Dream not of today,yesterday is still here the future is what you fear, dream not of today that is what the wise men say. Fear not for yesterday it is gone it has picked up the things you should of done , scooped them up like a thief and then made off at a run.

Dream not of today waste not your time on dreams you need to be out there stacking up the hay. Reach not too hard into your future it is not yet come, why make panic for yourself of things you can know, nor will be done.

Dream not of today though you may think that it is here to stay. Hold not on to that which cannot last however tight you cling to it. Or run your best,you can not out run time no matter your efforts to be fast, you will just fail like all the rest.


Dream not of today, dream not of what there is no chance to change. Look not too far back for that is all done and gone, let it waft off on the breeze as the fading notes of a song. The future too right now has no claim on you. Live for the moment make the most of life is what you need to do.

Dream not of today.  Above you see the lily as it was in bud and as it is now open and beautiful living, and then to the future the fading bud oozing life. Dream not of today waste not your present take hold of life and what it is giving.

He fights beyond Io

Alone at the rising of the suns


Alone on the edge awaiting the dawn here on the outer rim of Orion I watch the light arrive on Caprica with the morn. From here I see far beyond the horizon the endless night skies to where they reach down to frozen lands where endless snow flies.

I count the suns, one, two, three they light the pitch black but they will not light me. I quickly slip back into the cave I shall no longer walk under the suns until he returns, the one I crave.

He flies his ship around Io as he watches for ships from Jupiter below. I pray for his safe return for without him for me there is no life I know. I will him safe I will him the victor may his ship zoom and fly in hails of photons and skim through firestorms along the the event horizon I wave my fists at the climbing suns I beg them return him to me the loss I feel in my blood as it runs in my veins………… Return him I beg them please I scream or do I just  implore in vain.

Wednesday Poetry Challenge #5

I have chosen the end theme to a sitcom written by Victoria Woods. The series is set in the kitchen of a canteen in a factory. With wonderful full blown characters all completely miss matched but all clinging together by friendship and love . Blundering through all the hard times life can throw at them. Victoria Woods is a wonderful writer she knows people , she can get inside them and she knows what is in their minds and hearts. Anyway I am not writing about Victoria  but I am writing about these wonderful lyrics that she has written. To my mind these lyrics are as wonderful as any words penned by the best “Poet” in the world.

One second she has us smiling and laughing then as the credits go up for the last time she hits us with:

drops of water wear the stone away

Getting up, getting out, getting on, getting going,
Wears away at the dreams that you hold in your heart,
All the scared little choices you make without knowing,
Take away from the thing that you had at the start.
Day by day, drops of water wear the stone away,
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday…

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

All the dreams that you had when it all lay before you,
All the plans that you made, all the things you would do,
All the schemes that you knew time would bring to fruition,
Did they happen? Not so far, at least not to you.
Day by day, drops of water wear the stone away,
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

I feel that the first verse is saying what we all say at times , getting up and out of the house is a daily trial wearing away all your strength and crushing the hopes and dreams you have dared to build up for yourself. The every day choices that you have to make  without even thinking just wear you down. The daily wearing away at your soul like drops of water wearing away at a stone . The relentless working week. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

The second verse is even sadder and maybe even nearer to the truth than we think. All our hopes and dreams  and future plans, all the wonderful things we dream we might of been just worn away and gone. Our firmest hopes and dreams come to nothing with relentless daily grind of just life .

Day by Day

The hardest rock is worn away by drops of water, so are our hopes and dreams by life Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday   We start off so hopeful where does it all go. I hear you say, no it need not be that way. Yet for most of us it is.



1.  Click on green “Mister Linky” link above.

2. Enter the URL (address of your response to challenge not of your website’s home page) of your post or page that has your response to this challenge.

3. For this challenge, locate a poem by an established, published poet, post text to a post or insert text into a page. Follow text with your comments on poem.

4. Anyone that wishes to see responses can click on the Mister Linky link above to view links.

When past meets the future

Ever since my mother handed  me, what we laughingly called the family jewels, I have been obsessed with its history what went before. Was it a history of wise men or of fools. As soon as it was placed into my hand I became its keeper and I felt my life and its history became laced entwined the same.

I sit here at my computer working late I lean back to ease my spine. Suddenly I see a flash of a woman working at her embroidery her stance the same as mine. I am intrigued, in truth I need to know who is                     this woman and why does she haunt me so.

My friends are all complaining , they ring me all the time. Urging me to join them they do not understand. My time just now is not mine. I have to find her, I have to know, her life is linked with mine the family tree tells me so. Hours I have spent researching the 16th century and it has paid off as there is so much of our family to see.

Carmel, she even had my name and her husband was a mighty lord, a knight of some renown. He was a fair man and ruled with kindness his domain. I found a painting of them upon the ramparts high.He was handing her a necklace which looks like mine. A  fact you can’t deny. A look of joy  between them as they are set against the evening sky.

