What day is it anyway. #WDIIA 28th March.

Why is Linda hosting this post.

She said.”Because if you’re like me and stuck at home already, or if you’re going to be like me soon, the days of the week are going to be hell to keep track of. We have a wonderful community here on WordPress, and I’m sure many people are feeling nervous and/or isolated. I want to make sure every one of us has somewhere to congregate and someone to talk to.

Why am I writing this post ? Because it’s day Seven since we have been told by Bossa to stay home and socially distance ourselves. We are all in different circumstances and yet we are all in the same boat.

So today started as all days start, feeling sick, let Ruby out, yada yada yada Ground Hog Day.

I was determined to keep it quiet and relax today. No shops, no help runs , no stress.

We walked Ruby and that was good, no stress in the wood. Home and spent an hour chatting to be neighbours through the window, they stood on the middle of our lawn! I WhatsApped family and friends making sure everyone is fine. Then I had a lovely surprise when a blogger friend facetimed me.

Then I prepared a stew, finally I prepared dinner . So I did have a quiet day but I am still exhausted!

Here is a message from our esteemed leader!

Time for a happy song!

Be safe out there.

What day is it anyway. At LindaGHill’s Place

The Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS March 28/2020

LindaGHill said : Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “beside you.” Write about whatever is beside you when you read this prompt. Not when you sit down to write, but whatever is beside you right now. Take note of it if you think you might forget. Enjoy!

© willowdot21

So here we are Stream of Consciousness Saturday. Now when I first looked at the prompt yesterday I was sitting next to the coffee table, and on it there were a myriad of things. A glass bowl, a bouquet of flowers, place mats from Spain, coffee cup, a box of tissues and the phone.

It is a beautiful table, hand made in Scandinavia, it has a beautiful lustre to it. We have had this table for sixteen years, yet to my eyes it looks brand new.

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