Thursday photo prompt: Offering #writephoto

For visually challenged writers, the image below shows a female figure, translucent and rainbow coloured, emerging from mist in which many shapes move. She is holding a bowl. Before her are strange blue pinnacles… which could be close or distant, spires, ice or… something else

The Offering: painting and photo © Sue Vincent at

The candle burned low as I sat alone contemplating my life. I was alone, cold and to be honest I was afraid. A draft caught the candle and I was in the dark. The blackness was plapable and I was enclosed in it. I could not see a hand in front of me.

It was so quiet I could hear my heart beating, it was a comforting sound, slow and rhythmic. I was totally alone, my life has always been so busy. Family, husband, children, grandchildren, friends. Where were they now. I was in need,but I was alone.

Eventually my eyes grow accustomed to the dark there is still smoke escaping from the candle, as I watch it seems to ignite with soft yellow light, a figure of a woman with glorious long red hair is gliding up in front of her are blue pinacles of light. In her hand she is carrying a bowl, it looks like precious cargo to me.

My sharp intake of breath makes her turn and face me. She smiles at me, I have a great urge to follow her as she is radiating warmth and peace. As I stand to follow her she raises her hand to still me. “No” she whispers “This is not your time” I stand and watch here as she floats off toward the blue lights. Here soft voice floats back to me. “Life is the gift I bestow on you tonight use it well.” Then she is gone.

The candle burst back into life as there is a knock at the door. I turn on the tree lights as I hear voices. It’s the grandchildren. Thank you, I think, I am glad, so glad I staid.

This is part of Sue Vincent’s #writephoto. This image this week is one of the very talented Sue’s paintings.

Thursday photo prompt: Web #writephoto

This is my entry for Sue Vincent’s Thursday Photo prompt. #writephoto. For the visually challenged writers, the image shows a suit of armour festooned in cobwebs, standing against a wood-panelled wall .


Sir Reginald Farquharson, late, ( very late, at least two hundred years late. ) Of this parish was well aware what day it was. The children of the house had been busy this afternoon. They had put a white lacey shift under his armour and covered him in cobwebs!

Now he had learned over the recent years that these were what were called fake. These cobwebs and had nothing to do with spiders. No these ones came out of what was called an airosol with a load pisssssh! The first time they had sprayed him with cobwebs had been twenty years ago …..he had thought it the work of the devil. He had got used to it now.

He had found it embarrassing at first when it had been oil to stop him squeaking and grating. Then it was polish to keep him shining and finally it was cobwebs.

The children of the house were highly excited all day. Decorating the grand hall and painting themselves too.

Finally the house was quiet and even the adults had gone to bed. Reginald stood silent in the corner waiting for his guests to arrive. As always non the dot of 3 am the windows and doors flew open and in came his guests! Witches, Ghosts, Ghouls, Wizards, Knights , Damsels, Sprites and Devils all arrived.

Reginald loved Halloween it was one of the three times a year that he was whole again, body reunited with spirit… He smiled at Lady Morgana as she approached him with two glasses of Meade. Oh!yes he loved Halloween.


I have not worked this photo into my ongoing saga this week . My head is simply not in the right place. Apologies to all the saga should be back next week. Also I apologise for this not being a very good post .

Thursday photo prompt: Balefire #writephoto

For visually challenged writers, the image shows a hooded figure in the darkness, silhouetted against flames that echo its shape. The figure holds something in its hand that may, perhaps, be a wand…



As Rachel slept she felt a warmth seeping through her body. She felt safe on the back of this huge stage as he galloped through the enforced winter.

After a while Rachel felt another heat, direct heat coming from a fire. She opened her eyes and found herself stand in a clearing, the stag was gone, she was alone.

Her senses came to life, there was a huge fire within the clearing, made from bales of hay, the type humans made when the harvested their fields. Rachel sniffed the air, she could not smell the scent of Werewolf, those she was in search of. Unsure of what scent she was picking up she moved down wind of the smoke from the fire. As she moved she felt the swish of clothing around her body, and cold wet from the snow on feet? How, had she morphed in her sleep? Irrigation filled her body her human form was of no use to her here in this weather.

Down wind now she began to recognise the scent that filled her nostrils. It was Vampire.

Pulling her cape close round her and covering her head she looked back to the fire. There she saw hoards of Vampires for as far as the eye could see, they were baying for blood. Looking up she saw humans impaled on poles around the fire, the were all alive, some screaming for mercy but most of them silent in fear, shock and pain.

In the foreground she saw a body pinned spread eagle on the ground, naked in this cruel bitter winter. As she looked a this figure in the fire light she was struck by an horrific realisation. It was Mathew.

