get out of bed.
The clock said half five and the day had begun
As I crawled from the covers and peered at the sun.
The dog needed walking and feeding and play…
But I needed caffeine to kick start the day.


“I’ll just have a turmeric milk,” said my son,
“And then I’ll work out, while you get some work done.”
So I heated the sulphuric gunk of his choice
With spices and honey; cursed under my voice
As the bright yellow powder went flying again
And I dived for the dishcloth before it could stain.


“I’ll just clean the windows, before it gets sunny.”
(It’s only a bungalow, saves him some money…)
I fell off the stepladder, risking my neck,
Then slipped on the water on freshly-oiled deck.
But the…

View original post 632 more words

Stream of Consciousness Saturday. One the Farm.

This week’s #SoCs from Linda of Life in Progress is an extra difficult one with s difference.
Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “on the farm.” Find a word that has a farm animal sound in it, i.e. sMOOth, and use it in your post. Bonus points if you include three or more. Have extra fun!

A sheep walked into the barn. To find the cows moving bales of hay around. “What is going on” asked the sheep “your making so much noise.” “Stop bleating said the cows “your upsetting the chickens.” “There is no need to be moody you are driving me barmy! I am off to talk to the donkeys on the bray.” said the sheep. Just then a turkey rushed in and shouted ” I have just seen a goblin outside!”

As the sheep left the barn he met a horse who said ” Hello I am your new neighbour!”

Image from Pixabay

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