Okay, I give in, I really need some sleep the information will still be here tomorrow my search for knowledge will keep. Turning off the computer the painting the last thing I see I slink off to bed closing  the study door quietly.

Gently now don’t wake him he too has had a long day, and he will only chide me for staying up so late, he cares in his own way.I was so tired and quickly I slipped into the sleep of the just or was it the dead the thoughts of Carmel Athloe gentle floating about my head.

The sun was out as we arose, such a beautiful day, lets visit the Athloe castle,your namesake lets go, Mike said, lets go today. I was in the shower and could not believe my ears , he always teased me about that fact my family own the  the ruin but had not lived there in two hundred years.

A quick call round to friends and a picnic soon prepared. It felt good to be going there a chance to clear the air. The food the wine the company the sun and sea too was glorious and our friends all said  how lucky we were to own this spot I replied  that, that, was true.

As evening arrived I went up upon the ramparts high there I stood my back to the sea as I gazed towards the sky. Breeze came up , my hair began to fly then as I looked down about to jump from my place on the rampart I could not believe my eyes. For standing right in front of me was Carmel from the painting. The golden glow of evening seemed to slip away all was odd and all was changed every thing had gone grey.

We stood so close, we were so alike she gently touched my face and ask from whence I came we both told each other things that we could not explain. This gentle Carmel was besotted by me and my necklace too, it seemed irrelevant but I seemed to feel that very soon she would have one too. She was so gentle and and delicate in every way, then I remembered reading that she would soon have a child ,before I turned and left her I told her so and she smiled.


I hear Mike and the others calling, Carmel was smiling at me her husband drawing near I felt something inside me move, my heart beat moved up a gear.

All of a sudden I awoke to see Mike standing over me his eyes were full of fear. Oh! my God you frightened us why did you disappear we looked for you everywhere  and then we find you fainted here.

Again next morning I was up and out early I had a mission in mind I headed towards the chemist the answer to a little test I had to find. I guess I have the answer but I needed to see it and know that it was true. I think Carmel and I had something more in common, true…………….

When Future meets the past


The light was fading , my lord and I could no be sure but for an instant I saw a vision of a woman here on the ramparts her back to the shore. The skies were alive with evening colours gold, red and pink when suddenly all was grey and she was there I did not know what to think .

She was beautiful my lord the strangest sight I have ever seen. She wore the shortest gown, her hair jet black  and she had eyes of green. Her lips were blood red and she had colours about her eyes. Her cheeks sparkled with a glitter as she looked up to the skies.

Long , long shapely legs she had my lord , they were bare and golden. Her tunic, page like, fell off of her  shoulder I have never seen the like. Of a sudden she brought her gaze to me her eyes glared her nostrils flared as if she had had a fright. I did not know what to do, stand still or take flight.

Rooted to the spot we stood, my lord. Neither of us knowing what to do. At length she stepped down off of the rampart and crossed the space between us I could not move I had no strength. Our eyes met, we were of the same hight , are you real she asked of me, I am I said, flesh and blood but what of thee.

She touched my face and my black hair,my lord. We both laughed a nervous laugh, “why” she said “you are really here! ” I was rooted to the spot marvelling at the fact that we could be sisters our hair, our eyes, even our voices were the same. “Tell me,” I asked this strange woman “what is your name.” Carmel she told me I could not speak I needed to laugh again for as you know that is my given name.

“Where are my friends” she asked, my lord. I said I did not know. She seem agitated by my maids approach and said she needed to go. Please stay awhile I beseeched for I was spell bound and did not want to let her go. Where on earth am I she kept asking and spinning round and round. “Carmel” I said and steadied her gently with my hand “I need to asked you one thing more “, she stopped and smiled and looked at me whispered, anything.

I had to ask her, my lord because I just had to know. If she was married lady what was her maiden name , she told me she was single, what that is I do not know but the strangest thing is her name was just as ours.  Her name was Carmel Athloe. All of a sudden she asked me the year. 1511 I told her she asked me twice again she just saying “No way ” again and again.

I saw it , my lord, just before she left. Around her neck  in gold and emerald  necklace. I put my hand up to my neck my a necklace the like of such I would love to wear.We both uttered the same question as  we looked so alike and then of course we both shared our  name. She called that “a double strike.” I understood her not yet again.

Just as you came into view, my lord she was telling me she was from 2011 the good God knows what that is. Do you think sir she could of come from heaven. Then all at once she heard her friends call, you know I heard them too. In one swift move she was back upon the wall she waved to me and said I would be with child soon she also said my lord you would be over the moon??

She seemed to know, my lord, what I have not yet told even you. I am with child my lord I am I am it’s true. I am sure I knew her we both had the same name she knew about my our child my lord.

What news what news my lady dear I think you need to rest , I think your meeting a secret we shall keep, I think it for the best. How wonderful our child now you carry. Come with me  I have a gift for you I hope you will always wear. A golden chain with emerald ……….

the necklace
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