Love Is In Da Blog: Granparents

Juat  fooling  around  with Bee said :No matter where your experience comes from with your grandparents allow yourself today to delve into your memories of your grandparents and let them come alive for us. Chose any way or form you like and I am looking forward to read your posts.


I only  remember  meeting   one  set  of grandparents  and on only  one  occaision. I  believe  it  was  my  mother’s  parents  as  we had  gone  to Oxford  to see  them. The  house as I see it in my  mind  was dark, brown painwork  and cream walls. No  doubt  all my  brothers  and sisters  who are older  than  me  will be throwing  their hands up  in shock  but  in all honesty  that  is  the impression  I have  to this  day.

Unfortunately for  me the  situation was going to get worse. I remember  sitting  on  a chair  and not  being  quite  high  enough  to reach  the table. The  dinner  was chicken, boiled chiken.To  this  day I hate  boiled  chicken, I did not  want  to eat  it , I did not  want  to smell it….. I still  don’t.

I cannot  be sure  but  I  think I  got into big  trouble for  being naughty  and not  wanting  to eat  my  dinner.Sadly  that is  the only  memory I have  of my real  grandparents.

Happy days

Luckily  for  me  I  have  wonderful  memories  of Oxford. Aunty  Glad  and Uncle  Jack, they  were  the grandparents  to  my  cousin Lyndy ( who  was actually  my  cousin’s  daughter  but I  did not  clock on to  that  until I was older). Uncle Jack  was  my Mothers  brother he  was  a round  and happy  chap and  Aunty  Glad  was a thin  and wiry little  lady. I remember  there  was always  two  weeks in the summer holidays  when I was sent  to stay  with them all. I loved  have  my  cousin  on hand, Lyndy  was an only  child of a  single  Mum, and I was  the youngest  of  six  by  ten years  so we were almost both like only  children, and so  close in age  ( My Mum  having  me  in her late  forties  and  my  cousin  having  Lyndy when she was still  very young. ) We had a whale  of  a time . I remember playing out  late, something I could only  do in the garden at  home on  my  own but  at Lyndy’s we played in the street and with her  friends.

Aunty Glad had  what seemed like a huge  field of  a  garden  with  gooseberry  bushes  and rasberries and I remember  helping Uncle  Reg  pick  the fruit and  preparing  them in the kitchen with Aunty Glad! I loved  sharing  a room with Lyndy  we used  to talk and  plan  the  next  days excitement.

Lyndy  use  to spend  the other  two weeks of  the holidays  with  me up  in London. I  know  she loved staying  with us  in our  small and often crowded  house. I  think  Uncle  Reg  and Aunty Glad were  more  like grandparents  to  me  because  by  the  time I was able  to apreciate  them,  all mine  were dead.

Oxford’s dreaming Spires

Now  my Mum  also  had  two  very  good friends one of  whom was Aunty Betty. A wonderful  woman who  never  stopped  talking  at  great  speed. She  was a tall woman  and had a heart  of  gold. She  was married  to Uncle  Dick  who was a quiet man of  medium stature. He  too was lovely. My Mum and Aunty  Betty  where childhood friends and were bridesmaids  to each  other.

They  had a huge house, they  let one  floor out to students  from the Universities.  I always remember  there  was a bathroom in the  dinning  room! Yes it was strange  a  huge wood  and  glass erection  with  curtains. The  sides of  the walls did not reach  the ceiling …OH! it  was strange! Aunty  Betty  taught me  how  to bake  and make  lemonade, knit and hundreds of  other  things.

I used  to share a  room at  the top of  the house with Aunty Betty’s  only daughter who  was ten years older than me  and I thought  she was so glamourous ( there hangs a story  but not  for now or  even on this blog). The  best thing about  the room was  the view from the window in the eves I could  see all of  the Oxford  Spires  and in late sun , moonlight  or even sunrise they did  glitter. Right in the centre of  the  view  was Old Tom  the bell tower. I loved  to hear  his chimes.