Rachel tried to run to him but she was rooted to the spot unable to move. Transfixed all she could do was watch as a hooded figure in the darkness, silhouetted against flames approached her Mathew. It looked like the figure was carrying a wand …. But it was not. No it was a spear tipped with silver. In horror Rachel watched as the younger vampires ran forward and bit and ripped at Mathew’s beautiful body. He wailed in agony, this broke Rachel’s heart but she could not move.

For what seemed like hours the cursed souls ripped and bit and feed on the body of the Vampire that she loved.

Then the figure in front of the fire raised his spear and shouted, “Enough” slowly they approached Mathew’s body. He raised the spear and brought the it down to where Mathew’s heart would be. Once the spear was in a line of golden light escaped from what was left of Mathew’s body. The light shot upwards full of black specks, an unearthly scream escape the body just as it turned to ash and it was blown away by a sudden wind.

“Traitor ” shouted the figure, traitor, traitor chanted the Vampire hoards.

Filled with pain and grief Rachel fell to the ground, she had witnessed the death of her lover, her hope, her future.

Hours later she came too, on the back of the stag.

What had happened, had it happen, had it been a dream .


To be continued.

If you wish to read Lisa’s and Rachel’s story up to this point you can find it here.

This is part of Sue Vincent’s Thursday Photo prompt. #writephoto.

Thursday photo prompt: Calling #writephoto

The Calling

For visually challenged writers, the image shows a snowstorm with the silhouette of a stag watching between two trees.


It had been five weeks since that day. The battle had been long and bloody. There had been but a moment’s warning, the Vampires had masked their arrival and Alicia and Lisa had only felt their presence seconds before their arrival.

It had rained blood. Rachel had seen carnage before but not like this. Bodies strewn across the valley, abused and tortured horrifically. When the Vampires arrived they had been whipped up into a blood frienzy by their leaders and refused permission to feed for days. They did their worst.

The women who had accompanied the army of men had been carried off to a worse even fate than their men. Their screams and pleas falling on deaf ears and dead souls.

Alicia and Lisa had protected Ewan and Rachel and seeing that to fight anymore was of no use had escaped the battlefield. Ewan had lost his soul, the horror of what the Vampires had done to his people had made his mind flee into some dark recess. His eyes dead and empty he sat by the fire back at his castle, unable to communicate or control any of his bodily functions.

Alicia and Lisa had left him in the care of his loyal staff, while they had set off to unite all the men, dwarves and elves that they could find before it was too late.

Rachel has been sent North to find the werewolves and convenience them to join their cause.

All was silent, all was white, a deep winter covered the land, it was so cold the unearthly Vampire winter was now unstoppable.

Rachel had been traveling for weeks now and was exhausted.There had been no trace or hint of her breed and she was ready to lay down in the snow and die. She had not eaten for three days, stopping only to catch her breath.

Suddenly she just collapsed into the snow, sleep she needed sleep. The urge to give in was overwhelming her emaciated body. Then she heard a voice. Looking up Rachel saw a stag in the distance, though the trees. It crossed her mind that it might save her if she killed and ate him. Then she laughed at herself, the state she was in he would dispense with her with a flick of his antlers.

As she lay there the stag approached , she heard him snorting, saw the hot mist escaping from his nostrils then felt him nuzzling behind her ears.

Faintly Rachel felt more than heard the stag, call her by name. “Rachel” he said, “I know who you are and who you seek, let me help you.” Too tired to answer she let the stag cover her with his weight and she relaxed as his warmth touched her body.

In the morning when she awoke the stag was still by her, she felt his warmth. Again he spoke to her but without a voice. He asked her to get on his back and let him carry her. Rachel complied and while he took her to the where here brothers and sisters were gathered she fell into a deep sleep and her body gained strength.


To be continued.

If you wish to read Lisa’s and Rachel’s story up to this point you can find it here.

This is part of Sue Vincent’s Thursday Photo prompt. #writephoto.

Thursday photo prompt: Poised #writephoto

For visually challenged writers, the image shows a leaf-strewn flight of stone-cut steps descending into a hole in the ground. Poised to ascend…or descend… is the dark silhouette of a strange figure.

Lisa finally awoke as the sun rose in the East. Apart from where Alicia’s spell held, it carried no warmth.

Lisa immediately recognised Alicia as her Queen and was eager to add her magic to the summer spell to keep the army of men moving through the unholy winter. She told Rachel what had happened at the lake, and they both were relieved that the Vampires were no longer inside her head.

The next day’s march would bring them to meet their allies , the Elves and the Dwarves. They would be a force to be reckoned with once joined together.

