#WRITEPHOTO Anniversary Edition – Crown.

Here we are one year on since K.L. took on the running of #writephoto from our Sue Vincent. Well done K.L. we are most grateful to you

For visually challenged writers, the image shows a golden crown adorned with jewels and pearls. Behind this are windows with views across the countryside.

Crown – Image by KL Caley.

Morgarna looked around and as the owner was busy discussing Gold Fish with a young mum and her toddler. A quick double check to see if there was any CCTV, and more importantly no shadows, there were not, so she dipped her hand into the tank and scooped Morgause out!
Instantly she touched the floor Morgause changed back into her real self. “I’ll never get used to this” said Morgause running her hands down her clothes. “How can I be soaking one sec and then dry as a bone the next”
Morgarna whispered, “you’ll get used to it, come on we can’t hang about in here. With all this water on the floor the owner will get suspicious! ” Then quick as a flash she was manhandling Morgause out of the shop before there were any awkward questions.
Outside on the street Morgause, shivered … funny she thought it’s really cold even though it’s a fine summer’s day the temperature was almost artic! “You feel it too, don’t you?” Morgarna asked, Morgause knodded.

There was a coffee shop back on the main street and the unusually dressed women ducked in for coffee and cake. Morgarna ordered a black Americano and Morgause had a hot chocolate …her latest favourite drink of the twentieth first century!
The two sat by the window and looked up to the castle, “can you hear that buzzing Morgarna” asked quietly.
“I can and I can see the undead as they mingle around the people” Morgause replied.
Morgarna smiled a huge smile and hissed, “Yes just keep smiling and ignore them especially if they approach or touch you, I’m not sure they are undead, I believe they are alien, make sure you look happy and use a total mind block so they can’t read you!”
Just aftet she warned Morgause two shadowy figures approached them probing them both deeply, both women smiled and carried on chatting about nothing in particular.
The figures exchanged glances and moved on to the next table where one removed a small child from its pushchair and after ripping it in half proceeded to suck out it’s life’s blood and essence.
No one, not even the mother took the slightest notice of the blood and gore or the child’s screams.
Morgarna’s smile widened, she channelled her thoughts directly to her sister, ‘ steady they must not know you noticed anything! Be brave Morga we’ve got this! ‘
They finished their drinks and headed off to towards the castle.
Morgause’s phone pinged , she jumped and said to Morgarna “I will never get used to that mobile thingy what does it want now! ” She took it from her pocket and said, “it’s a WhatsAppy thing from Merls, it says look for the crown.”

An hour later the two were on the upper floor of the castle, the buzzing now was so painful that Morgarna and Morgause’s ears hurt. They were still surrounded by shadows but in the main ignored.
Morgause saw it first , on the window ledge , a beautiful golden crown beset with opals.
Before Morgarna could stop her she had flown across the room and picked it up! “It’s beautiful just like the one Gueniver had …look Morgarna”
Too late Morgana’s eyes screamed “Noooo” but it was too late, the buzzing stopped, the humans all suddenly lost their smiles and every shadow in the room turned to stare at Morgarna and Morgause seeing them fully for the first time.

THIS IS PART OF K.L.CALEY’S.#writephoto.

K.L. Caley’s #WRITEPHOTO – Crab.

This is part of K.L.Caley’s #WRITEPHOTO – Crab.

For visually challenged writersthe image shows a rather fearsome little crab with pretty big claws, making her way along some white stones

Crab – Image by KL Caley.

