If We Were Having Coffee Guest Post – May 31/2015 Chickens



Chicken sandwiches at afternoon tea.


Paul your Barista

Welcome to Willow’s weekly coffee and tea garden. My name is Paul, I’ll be your barista today and I’m happy to be here once again. Please come into the garden and make yourself comfortable. Willow has put out the cushions on the chairs and set the table under the canopy so we can have a cuppa and chat. As usual, I’d be pleased to bring a pot of whatever beverage you prefer – we have a wide range of teas and coffees to satisfy our world-wide readership. Also available is a large selection of spirits for addition to your cuppa or in its place. We can relax amongst the flowers while we discuss the affairs of the week both personal and/or worldwide. How has your week been?

‘Astronaut’ BBQ Chicken


Well, on a personal front, my disability cheque came this week, so I got to stock up on groceries. I decided to pick up a hot BBQ whole cooked chicken. Here they package them in a hard plastic clamshell container that is black on the bottom half and clear on the top half. It looks like a small space helmet so I call them astronaut chickens. Normally they are a bit expensive for my budget but this store had big ones (1,5 kg, about 3 lbs) on sale after 3 pm for $7.49 , normally $10.99. The problem was that I was ready to check out at 2:30 pm and still had more shopping to do at another store nearby before my scheduled pickup by the handicap bus. I couldn’t wait the ½ hour to get the special price. So, I asked the check-out woman if I could get the cheaper price given I was handicapped and could not get a later transport. She got the manager who decided that he would authorize this. I must have looked sad that I might miss my chicken. Ha! He disappeared for about 5 minutes and returned with a sticky tag with the scannable special price on it. So, having saved $3.50 I escaped with my astronaut chicken, quite chuffed with myself.

On the home front, the manager has decided that today will be moving day. A crew is supposed to be here in a few hours to move my meager belongings to another larger, newer unit so they can tear this one apart to find and stop the leaks in the ceiling. My new unit will be permanent- and when I was checking it out the other day I realized it had one less step to get into the unit – 4 instead of 5 front steps. That may seem trivial but it lessens one small barrier and every little bit helps.

Current 5 Steps, Soon to be 4

Another cuppa ? Perhaps a sweet? I was over on Insanitybytes2 web site last night and she had done a post against homosexual marriage. You  can read  here 

I wrote a rather virulent response accusing Americans of being violent bullies (as a country). She has placed the comment into moderation so it is not visible to anyone but me. I may have been too aggressive but it really is what I think, so it is hard not to be honest. And yet I worry. I will likely be banned and I really enjoy her dialogue – most of the time I agree resoundingly with her observations. But not this time. I’m not sure why I was so aggressive in the response but it struck a sensitive point. Have any of you written a response that you worried about? What happened in the end?



On that note, that’s about all we have room for this week, so it’s time to settle in with another cuppa and watch the fire. Sweets anyone? Please join me in thanking Willow for her invitation to tea. We are all honored that you dropped by today to visit. I hope you’ve enjoyed yourself and the conversation and please look around at Willow’s other posts while you’re here. Willow is over there serving her guests and chatting it up. Let’s go see how she is today. Have a great week. We look forward to seeing you back here for sweets and beverages of your choice again next week.

“Is there Tea Here Somewhere?”


And of course  the


over at Part Time  Monster  and Gene’O’s

Author: willowdot21

Female, wife, full time mother and Grandmother. I am not as happy go lucky as I used to be but I am still bubbling along on simmer! I have three handsome sons all grown and flown.The youngest married with a beautiful wife and two sons of his own. Back in 2010 I was working, running a home, driving and socializing then bang in a split second all that was gone. I had an accident at home. I broke my back, not for the first time, I had broken it 10 years previously as well. Unfortunately this time I had broken it really badly and it was truly messed up so I had to have two operations. I was told before each operation that the outcome could mean I spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair. Still as some guy once wrote "I am still standing " yes "better than I ever was " I no longer use the walking stick . I had lots of friends before the accident but when things like this happen, you loose most of them. Their lives move on and mine stood still and so they left me behind ...I know that is just the way life is but it hurt and always will. Then I looked around and saw those who were still there for me, these friends are the roses in my garden they need to be tended well. They are the diamonds in the dust. I will of been married 53yrs this comming year. I have found different ways to approach life, use my pain befriend it almost...yer right , well that is what they tell me at the pain clinic ROFLMAO ...... if only I could! I have found an outlet for my fears, frustrations and night terrors . I have started writing poetry if that name can be applied to my writing. I hope I do not come over as a moaning winger. I hope I am past all that. I also hope that you might see how the poetry is moving from very dark through the grey and hopefully in to light. My back is no longer straight it is C shaped because of the injury and I have lost two and a half inches in height but my Pilates and Core teachers have helped me to stand up as straight and be as strong as possible. Pain and depression are still hanging on my arm but I have weapons to use against them and if I say so myself I cope well. I have made lots of new friends, real diamonds. I am also very grateful for all the support and help I have encountered here on Wordpress. Hugs and welcome to everyone who visits.