Sadly now Uncle Dick, Aunty  Betty are  long gone. Their  Daughter is  somewhere in America  she cut  herself  off  from us  all.

A house like Aunty George’s

My Mum was not  very  well when I was  a child  which  one  of  the reasons  for  my  Summer  and Easter  Holidays in Oxford.  Mum was in hospital  more  than once  and often during  school time. Now  I could  not  go  to Oxford  and miss  school however  much I  would of  liked to. So I went  half a  mile  up  the road  and around  the corner  to  stay  with Aunty George! Her real name was Anne  but  for some reason  she was called Aunty George. Now  she  and Mr George and  their  three  grown up  children  lived in a  beautiful house very similar  to the one  pictured  here!

Whenever I had  to stay there I slepped in the  girls  room and  the  girls  who  were in the upper  and lower  sixth  at  the school I was attending  though I was in the  junior part  of  the school, would take  me to and from school on the bus!

Aunty George  had  a huge  kitchen and a scullery, she  even had a twintub washing  machine! We did not have a washing machine of  any type in our  house. It was a lovely  house  and they were lovely  people. I used to love  going to  church  with the girls on Sunday. They  were in the choir and I joined  too. I loved  to sing and to hear  the two girls beautiful  voices.

Memories, I  may not of  known my  own grandparents  but I had  plenty  of  surrogates!


Nearly Grandparent Haiku

Glad  to help  and teach

To step in and fill the breach

Loving  memories


Just a thought I pray I  get the chance  to be a good grandma to my Newbie


This  is  Just  fooling  around  with  Bee  Idea  for  a  February  daily  challenge! To  suit  her  spoilt  inner  child…. and  mine  come  to that so  here  we go! Hold on to your heart!  Join in  here 




Thurday Music Theme : Music of the Eighties.

Hello  everyone  Bear  has allowed  me to pick  this weeks  theme , I  know  I do  not  always  join in   but I  do love  to when I can! Well I have picked The Music  Of  The Eighties .

In 1983 I was 30yrs old I had  three  children, infact I had  just  had  my  last  boy!

The  first  song  I pick is  Take On ME  By A-Ha : It was revolutionary to  me  and the video  so so  clever.

Nothing  says  eighties  more  The Eye Of  The Tiger by  Survivor. The  raw determinstiion  in the song  and the video ! WooW  it takes  me back to 1982  every  time I hear it . I was pregnant with our  youngest  and my  Mum was well  and had  not had any her  strokes  and was staying  with us …… I miss  my  Mum!

Now 1983 The  voice f the Eighties  Bonnie Tyler . Boy  she was something  and she is still  singing! I thought she was etheral  and I wanted  to be her!

Then of course  another  of  my  favourite  female singer  song writer  in colaberation  with  her one  time partner Dave Stewart in Eurithmics  The  lyrics  the Look , someone else I want  to emulate. I only  manage  to get  the nerve to have my  hair  cropped  and coloured in  late forties! ..In my  defence I did break out!

I seem to be  stuck in 1983  here  but t was a year  and a half  for music. The  Police . Every Breath  You Take. Everyone  loved  this  and it was popular  for  wedding  videos… we did not hav DVDs  yet!  Trouble  was  the song is  not  a love  song  it very threating  and about  a stalker.

The  film of  1983  for  me was Flash Dance I had  jus  had  a child  after  an eight year gap  and I started to panic  …. so  when the boys  were at school  and  the baby was asleep  I would  dance  to the sound track  while doing  the chores!!  I have not  picked  the obvious  track  but  my  favourite  Maniac  By Michael Sombrello  

Okay 1981  The Australian group  Men at  Work  took us  all by  storm. The video alone is an eye opener  not to mention the fabulous lyrics  and tune ! Love  love love .

I really  must  apologise  I have got  stuck  in my own personal  journey I  do hope  you have not been  board. I could  go on and on  but I am going to top here  with  Toto‘s Africa ..just  brilliant . Any  song  that in cludes  the line “As sure as Kilimanjaro rises like Olympus above the Serengeti I seek to cure what’s deep inside, frightened of this thing that I’ve become” is  just awesome !

