International Woman’s Day.

Today 8th May is international women’s day.

International Women’s Day

We may not be together, we may be far apart.

But my sisters you are never far from my heart.

We may stand on different shores separated by the sea and county

But we’re never so far that words cannot reach you from me.

I write this to tell you I pray that you are free

We need to stand together to mend this world you see.

The way may be uncertain. We’re not sure of the road.

But knowing we’re united, helps this heavy load.

So Sisters near and far let’s all look up to our nearest star.

Reach out my sisters let’s join hands.

Together we we can lay our plans.

To build a kinder better place and put a smile of every woman’s face.

Here are some famous women.

Rosa Parks – In 1955, Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white passenger on the bus she was travelling on. This helped initiate the civil rights movement in the United States. The leaders of the local black community organized a bus boycott that began the day Parks was convicted of violating the segregation laws. She became a nationally recognized symbol of dignity and strength in the struggle to end entrenched racial segregation.

Naomi Wadler – 11 year old, Naomi Wadler stood in front of thousands of people and gave a courageous speech at the March For Our Lives. She spoke for black women, who are disproportionately represented among the victims of gun violence. ‘I am here today to acknowledge and represent the African American girls whose stories don’t make the front page of every national newspaper, whose stories don’t lead on the evening news.’

  1. Florence Nightingale – Knowing as “the lady with the lamp”, Florence Nightingale nursed injured soldiers during the Crimean war. Her passion and dedication changed the public’s perception about this profession. Her insistence on improving sanitary conditions for the patients is believed to have saved many lives.
  2. Mother Tereasa – Mother Tereasa, Nobel Peace Prize winner in 1979, aimed at looking after those who had nobody to look after them through her own order “The Missionaries of Charity”. She worked tirelessly towards her goal until her ill-health that included two heart attacks, pneumonia and malaria, which forced her to step down in March 1997.
  3. Maya Angelou – Maya wrote seven autobiographical books and will be forever beloved for her powerful poems. Maya was an active voice in the civil rights movement. In addition to gaining national recognition for her writing, she made many people rethink their ideas about sex workers by writing about her own experience as a sex worker.
  4. Marie Curie – Curie was a Polish-French physicist and chemist. She was the first person to have received two Nobel Prizes. She was also the first female professor at the University of Paris and the first lady to be enshrined in France’s national mausoleum, the Paris Panthéon.
  5. Frida Kahlo – Frida had many traumas throughout her life. This includes a bus accident which left her unable to conceive. These disasters helped her paint her inner truth and her put pain on to paper. Frida’s paintings are fearless because they show the conflicting duality of female experience.
  6. Helen Keller – Helen lost her sight and hearing at a young age yet she defied expectations to achieve a bachelor’s degree and inspired generations as an activist for disability rights.
  7. Here are many more you can read about.

About International Women’s Day read here.

Be blessed whether you are man woman or whatever gender you choose or choses you. 💜

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