Right thought Morgarna stubbing out her cigarette and finishing her wine…what next.
As she watched a pattern emerged, the shadows were circling the people and only seemed to be picking on the weak , age seemed to have nothing to do this selection. It was not random either there was method to this madness.
Well sitting here in the sun, nice as it was would not find any answers.
Morgarna picked up her bag and left the pub garden. The street outside was strangely quiet, no one around but she could hear a strange buzzing coming from up the hill, so she followed it.
Rooting in her bag Morgarna got her mobile out and flicking a switch on the side it opened an app that guided her toward the hum.
Turning a corner by Boots the chemist she suddenly found herself back in traffic and crowds of people. Looking around Morgana could see the shadows where moving around in the crowds, whispering in an ear here and touching a shoulder there . Scanning the area she could see they were everywhere in the cars, shops and they seemed totally in control.
Suddenly Morgarna’s phone rang, it could only be one of two people, Morgause or Merlin and it could only be important. It was Merlin , “Hi babes how’s it going?” Morgarna stepped into a shop doorway and said “Not so good Merls it’s pretty bad here, there’s shadows controling the place and they are killing people”
“I thought there was a problem you’ve been gone so long.” Merlin replied, he could hear the concern in her voice.
“I am sending Morgause to help you she jumped about five minutes ago.” Merlin continued.
Morgarna lit a cigarette and asked where she could find her sister.
Merlin said, “I am sending you an app that will take you straight to her “

Morgarna followed the new app and it took her to an aquarium just off the main street. It was dark inside but really quite an inviting place. The tanks were full of really beautiful fish and coral.
Looking around Morgana wondered where Morgause was. Suddenly Morgarna heard a tapping she swung around and followed the her ears toward the sound. There in a large aquarium were several types of crabs. Morgarna approached and peered in. There, staring at her and, in truth looking a tad discombobulated was a rather fearsome little crab with pretty big claws, making her way along some white stones her claws making a rhymic tapping sound!
Morgarna laughed….”Morgause is that you Hun? “

Thursday photo prompt: Shadows #writephoto

This is my entry for Sue Vincent‘s #writephoto, Shadows.

Thoughts of a Ghost.

Am I awake or is this dream

There is no colour, everything monochrome.
Shadows lengthen belying the scene.

I am cold and a long way from home.

I cannot move I cannot speak

My mind is confused and my is body weak .

The Bedlam of war is strangely hushed.

Am I here, dieing alone

I try to move I know I must

Around me the spirits of fallen friend and foe.

The detritus of war, we lie dead with nowhere to go.

K’Lee and Dale’s Cosmic Photo Challenge 19/10/18.

This week’s prompt from K’Lee and Dale’s Cosmic Photo Challenge. It’s K’Lee’s turn to pick the prompt which is : Shadows Shapes and Shilhouetes

Rules and Pingback Here #CosPhoChal and here

Below is a slideshow, comprising of , two churches, interior and exterior, my shadow in a field,a night photo of our holiday in Mexico, three generations of women to spotted on a Boxing Day two years ago, a day shot from Mexico, Ruby and her shadow in the garden, another shadow in field, a shadow on a bench and a painted stone, Ruby and shadows in the river,and finally winter shadows on the road .

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Acrostic :Red and Black

Constantly  they  moved in  shadows  shades of black  and grey

One and  all totally  shrouded  and  hidden  from all colours  of  the  day

Until  she came, hooded  just like  all  the rest. Different  her  head  a shock of red.

Passing all she  kept her  head  down and  her  colour  hidden, like  the  wind  she fled

Longing  so  much  to be  free, no longer  to be  shackled  by  the  chain  that  held evey one

Eventually  she  found  you tall  with hair black and  suddenly  they were gone.



Scare Night

Here footsteps

A lonely tin rolls across the car park
The wind is up and it is getting dark
Turning her collar up against the rain
Walking the way she always does, again

Her footsteps match her heart beat
Hurrying towards the light of  the street.
Icy cold she begins to shiver
No umbrella she wished she had it with her.

A sound behind her makes her jump
Bringing to her throat a painful lump.
Terror and panic have her in their grasp
Searching for her key, fighting with her handbag clasp.

The street light flickers and goes out
She is scared now no doubt!
Sweat runs down her face
Her heart running wild , such a pace

Suddenly the door opens and
A huge and pale Vampire stands
He’s the most scary sight she has seen
Smiling he says your late love, Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween       

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