58 thoughts on “If We Were Having Coffee Guest Post – May 31/2015 Chickens”

  1. Hi Paul, I hope the move has all gone smoothly and you are all settled in. I am really so pleased that you got your chicken at the reduced price it is a simple job fir the manager and it makes a difference to you. He does not do it completely out of altruism ( though I am sure he was a nice bloke ) but he has ensured you will return and maybe tell your friends what a good shop his is! Win win I think! 🙂 I agree with you sometimes you just have to speak out and shame the devil….. I have on more than one occasion, touch wood I have not been banned yet! Thank you again for another brilliant guest post. Have a good week and I hope you will be very happy and comfortable in your new home!! xxxxxxxxxx

    1. thanks Willow! Since I wrote the above Insanitybytes has published my comment, actually Liked it and then responded by apologizing for making me upset and for the fact that my comment went to her spam – likely because there were two links and I used some pretty negative language. she is very understanding.

  2. Thanks so much for the opportunity to guest post Willow. I hope all is well with you and yours this fine weekend.

    1. Hahaha! The Alpha has spoken. ha! Hey Victo, thanks so much for dropping by. It is an honor to have you here, how were your pancakes? Dalai Lama has some pretty amazing quotes and one of my favorites is : Learn and understand the rules carefully so you know when and where to break them. Therein lies the key = know the rules and why they are rules – then and only then is it safe to beak them. I bet you’ve broken your fair share Victo. Thanks so much for the visit – Please drop by again.

    1. Hi Heartafire! Thanks so much for dropping in o read and comment. I know- i love hot BBQ chicken I can just sit down and tear off pieces and eat it right where i am. Nom, Nom! Thanks again for the visit Heartafire. Please come by for cuppa and a chat again.

      1. Here you go, a pitcher of sweet tea heartafire. Would you like a sweet with that? We have many varieties from lemon cake and chocolate cake to squares and brownies.these e-sweets are calorie free! 😀

      2. pass the poison, I’m not counting calories when it comes to these goodies 🙂

  3. We have those pre-cooked chickens here, too, and I usually get one every couple of weeks. I get at least 4 meals out of one chicken, which is a bargain, especially since our chickens are $4.99 apiece. Personally, I like the plain ones over the barbecued ones.

    I, too, have written and published stuff that I worried about. You know I was concerned about that Canadian post I did, “Damn Canucks” (http://cordeliasmomstill.com/2014/10/09/damn-canucks/ ) – but it got excellent reviews. I haven’t seen your comment on Insanitybites, but I’m sure everyone will accept that it is your opinion – and you are entitled to your opinion. If it was really, really bad, the blog owner has the option of deleting it.

    1. Wow – you guys are lucky to get astronaut chickens for $4.99. Thanks so much for dropping by CM. It’s great to see you here. Since i wrote this Insanitybytes had published the comment and even liked it – so all is OK. Thanks for the visit.

  4. I’m quite cautious in what I say, Paul. If it is in the slightest bit controversial i tend to write it and leave it overnight. Or at least go away and come back. So far, even where I have strongly disagreed I’ve managed to keep the tone even and balanced but the time will come when I fail, I’m sure. Have you tried a further comment simply apologizing for the tone? Even if you still strongly disagree there are times for a tactical withdrawal?

    1. Hi TG! Thanks for coming by. Since I wrote this IB has published the comment and even liked it. Se replied that she apologized for upsetting me. I was impressed .

