42 Day Seventeen, Impatience.

Jane Dougherty has come up with a theme for May . It is 42, now Jane describes it thus: “42 after Douglas Adams’ answer to the question of life, the universe and everything. The form is like the Cherita in its structure with a bit of added interest. The first line/stanza asks a question or makes a statement that begs a question, the second stanza/two lines sets the scene or the background, the last stanza/three lines answers the question or resolves it in some way.

Can I wait that long

Two more nights to sleep

Can I my patience keep

I am so excited I shall burst

Each year as fresh as the first

Bloggers Bash or burst!

Thursday photo prompt: Avenue #writephoto

This is part of Sue Of The Daily Echo, Thursday Photo Prompt.

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The Avenue.

There he stands all alone

For his sadness turned to stone.

At the far end of the Avenue

Waiting for his heart to beat anew.

When a young and carefree lad

He was careless of what he had

His sweetheart such a beauty she

By his side wanted to be.

But he a young and callow boy

Did not care about her joy.

Another one more attentive than he

Took his place and set her spirit free.

When she left he learnt the pain

Nevermore to see her face again.

So at the end of the avenue

He stood until he turned to stone of blue.




My Blog

They are there constantly…you feel them…but you won’t let them fall.

why not? you ask.

maybe it is pride… you don’t want it to be known that you are suffering and sorrowful.

maybe it is fear of hurting others…..you don’t want family to be worried.

Whatever it is you keep them tucked in behind your eyes.

Mixed in with them is tiredness……and guilt perhaps.

The one you love has disappeared……you have lost him and nothing can be done to get him back.

Oh yes physically he is with you but    in his head?????

so many long days with constant repetition, no conversation,

so many nights lying awake worrying

so many things to sort out

yet…’Come to me all ye who are overburdened and I will give you rest’

I hear in my head……and pray constantly………………

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A wonderful poem so up lifting, from Sue Vincent.💜

Sue Vincent's Daily Echo

nicks 11362

I dreamed you last night.

You were the heart that listened to my fears,

Comforting the pain with tea and tissues

And attentive ears.

You were there with me as I faced them,

Slaying them one by one, with logic and laughter,

And a belief in me that I had forgotten,

Lost in the morass that pulled me down.

I saw you sitting there, hands around the cup,

Eyes holding me steady, as I remembered

All that I have been, all I can be,

All I will become.

But you were many things.

And I saw father, mother, sibling, every lover,

Playmate, teacher, every friend, I ever knew,

And so much more, that in the end I realised

That you were I, and I was you,

A mirrored soul, both one, yet two,

And then you shared my joy.

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