Ewan and his armies were poised for battle. The war had begun in earnest. Reports of battles and skirmishes were constantly arriving. Losses and gains. For now the Vampires had the upper hand.

Rachel approached Alicia mid morning as they traveled towards the elves strong hold.

“Have you heard anything of my race, they seem to disappeared” Rachel enquired bringing her horse alongside Alicia’s. Alicia looked at Rachel and smiled, “they have all travelled north, sick of being hunted by men and Vampires alike” she took a breath and then said. ” Do you think, Rachel, that they could be persuaded to join us against the Vampires” Rachel looked at her long and hard. “I doubt they would listen to me, they cast me out for loving Mathew and being pregnant with his child.” Alicia, reached out and touched Rachel’s hand. ” You have been true too your race, you have lost Mathew’s child I feel they will listen to you. They do not trust men as far as they can throw them but they have always been close to the Dwarves and Elves. I know you can win them round Rachel. They will all be killed by Vampires unless they unite with us.”

Rachel thought and then agreed to search out her kin and do her best to win them over.

Rachel lowered her head and thought, then replied quietly.” I will try. ”

Just then Lisa joined them, she looked pail and frightened. Alicia shouted to Ewan, “Vampires, Lisa and I can feel them they are almost here.” Then sky grew dark and it was raining blood, the Vampires were upon them.


To be continued.

If you wish to read Lisa’s and Rachel’s story up to this point you can find it here.

This is part of Sue Vincent’s Thursday Photo prompt. #writephoto.

Thursday photo prompt: Poised #writephoto

For visually challenged writers, the image shows a leaf-strewn flight of stone-cut steps descending into a hole in the ground. Poised to ascend…or descend… is the dark silhouette of a strange figure.

Tick tock pocket watch

Who’s coming up the stairs

Tick tock stop the clock

Alice’s new friend appears.

Moving fast, Hurry hurry

Milliners licking lips, in a flurry

Time for tea, guests unaware

All laced with Mercury, mousey sleeping in his chair.

Jam tarts Queen of Hearts

Keep her smiling don’t let things fall apart.

Tick tock, chip Chop

Look out it heads off.

Alice is sleepy now

Home in bed wipes her brow.

Tick tock pocket watch

Who’s coming up the stairs?


This is part of Sue Vincent’s #writephoto.

Thursday photo prompt: Frozen #writephoto

Rachel felt the temperature drop as she and the scouts neared Ewan’s camp. She spoke, telepathically, to the men as they rode behind her. “Feel this cold, know it, see this bleak landscape, know it. This is no seasonal weather this is the herald of war.”

The men heard her and the youngest, again, answered her. “What do you mean Rachel” he asked. Rachel told him how the evil vampire winter spread across the land from where they had travelled killing everything in its path and wake. She also told him how Lisa had cast an eternal summer spell around the Witches Tower. Sadly the evil winter had broke the bounds of that spell and invaded the tower grounds causing them to flee to find Ewan and his armies of the son’s if men. The winter was obviously catching up with them.

Rachel upped the pace feeling that there was more happened than just the vampire winter rolling in. The men too felt a sense of unease.

As they approached the camp they could see the land before and behind them to all horizons frozen and dark. The men were chilled to the bone.

Then as they reached the camp they found themselves on green grass, the frozen ground simply stopped.

“Lisa is working her magic” Rachel thought. As they entered the camp Rachel called to Lisa but she did not answer. Rachel was beginning to worry when a new voice spoke to her.

“Rachel” said the voice. “Lisa sleeps for now but not for much longer, the originals of the vampires tried to enter her head . Luckily I was around to save her” “Who are you?” growled Rachel adding “and how did you know Lisa, or my name come to that!”

The voice gently laughed and replied “I am Alicia known to Leona as Grandma, Queen of the witches and an elder to Lisa.” The voice was warm and calming, “I am here to help Rachel, hurry we need to talk” Alicia stopped speaking as suddenly as she had started.

The scouts lead their horses to food, water and shelter and whilst Rachel sort out Ewan, Lisa and Alicia.

She found them all in Ewan’s tent. Ewan discussing tactics with a worried looking Calador. As she entered the tent the two men looked up. “Your back at last any news ” Ewan snapped. Rachel’s eyes flashed red as she changed into human form replying as she did, “your men have a report for you” Scanning the tent she asked “Where is Lisa” from behind a screen to the left of where the two men were working came Alicia’s calm and gentle voice. “Here Rachel she is here sleeping” Rachel went round the screen and asked of Alicia, “Is she okay” the older woman smiled “She is indeed Rachel she will wake within the the hour. Meanwhile you and I must talk. ” The two women left the tent ..Rachel looked at the temperate evening and asked. “How long can you hold this spell” Alicia replied “As long as I need and when Lisa wakes she will help me and we can transport the temperature where ever we travel.”

