Thursday Photo Prompt, Lost, #writephoto.

This prompt of Sue’s has so touch my imagination I have written a second entry, an Etheree.



Souls fall

From high grace

No more to see

Their beloved God’s face

Banned from heaven above

Because of their hidden love

No return, down to earth they fall

I pray their passion will never pall

Is it fair that pure love is their down fall.

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42 Day Ten

Jane Dougherty has come up with a theme for May . It is 42, now Jane describes it thus: “42 after Douglas Adams’ answer to the question of life, the universe and everything. The form is like the Cherita in its structure with a bit of added interest. The first line/stanza asks a question or makes a statement that begs a question, the second stanza/two lines sets the scene or the background, the last stanza/three lines answers the question or resolves it in some way.

Why, half an arc upon a hill

Puzzling to us as we approached

Strange questions broached

Odd artwork against the sky

Rusting metal please tell me why.

To entertain us passers by

Don’t throw out the baby! Why #Amazon doesn’t want your #BookReviews

Not on! Amazon!

Barb Taub

An open letter to Amazon:

Dear Amazon,

I should be your Holy Grail. I’m the real deal, an actual reader who goes through books carefully, thinks about what they mean and how they’re written, and then writes a considered, thoughtful, and hopefully helpful analysis—in other words, I’m a book reviewer.

Writers, potential customers, publishers, and oh yes—you, Amazon—should be jumping for joy and giving thanks that I’ve taken hours to read and yet more hours to craft reviews for hundreds of books. Instead, Amazon, you’ve decided to punish reviewers like me.

In the name of discouraging “fake” reviews, your new policy requires reviewers like me to spend $50 on Amazon’s US site and even more, £40 on Amazon UK before I can share my review. Have you thought about other solutions, or the effect this will have on legitimate reviewers?

Amazon has figured out how to conduct millions of legitimate…

View original post 228 more words

Thursday photo prompt: Fallen #writephoto

This is my entry for Sue Vincent of The Daily Echo‘s Thursday Photo Prompt Challenge.


Fallen from another world

These two angels never their wings unfurled.

Fell to earth too fast to recover

Lay now,asleep next to each other.

I hope that they have their wish

And their blessed former life they will not miss.

In this green haven they lay side by side

Their forbidden love they could not hide.

They are fated to remain here forever

Two as one, to be separated never.

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