I do hope  o enjoyed  my  trip  down memory lane.

Please  check out  the other Themeists.





A bedroom in an empty house! Day 20 Nano Poblano

Eyores  are  sad!
Eyores are sad!
Tiggers are  bouncy
Tiggers are bouncy

On this wall is Tigger, Pigglet , Eyore  and Pooh!

This  special wall that I saw  today

Belonged  to happy child  who in this room did play

There must of been many  many  happy, exciting  times

A child  lived  there  who loved a donkey, a pigglet,a tigger and  a bear  that talked in rhyme


Now  Pooh was bouncing  flowers on his nubby  noseIMG_20141120_191506698

Tigger was bouncing  from his tail through to his toes!

The sun was peaking out from behind a beautiful cloud

Pooh bear
Pooh bear

Pigglet was happily singing, but just not too loud

Poor old Eyore  looking sad because  no really  cares

He  follows  you round  the  room with is  mournful  stares.




Yea Mark 

Memories : Nano PoBlano

Day 4  NANO POBLANO   Memories  a poem

They  wriggle  and they giggle  and they run and hide

But  you know that they are in there, you’re the one who put them inside.

They hint  and they suggest,  they rub around the edge

You have to keep them active for absence of them turns  your mind to veg.


They are beautiful  and ugly , huge and very small

They are  full of importance and yet  they have none at all.

Warm and soft  and fluffy , scary  , evil  and terrifying

Having  a birthday party or turbulence while flying.


Having  your  first baby  or your wedding day

But  when you have to answer  that  question you’re lost for what  to say.

Dancing with your first love  kissing him goodnight

Arguing  with your family  .. boy that was an almighty  fight !


Fighting off depression, facing down your fears

Memories dancing  and prancing escaping  through your ears.

Your first teddy’s name was Jingles your first job was blast

If  you let  your  memories run  it’s like  a film with a giant cast!


You  need to keep it active  you cannot let it rest

For if you do not use it deserts you and that is not for the best.

Watch it  very  carefully be aware of tricks it will play on  you

Remember  you must keep it buzzing or it will wonder off ,that’s true.


They  wriggle  and they giggle  and they run and hide

But  you know that they are in there, you’re the one who put them inside.

They hint  and they suggest,  they rub around the edge

You have to keep them active for absence of them turns  your mind to veg.


Finally Gottcha!×500.png

You took my innocence that day

You ripped it from me  and threw it away.

What did that feeling  do for you

Were  you pleased to see broken when you were  through.


You  took the words and  beat me until I bled

Threw me naked  from your bed

With actions  harsh you hurled me down

My face you screwed into the ground.


You dragged  me screaming  through the town

Before  your friends  you tore off my gown

Exposed my secrets, every hidden nook of me

You raped  me there  for all to see.


Left me broken and bleeding  for all to debase

You blew my life apart  left me with egg upon my face.

The pain, the shame was more than I could take

You enjoyed my downfall pushing  hard so I would brake.

The years have erased me from your mind.

Yet to me they have not kind.

You do not suspect my tender embrace.

My blade has found it’s target I see that in your face.



Lisa  at   Underground Energy  has  suggested I link this  poem to  so here we go!

IF WE WERE HAVING COFFEE.Home from Heaven×7446454/assorted_cakes_and_biscuits_for_coffee_buffet_185597.jpg

If we were having coffee:  I would tell you that I am sitting here on a cross channel ferry, travelling backwards.
Reluctantly going home with a head stuffed full of memories and and dreams. This past week has been wonderful.


Anyway first things first, where are my manners. Welcome to the garden today  it  is lovely and warm out here. So far we do not need the space heaters nor the marquee though they ready for use at the first drop of rain or drastic drop in temperature. Now we have ( thank’s to Paul) all types of tea and coffee. Not to mention cakes scones, and all sorts of cconfectionery Enough to make the artisan baker, from the small village we have just spent the week’ a very proud lady indeed.
If we were having coffee: I would drive you mad with tales of Chateaus and castles inhabited by Kings. Queens, princesses, princes not to mention infamous mistresses who often ruled the roost ….. but not always.