Rachel shivered looking out to the frozen waste surrounding the camp perimeter and thought. ” We could not hold it before”…”You did not have me before ” Rachel heard Alicia’s voice in her head.

So the war had started there was no going back.


To be continued.

If you wish to read Lisa’s and Rachel’s story up to this point you can find it here.

This is part of Sue Vincent’s Thursday Photo Challenge #writephoto

Thursday photo prompt: Mirror #writephoto

For visually challenged writers, the image shows green trees that ring a still pool. The sun shines brightly through the branches, casting a perfect reflection…and on the surface of the water, rainbows dance.


Lisa was missing Hope she had not been separated from her since she had given birth to her. It had taken all her strength of will to leave her with Leona.

As the sun rose higher in the sky she went to fetch water from a near by pool. When she arrived it was silent and still, the water deep and blue. The trees and the bushes reflecting green with the blue sky framing the pool. Lisa was captivated by the stillness and the beauty of pool.

Setting down the pots she had with her she knelt and looked into the water. Of a sudden it went black and Lisa felt cold, colder than she had ever felt.

The waters began to swirl and bubble before clearing. As she watched the water she became aware of four faces looking straight at her.

Lisa jumped back in horror realising that she was looking at the faces of the Originals of the Four Vampire Houses. At first she thought they could see her, and she drew back in fear.

To her relief they seemed not see her. she could hear and see all that they could. Following their line of sight she saw that they were inside a cave, filled with thousands of Vampires, some sleeping, some feeding on poor unfortunates, some having sex but all looking evil, so evil. Really this concerned her because she knew that individually they where not wholly evil. Mathew he was tender and gentle with Rachel. But these creatures of the night seemed to be infected with a hate and disregard for all except themselves. Their eyes devoid of all feeling or any soul. they might of had left in them. Any vestiges of humanity that they might of had was now long nollified by sheer blood lust.

A chilling thought struck Lisa, Mathew had been traveling with these soulless creatures. How was he fairing, was any of his tiny new born spark of humanity left.

As she watch she heard the ancients discuss their plans though she could not understand everything they said because they were using the old language.

She listened carefully to what they were saying committing every word she recognised to memory.

As she sat there a mist seeped into the the clearing unoticed by Lisa. Encircling and chilling her to the bone. Too late Lisa knew what was happening. The four ancients looked straight at her from the pool their eyes glowing red . The mist engulfed her and she felt the coldness of thousands of hands clawing at her and heard a thousand voices screaming for blood and war.

At that point Lisa fainted. Of a sudden the mist was gone and the pool cleared . Once again it became serene and beautiful a mirror reflecting it’s green and blue surroundings. A perfect rainbow danced on the water and all was calm under the sun.

The waters parted and a woman emerged from the centre of the pool. She approached Lisa, she washed Lisa’s blooded body then lifting her, she bore Lisa and her pots back to were the army was camped.


To be continued.

If you wish to read Lisa’s and Rachel’s story up to this point you can find it here.

This is part of Sue Vincent’s Thursday Photo Challenge.

Thursday photo prompt: Journey #writephoto

For visually challenged writers, the image shows a green hill against a misty, grey sky. Across the top of the hill strides a strangely proportioned figure. His head is bowed and he is carrying a staff.


So the sons of men marched into the unknown. To meet the the Elves and the Dwarves who were gathering in the west. Their journey had begun.

All day they they traveled, the men singing songs of war to keep their spirits high.

Rachel had resumed her wolf form and joined the scouts as they rode ahead to get the lay of the land. She had stopped at a stream to drink from the refreshing water when a cry went up.”Giant on the hill” “No” cried another “It’s Death”

Rachel howled in irrigation and raced up the hill to see what these cretins were making all the noise about. At the top hill she saw the lone figure striding against the wind, striding but not moving.

Immediately she recognised what this was. Laughing inside her head at the ignorance of these scouts she ran down the hill to join them .

Pulling the cloak from the youngest of the men she shifted in to human form and deftly covered herself. “That is neither a giant nor Death ” she said calmly to the scouts as they looked on in awe at the stark figure on the brow of the hill. ” This is a warning mark , my kind erect, these figures to alert any pack of Werewolves that men who hunt us are in this area. We build the figure of a man striding the land with staff in hand, head down following our scent.

