Round up of April Child Abuse Awareness Month.

I originally wrote this post and all the posts I have done over these last days of April Child Abuse Awareness Month over 11 years ago… NOTHING HAS CHANGED.

Today is the last day of April and I have to say I am glad. Everything I have researched, everything I have written about Child Abuse has made me sick and sad!  Children are our future a singer once sang, but he had, had his childhood stolen and he became a strange and sad man and he is not the only one.

Yes children are our future but at this rate do we have one. Children are mistreated , abused, sold down the river in every single country under the sun. The poems I have written have all been stories but are all based on facts I researched. The things that are done to children, some beaten black and blue. Married off at eight or nine or sold in to slavery too, girls cut and sewn up simply to please men, young boys dressed as girls and taught to dance bought and owned by “Pious” men and used for sex  after they have watched them prance.

Children in refugee camps prisoners of war…so many wars in this world so many refugees. This video is about Syria but it could be any war at the moment. How can they grow up normal?

Children and young people bullied at their school, harassed by phone and internet just for not being this weeks “cool” Young girls taken out of school and trained to be prostitutes the younger they are the better for old men who like them best if they are cute. Stolen from their village and sent as slaves to other lands worked to death  and beaten  or used for sex acts and killed when it all gets out of hand.

Forced to watch their parents, their homes and friends destroyed, tortured and burned  or maimed. They get dragged off into the jungle as boy and girl soldiers to be trained. Young girls get used as wives, still fight until their babies drop then they carry them into battle on their backs to machetes in hand, kill people and set fire to bodies, villages and crops.

Young girls about to take their GCSEs  go on holidays to their parents homelands for pre exam treat have no idea they are off to their future husbands meet. Ripped from all they have known a normal western life suddenly to become a stranger’s wife and live a poverty stricken village strife

Children, abused and battered, some physically some mentally , sexually used from an early age . What chance have they got their heart so full of rage. Some will become  abusers for abuse is all they know, some will with help flourish and try to teach it should not be so.

No doubt there are more ways that children get abused, some parents even abuse their own children, sexually or with the fist, these will be the fathers who boast that their little girl is sweet sixteen  and never been kissed!  The otheres will be mothers’ who force or sell their children however much those children resist. Or push their children to be models, beauty queens or actors to fulfil their own ambitions.

Or seeing your mother beaten until she is hospitalized , living in fear of being next until your humanity dies.

I know that I am ranting but as these tears fall from my eyes there are children out there starving, freezing , hurting, bleeding, screaming , pleading, broken , humiliated and every so often one of them dies. Actually lots of them die. Don’t worry, you can close your ears and eyes … it is too late for me now I have learnt the who’s and whys. Sadly Abuse breeds Abuse and many mental illnesses.

I have to stop writing now , but I promise I shall not stop shouting out because I have just started now. I have written more but I haven’t the heart to print anymore now.💜

Author: willowdot21

Female, wife, full time mother and Grandmother. I am not as happy go lucky as I used to be but I am still bubbling along on simmer! I have three handsome sons all grown and flown.The youngest married with a beautiful wife and two sons of his own. Back in 2010 I was working, running a home, driving and socializing then bang in a split second all that was gone. I had an accident at home. I broke my back, not for the first time, I had broken it 10 years previously as well. Unfortunately this time I had broken it really badly and it was truly messed up so I had to have two operations. I was told before each operation that the outcome could mean I spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair. Still as some guy once wrote "I am still standing " yes "better than I ever was " I no longer use the walking stick . I had lots of friends before the accident but when things like this happen, you loose most of them. Their lives move on and mine stood still and so they left me behind ...I know that is just the way life is but it hurt and always will. Then I looked around and saw those who were still there for me, these friends are the roses in my garden they need to be tended well. They are the diamonds in the dust. I will of been married 53yrs this comming year. I have found different ways to approach life, use my pain befriend it almost...yer right , well that is what they tell me at the pain clinic ROFLMAO ...... if only I could! I have found an outlet for my fears, frustrations and night terrors . I have started writing poetry if that name can be applied to my writing. I hope I do not come over as a moaning winger. I hope I am past all that. I also hope that you might see how the poetry is moving from very dark through the grey and hopefully in to light. My back is no longer straight it is C shaped because of the injury and I have lost two and a half inches in height but my Pilates and Core teachers have helped me to stand up as straight and be as strong as possible. Pain and depression are still hanging on my arm but I have weapons to use against them and if I say so myself I cope well. I have made lots of new friends, real diamonds. I am also very grateful for all the support and help I have encountered here on Wordpress. Hugs and welcome to everyone who visits.

24 thoughts on “Round up of April Child Abuse Awareness Month.”

  1. I’m glad that you’re writing and raising awareness about child abuse issues. Well done sis to bring these heartbreaking stories to light

    1. Thank you Sis, I won’t lie it really has taken it out of me but it has to be said we all need to open our eyes , thank you for your support 💜💜

  2. This is so tragic..disturbing to even think about. I have personally met and worked with the survivors of such horrors. Those lucky few who managed to escape trafficking, or horrible households where mommy made extra living off their innocence. It needs to be highlighted. It needs to be spoken about. Because it happens in every country in the world. 🙏

      1. It was emotionally exhausting. I applaud people and support those who have made it a career choice. My mind and heart could handle it daily. 🥺

  3. Willow, I haven’t commented to these posts, except for the first two, because once I read them I was too upset to respond. The horrors of child abuse are overwhelming. How it all started, why it still continues is outrageous.

    Greed and power seem to be at the root of it…..the mighty over the weak. I applaud you for speaking out and bringing child abuse to the forefront once again.

    I hope anyone who even suspects a child is being abused contacts the authorities and reports it. No child should have to live in fear.


    1. Hi Ginger I have found it very hard rehashing and reposting these poem. The research took it out of me. The saddest part being that in the eleven years nothing has changed, infact it has got worse.
      Unfortunately child abuse has been around on this earth ever since humans infested the planet. I also fear it will never disappear.
      All we can do is be aware of it and shout as loud as we can about it. Keep our ears and eyes open and don’t be afraid to speak up when needed. Thank you for your support 💜💜💜

  4. This has been a powerful series, Willow. It was hard to read at times, and at times, I didn’t know what to say. Looking back, I can say I’m glad you ran the series. Maybe, just maybe it will help someone speak up or take action. It might be all we can do.

    1. Thank you for reading Dan ….it has been very full on and I found it very difficult to complete…but as you say if we can help someone or hopefully more it will all be worth it 💜

  5. Thank you for this series to bring Child Abuse Awareness to the world, Willow! Child abuse is more than stealing and selling kids, it happens next door also. In my counseling, I talked to a teenager who lost years of her memories because of trauma caused by her grandfather. The grandfather came into her room which was shared with her little sister. She did remember that later in life when her grandfather came to visit, her mom locked the girls’ room. What kind of mother was she when she knew enough to lock the door?

    1. It’s so sad ….he probably abused her too and that may of scrambled her thinking… If not that I just dare not think what she might of been thinking 💜💜💜 Thank you for reading 💜💜💜

      1. She must be scared of him not to stop him from coming to visit. The little sister remembered hiding under the bed. Too sad. ❤ ❤

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