If we were having coffee:
I would I would explain how we visited the village that was the birthplace of the famous mathematician and philosopher Descartes. The village is of the same name. The first Sunday we were in France we drove into town to sample the Market and then the coffee. While we were there we were  witness to a service in the town square to commemorate the liberation of the town. By allied forces on that day 70yrs ago.
On our second visit yesterday (Friday ) we discovered the beautiful and peaceful public garden’s. These were full of beautiful touperie  and ponds even a little wild life enclosure with, geese, ducks, sheep, goats, and Llamas and a lovely pig called Zorro.
Just outside the park we found the Church where René Dacarte’s mother is buried. The church though not in great repair is still used to this day.
If we were having coffee:

Night sky over  the Channel
Night sky over the Channel

I would explain that I have put up photos of all of these things in the blog posts I have written this last week. Can  I get anyone another drink or something to eat. Are you still warm enough the sun is beginning to set now. It is sparkling on the sea. We have moved now to the Restaurant for dinner. We certainly have a sea view now. 🙂 . We only had a view of the lifeboats from our previous seats. I am actually quite hungry now. Looking at  the red sky  from the spray splashed window reminds me of  one of  my  Mother’s many  sayings “Red sky  at  night shepherds delight. Red sky in the morning shepherds warning!” Funny how all the things  my Mum would say and I would roll my eyes come back to me now and I realize  how much truth and wisdom there is in them.

If we were having coffee:

If I am honest  I shall tell you now  that I had a good nights sleep even though  we did not get home until midnight! We have done  the washing  and it is on the line! Hoovered  and dusted round  and even had a flying visit from the middle son. I am so grateful  that Paul is here to  help as I am back  an forth sorting things out. I do love my  home, my  house  the area, my  family  and friends  but Oh! I did love that  holiday!

Never  mind  I must  get on  so  eat drink , chat  and be merry and I shall be here you only  need to shout.  If I were  you I would  scroll up  or  down  and  check out Paul’s  coffee morning  it is here  too!! So  for now  be well and be happy.  😀

If we were having coffee I’d ask  you : would you like another  cuppa, or  a biscuit . I’d  tell you I have really  come to enjoy  these chats  and I’d  love  to hear  what you would  tell me , If we were having Coffee  Original idea  from

Farewell to France


Lovely  things like holidays  sadly  do not  last

Time spins by and goes  so fast.

Chateau, rivers, villages and dreams

All gone in  a flash, in seconds so it  seems.

Light through  the trees and sparkling springs

Friends and family enjoying time together with no strings.

I am not ready for this holiday to end, no we all want to stay.

We have  had a wonderful time  but we will return another day!


If We Were Having Coffee – Sept.07/2014


Paul your Barista
Paul your Barista

Welcome to Willow’s weekly coffee and tea garden. My name is Paul and I’m happy to be here once again in the garden tending to your needs for a cuppa, and sweets. I must say, it’s great to see you all here in this relaxing atmosphere surrounded by flowers and butterflies. Have a seat where you choose, at a table in the sun or shade, and I’ll be happy to bring a pot of whatever beverage you prefer – we have a wide range of teas and coffees to satisfy our world-wide readership. We can relax while we discuss the affairs of the week both personal and/or worldwide. How has your week been?

The university students are still moving in here, most in a large rush as classes started this week. I was sitting out front in the sun with a cup of tea and I saw two young men wearing only shorts and ball caps skateboarding very fast down the street. A few minutes later, here they come back again. This time one had a four shelf bookcase balanced on his head and the other had two armfuls of bed linen so large that only the peak of his ball cap was visible. Moving by skateboard – new to me. If it has wheels, I’ve seen it moving furniture this week.