The scouts where stunned, then one ventured to ask, “There are men who hunt Werewolves? They actually hunt you, kill your kind?” Rachel looked serious and her eyes flashed, “Yes” she replied taking a deep breath. “These men hunt us but they catch only the weakest , youngest and oldest of us, they do not ever attack any of us that are healthy and strong” Flashing her eyes amber at them she added, “They are cowards.”

The men were stunned by this revelation and ashamed too. “Come said the head scout let’s return to camp my stomach thinks my throat has been cut” So they mounted up and headed back to join the army of the sons of men. The youngest man picked up his cloak from where Rachel had dropped it as she had changed back to her wolf form. As he did he reached out and ran his hand along her back. Rachel froze and was about to turn on him when his words stopped her in her tracks. ” I am sorry for my kind” he whispered, “I could never attack, the young, weak or old of any race.” Rachel spoke to him gently straight from her mind. “I believe you, you have learned a a good lesson today. One word of wisdom, never afford those feelings to a Vampire they are never vulnerable however so they appear”

The young man nodded, and mounted his horse. They all rode back in silent thought, Rachel reading their thoughts satisfied that these men at least we’re on a good journey.


To be continued.

If you wish to read Lisa’s and Rachel’s story up to this point you can find it here.

This is part of Sue Vincent’s Thursday Photo Challenge.

Thursday photo prompt: Within #writephoto

The morning came cold but bright bringing hope to all in different ways. Ewan was addressing the troops. Lisa was saying goodbye to Hope surrounded by Leona’s children. Lisa turned to Leona and asked “how will you feed her I had not thought of that?”, Leona laughed “same as you ma dear see, Jem here he’s coming up eight months trust me girl I have enough milk to go round.” Lisa hugged her thanking her deeply. Leona’s kind eyes searched Lisa’s face. “Don’t worry my dear I knows this ain’t no normal child, no more so than you be a normal woman. Don’t you have any fears me grandma was one of your kind. ” Lisa’s eyes widened “then you must be too” a sad smile crossed Leona’s face ” Nay ma dear not me, grandma took me and me Ma in when I was born, Ma had been used by some passing ‘Gentry’ and she was thrown out for havin’ me!” “Oh!” sighed Lisa. ” It’s fine” smiled Leona ” Grandma was great she taught us both the ways of her craft and we did well in learning. So I know more than most about Hope. ” Lisa felt a wave of relief spread over her, ” Is your grandmother here” she asked. “Nay ma dear she left Ma and me when I got the job here, said she’d see us at some time , whatever that meant …we never saw her again. Me Ma is still here though so I have got help with the running of this place and the children, Ben me man, he is good but always busy bless.” Lisa smiled and handed hope over to Leona knowing she would be safe within this woman’s care.

Rachel was waiting for Lisa in the courtyard , she smiled as she saw her friend approaching, “Is Hope settled are you happy to leave her here, you could still stay.” Lisa took a deep breath and replied ” No I am fine, Hope is in the best of hands I could of hoped for, no I am needed, my powers and your powers will be invaluable to these sons of men.”

Ewan joined them leading two horses one black and one grey. “Ladies” he announced, ” The black for our witch and the grey for our grey wolf,” he paused for a second then added, “Do you ride Rachel, no offense I didn’t think to ask” Raising an eyebrow Rachel cooley replied. “Of course I do ” Looking at Ewan’s embarrassed face she burst out laughing. “But not all the time, as I need to run”

So with Ewan at the front of the possession they moved off across the bridge. Lisa and Rachel following then the men, followed by the supplies and the fit younger women to cook and tend to wounds. The older woman stayed behind with the children. They were a sight to behold, these brave sons and daughters of man going forth to fight evil.

Lisa looked back to the window on the second floor of the castle to see Leona holding Hope, her mother at her side, she blink she was sure she had seen a third woman there smiling …yet when she looked again she was gone.

Ewan looked back and said, “We need to meet the Elves and the Dwarves by full moon that gives us three days marching.”


From within the cavaness cave Mathew looked out on the bright day he thought of Rachel and their lost child. Once again he felt the long forgotten pain of regret. Standing there in the shadows he wondered if he could keep up this pretence of being one of the hoards. A young female approached him ” Come” she said, “You have not fed for days, I have saved a couple of prize speciemens for you the female is with child too. Then I have a hunger only you can sate.” Mathew knew he was out of excuses and if he wished to remain un-noticed he would have to be seen to comply to form. So he turned and followed her to feed and satisfy her lust. All the while pushing down the self loathing he felt within.


To be continued.

If you wish to read Lisa’s and Rachel’s story up to this point you can find it here.

This is part of Sue Vincent’s Thursday Photo Challenge.

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