Not the A to Z April Challenge : Rocketing : Acrostic Nonet


Rushing ever skywards into the

Openess of night climbing  ever

Climbing  to the sparkly  stars

Kissing the pale moonlight

Ever rocketing

Twinkling , twinkling

In the  dark

Night sky’s




If we were having Coffee: Posh visitors, and warm weather!

Posh Guests!

Okay  only  kidding I  might  have  some  very influential  visitors but  I have not yet joined  the Higher Echelons of society just yet!

Good news  though Paul is  back!!

If  we  were having  Coffee  :  time  again to ask how  are  you all are   and  what  have  you been up  to this  week!  Come in it is lovely  to see you all here again. The fires are lit  the cushions are plumped up and  we have  the coffee and tea on  the go  and the cakes and sweets are all set out.  We  have  tea  and coffee  from all over  the world not to mention all our cakes  and muffins  and  as Paul  calls  them sweets! Every single  one  is  calorie  free! Plus of course  we now have spirits  and liquors  to warm the coldest of  you.

If we were having  Coffee: I would ask  you what  has been going on in your world this week, has  anything  deeply affected  you, have  you need a sympathetic ear, a shoulder to cry  on or  just  needed someone  to make  you laugh! If  yes  feel free to talk it out  here  with us. We will all help if  we can.

If we were having Coffee: I would  remind  you  that  there  are lots of  other  coffee mornings  all shared  and organized  By  Diana  and  Gene’O  over at,Part time monster  

Well  If we were having  Coffee:  today I  would  say  that  it  the  day  of  the Newbie’s  Birthday  party, it  was his  actual  birthday  last  week  but  the party  is  today! I  am actually  on tenterhooks  as  the  situation  between  the  Newbie’s  Mum  and Dad  and us  is  still very  tenuous. I have  all my  fingers  and  toes  crossed that  all will go well. So  watch  this space.


If we were having  Coffee: I’d  ask  you what  can I  get  you to drink  and  what  do  you fancy  to  eat  from our  large  range of  cakes, biscuits  and  sweets? Maybe  even  some  pancakes.

It  has been a very  busy week  blog  wise, what  with  the  not  the A to Z April Challenge which I  am doing unofficially   as I was  too much  of  a coward  to sign up  properly!, Silent and  One  liner  Wednesday  not  to mention SoCs. But   even  with  the gym, normal  shopping housework  and  helping  friends  out  I  have made it  through!

If we were having  coffee: I  would  tell  that  the  weather  has been  very pleasant  this  week  and that  has made  for  some  very pleasant  walks and  the  flowers  trees  and  weeds  have  all been  blooming  mad!


Our Tomato  seeds  have  been  put into  two pots  this  week  so  they  can  mature  enough  to  out out into  the  garden and  the waiting  grow bags!

As  you can  see  they  are  getting  bigger  every day! These  little  seedlings  all come  from  the  original  seeds  that  we had  been  given  four  years ago   by  our  Italian friends. They  are  a lovely reminder of  the  lovely  holidays we have in Tuscany!

If we were having  coffee: I would  ask  you  if  you have  anything of  interest  to share  with us? It  does  not  need  to  be earth  shattering!

I  was wondering if  you would  like  to  see  the  garden? Well one  corner of it  anyway!

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And of course  the


over at Part Time  Monster  and Gene’O’s


Come and Join Us



If We Were Having Coffee: Guest Post – April 19/2015

I’m Back

Afternoon Tea with the girls

Paul your Barista
Paul your Barista

Welcome to Willow’s weekly coffee and tea garden. My name is Paul, I’ll be your barista today and I’m happy to be here once again. Please come in and make yourself comfortable. Willow has plumped the cushions and started a cozy fire so we can warm ourselves while we have a cuppa and chat. As usual, I’d be pleased to bring a pot of whatever beverage you prefer – we have a wide range of teas and coffees to satisfy our world-wide readership. Also available is a large selection of spirits for addition to your cuppa or in its place. We can relax while we discuss the affairs of the week both personal and/or worldwide. How has your week been?

I’m back after missing last week for medical reasons. I thank you my readers and Willow for your patience. Dialysis did not go well and I ended up with two hematomas when they tried to needle me; which meant I did not get dialysis and had to wait for the hematomas to heal before I could get dialysis again. This took a few days. It is possible to needle through the hematomas after a day or two but it is very painful and I’d had enough. So I missed a few sessions until I was healed and then went back. This lead to a number of temporary medical issues (now all cleared up), including the inability to mentally focus enough to write. So I apologize for missing last week – that’s my story.

Would you like another cuppa and a sweet? The weather here has been very warm – 50’s to 60’s F – and sunny. It is great for the spirit. How has the weather been where you are?

Coming Soon with Credit and Debit Capability

I see our banks here in Canada have formed a consortium to address “Apple Pay”. This hasn’t arrived here yet but apparently is flourishing in places in the US. It allows customers with iPads and Apple watches, to have their credit cards and debit cards stored on those devices and used directly through Apple. Apple charges the banks between 15 and 25 cents per $100 purchase for the use of their technology. Apparently our banks are not overly enamored of this idea as it puts a vendor (Apple) between the bank and their customers. There are also security concerns that are surfacing in the US that the Canadian banks want to address up front. It is a mark of our technology that we are finding more and more ways to store and use data. What is your opinion on this coming technology? How long will it be before we have a chip embedded under our skin with all our info and credit/debit info? Is this a good idea?

RMH, Shorncliffe

Would you like a refill of your drink? Perhaps a piece of cake or a sweet? They are all calorie free here you know. To our British readers, a piece of Canadian history in England will soon be sold by the British MOD. The military base at Stonecliffe in Folkestone was where Canadian forces were marshaled and trained in World War 1 before going on to the European front. This military base had its start back in 1794 when the crown began buying land in the area to establish a military presence in preparation for war with France. The base now only houses one of the British Army’s few remaining Nepalese Gurkha units. There is a trust fund that is trying to raise money to establish a museum and education center on the site. However the British government is making progress towards selling the land for use by a housing developer. Will you be sad to see this piece of military history fall to housing developers? What are your thoughts on this?

On that note, that’s about all we have room for this week, so it’s time to settle in with another cuppa and watch the fire. Sweets anyone? Please join me in thanking Willow for her invitation to tea. We are all honored that you dropped by today to visit. I hope you’ve enjoyed yourself and the conversation and please look around at Willow’s other posts while you’re here. Willow is over there serving her guests and chatting it up. Let’s go see how she is today. Have a great week. We look forward to seeing you back here for sweets and beverages of your choice again next week.

The Royal Horseguards Afternoon Tea

And of course  the


over at Part Time  Monster  and Gene’O’s

Not the A to Z April Challenge : AND SoCs : Piece of Peace Please.


Please let  me have Peace, just  a little piece

Too many wars,  give me some release

So much noise it hurts  my ears

Death demands I shed tears.

Like a piece  of cake

Peace lasts seconds

War lasts years

Make peace


Piece of Peace



“This post is also part of  LindaGHill‘s SoCS:” Join in  and find  the rules  here 

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