One young woman was moving into a unit next to mine and she had her Mom and Dad helping her with a small truck. They appeared late morning one day and diligently started carrying furniture inside. Now the units are quite small and they took in a lot of furniture.After a pregnant pause, the Mom and Dad started carrying furniture back out again. They took out a number of large pieces and reloaded them into the truck. Dad took off with the truck while Mom went back inside. After about an hour, Dad returns, opens the truck and starts carrying different furniture into the unit. Ha! Apparently the young woman was decorating her room by hit and miss. Dad carried out some more furniture as he was carrying the new in. Eventually he was done and he and Mom left together in the truck.

Ahhh, the discriminating tastes of the freshmen.

The students are so easy to separate into freshman and returning students. The freshmen wander along with wide eyes and a sort of lost look on their faces while their colleagues appear sure of themselves and look down their noses at the naïveté of the newbies. Do you remember you first year at University or perhaps at a new job? How were you treated? When you were the experienced one how did you treat the new arrival?

How about another cuppa? We have calorie free sweets, scones, biscuits – pick your favorites, there’s lots to go around. While the weather has remained sunny here this week, the temperatures have dropped considerably and the humidity is low. The slight breeze has a taste of Fall. I love this kind of crisp sweater weather. How about you? Long walks in the sun with the crunch of colorful leaves underfoot are soon coming. I live in a unit in a row of 100+ year old brick houses that have been restored. There is a line of large maple trees in front of the buildings and they are starting to drop their leaves. It brings back so many memories of family walks and strolls with my girl friends of past.

Judith A. Lindberg – Shades of Autumn

Do you have any favorite poetry about autumn? What is fall like where you live? Anyautumn stories that you’d like to share?

When I was younger I owned a 15 foot aluminum canoe and I loved going out for a paddle in the autumn on the smooth lake waters with the kaleidoscopic trees reflected in the surface. Exploring close to the shores, the quietness and the leaves in the water made the trip almost magical. My girlfriend and I would pack a lunch and then stop on an uninhabited shore to eat when we were hungry. The rustling of the leaves and the squirrels with the crunching underfoot made a sharp contrast to the quietness of the water. Floating back at the end of the day we would pause and just enjoy the sun and the colors and the glass like surface of the water. Occasionally we would see wildlife on the shore, deer and moose and other animals coming down to drink. Lord I loved those fall trips, a feeling that was irreproducible. No other season held such a sense of peacefulness for me as autumn. What feelings does autumn bring out in you?

Would you like another cuppa? Willow and I are honored that you dropped by the garden today to visit. I hope you’ve enjoyed yourself and the conversation and please feel free to look around at Willow’s other posts while you’re here. Have a great week. We look forward to seeing you here in the garden again next week.

If we were having coffee I’d ask  you : would you like another  cuppa, or  a biscuit . I’d  tell you I have really  come to enjoy  these chats  and I’d  love  to hear  what you would  tell me

 If we were having Coffee  Original idea  from


Softly brushing my face, is it  a child’s  kiss upon my cheek?

Caresses long  gone, almost forgotten  but not quite, begin to creep

Into  my conscientiousness demanding  my attention

Dragging long  stilled  emotions out of sleepy retention.


Light bright sunlit  mornings  running through  the trees

Wind blown autumns wrapped up warm chasing after leaves.

Fingers tracing over goosebumps lips moist and tender

Needs screaming for release and surrender.


The smell of  newborn babies, you thought you would die

Birth pains  felt  by  both  bonding you so deep, tears fill your eyes.

Watching  them grow and play and mature, such precious fruit of yours

Protect them, guide them, love them , teach them  and keep them from evil’s claws.


Tears flow  as they leave, out on their chosen paths  not always  what you’d of planned

Still they are brave and new . They  will stand on their own yet if  they fall you’ll be there to give a hand.

Then back they come with love, with pain or grief  then the fresh smell of a newborn

Such great joy  more  memories blossoming  your future to adorn.


Softly brushing my face, is it  a child’s  kiss upon my cheek?

Caresses long  gone, almost forgotten  but not quite begin to creep

Into  my conscientiousness demanding  my attention

Dragging long  stilled  emotions out of sleepy retention.


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