#Tanka Tuesday #Poetry Challenge No. 221 #SynonymsOnly

Our Gracious host Colleen Chesebro said WELCOME TO TANKA TUESDAY!

This week, Jude chose the words for us to select our synonyms:

I chose a haiku this time.

Image from Pixabay.

Search & Lost.

The quest has been hard
He had tried to do his best
The truth was not found

Colleen’s 2019 Weekly #Tanka Tuesday #Poetry Challenge No. 142 #SynonymsOnly Character &Wild.

Hi and welcome to this week’s Colleen’s Tuesday Tanka. This week’s words are Character & Wild. This week I have chosen a Shadorma.

What do you see.

What aspect

Of nature untamed

Can you sense

Within me

Is it love of free spirit

Or primative lust .


This is my entry for Colleen Chesebro‘s Weekly Tanka Tuesday. This week I have chosen an Etheree about Nature.

No Say.


Have no

Sway over

Nature’s design

The way I see it

Is but my take on things

She will not be persuaded

I understand it is nature’s way

Holding our lives within her tight grasp

As mother her’s is always the last word.

Colleen’s 2019 Weekly #Tanka Tuesday #Poetry Challenge No. 130 #Synonyms Only

It’s the first Tuesday of the month so we can choose our own words this time. So welcome to Colleen the Fairy Whisperer Tuesday Tanka.

I have chosen to write a mirror Etheree about my friend. Natalie is blind and a real hero. She has a partner and two beautiful and clever children. Ruby, our retired guide dog, and I have the privilege of joining her and Quala, her guide dog on Qula’s Free exercise walks. The two words I have chosen are Unsighted and Belief.

Blind Faith


Is all

I ask for.

Never will I

Complain. I will learn.

Eighteen months training.

I always do my best

To help you at play and rest.

I am part of the family

Life without out me is a memory.

I’m your guide dog to help and set you free.


In her

I put my

Faith. She helps me.

Blind, I cannot see

Her presence sets me free.

She is with me everyday

We walk the children to the school.

You help me work and play, my best friend.

Quala and me together to the end .


Ruby sitting up, Quala laying down.

Colleen’s 2019 Weekly Tanka Tuesday Poetry Challenge No. 124 SynonymsOnly Game and Trouble


Today the the beautiful Colleen Chesebro prompt worsds Game and Trouble to use synonymously. Rules and Pingback here .

I have made a picture with a Tanka about addiction. This is the first time I have tried this .

Colleen’s 2019 Weekly Tanka Tuesday Poetry Challenge No. 118, Synonyms Only .Begin&Fresh

This week Colleen Chesebro’s Tanka Tuesday the prompt words are Begin and Fresh.

You can find Colleen at The Fairy Whisperer.

This is a single stanza Shadorma about time of year.

Start anew

Gone the jaded year

Young buds peep

From the earth.

Greeting clean unsullied air

Under winter skies.



Todays Colleen Chesebro‘s Tuesday Tanka Challenge prompt words are Fly and Sing. These words to be used as synonyms only.

Heavenly choirs

Spread news of the virgin birth

Great news for the earth

Angels full of truth and light

Bring to us great joy tonight

Colleen Chesebro Weekly Tuesday Tanka. 5/6/18. Synonyms Only.

This week Colleen Chesebro of The Fairy Whisper has given us the two words Care and Share to be used synonymously for her Tuesday Tanka Poetry Challenge.

Rules and Pingback Here

Image from Pixabay

I tend you daily

Enjoy your fruits with others

Seeing you blossom

I will eek out your bounty

Happy to give to others.


This is part of Colleen Chesebro of The Fairy Whisper’s, Tuesday Tanka. The words we need synonyms for are Sing and Celebrate.

Rules and Pingback here

To glorify life

A song of joy we all chant

Nature’s spring party

Jubilant trees and flowers

Grateful chorus of showers

Colleen Chesebro Weekly Tanka Tuesday. No. 72

This week Colleen of The Fairy Whisperer has given us Breakthrough and Movement and to use synonyms only.

Image from Pixabay

I smash down boundaries

Stepping the light fandango

At last I am free

Sweeping all that bars my way

Leaping, skipping all the way.

Image from Pixabay

Rules and Pingback Here

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Tanka Tuesday

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