      1. Well there you go. I had a look at the string and there were too many wackos commenting (you apart, of course Paul) for me to carry on reading.

  5. Fantastic the you bought the reduced chicken before it was time. 😀 I buy one once in a while when they are reduced as well. A good buy when you consider whatever fixings you need to season it, ready a pot, turn on the stove, use electricity, then get stuck cleaning the pot /roaster. Reduced is bonus.
    Happy trails in your new apartment. No drips finally. 😛 😀 😀

    1. Hi LCTC! glad you could drop in. As a disabled person I get my transport for free with a monthly pass. So I have the time and the means to cherry pick specials. Sometimes I get odd looks when the cashier realizes that i have only bought specials. I.m on dialysis and that removes protein from your body, so it is important that dialysis patients eat more protein than normal folks. Pork and ham are usually the easiest to find on special but you get tired of them after a while. i won’t pay anything over .88 per 100 grams for protein. The regular chickens here are 800 grams for $7.49. They are about 20% bone then that is .85 per 100 grams – not a great deal. But the big chickens are 1,5 kg and when on special works out to .62 per 100 grams – a good deal. Any protein for less than .70 per 100 g is a good deal. besides, i get a kick out of finding good deals. Sometimes they are totally unexplainable – like the margarine I use is about $3.49 for the small size. I found it on sale for $1.00 the other day and bought a bunch.

      Anyway, thanks fr dropping by LCTC. Have a great week.

      1. I’m retired and even when I wasn’t, it found looking for a bargain so much more fun than if I paid whatever price when I could. Same goes for second-hand stores, For years I prefer to check them out first when I need something. You never know what treasure you might find. 🙂 😀

  6. My dear wife Karen made her own version of the whole chicken in a crock pot this week, Paul, and it was tender, juicy and more delicious than any astronaut version we ever got at the supermarket around here. Good for you speaking up and getting your early discount, sir. You deserve it. You also deserve the bigger apartment with no drips and one less step up, too.

    Do I like you calling my country an aggressive bully? Not necessarilly. You have the right to your opinion, always, and that’s more important than what I think of it. Besides, sure, I’ve hit post comment a time or two and then thought, uh-oh. WordPress is what it is: A place where we can say it and then read what people think about that. You and I have gone back and forth a time or two right here, in fact. So fret not, my friend, life goes on.

    1. Hi Mark! Thanks for coming by, I am honored. Do remember that I said that America the country that was a bully not its citizens. From where I stand that is true. And I did give examples. Sorry.thanks for your understanding , even if we differ in our opinions.

      Crock pot chicken or slow cooker are the best. Delicious. I am thinking about getting a slow cooker.

      Appreciate the read Mark. Please drop by again.

      1. A country is no more than a collection of its citizens, though, Paul, is it not? I know you mean the government and collective actions under our flag in its name. But the label stings coming from you. It’s not a nameless editorial out there. That’s all. Funny how that works.

      2. Oh Mark, you are the exact opposite of that as are most of your fellow citizens. Your politicians are not typical of your population – they are the people who have sought out power and they wield your county’s power and influence the same way they did their own. Don’t get me wrong Mark, America is a lot of things that are amazing – they try to do what is best, they feed the poor and try to help those countries more disadvantaged, they protect the underdog in the world even when no one else in the UN will follow – hell America actually funds the UN , without them the UN and WHO and World Bank wouldn’t even exist. All that said, and true, your politicians (more so than many world politicians) are beholden to corporate America and will use American resources-your resources -, like the military , to protect what is in the best interests of the rich of America and not necessarily the regular guys like you Mark – the hardworking, fair minded, caring , just, open-hearted, middle and lower class citizens. In fact your Declaration of Independence actually addresses this effect by saying that when the government ceases to serve the people, then it is not only the right but the obligation of the people to replace that government, no matter what it takes. And they were not pulling punches – they knew what that mean, they had just done that with a revolution.

        Anyway, Mark to answer your question – no, you and most of your fellow citizens are not like your politicians. You guys are great – and I speak from decades spent in the US. Please accept my apologies if insulted you and yours – I did not intend to do so.

      3. Well said Paul, i couldn’t agree with you more! i’m a US citizen & american patriot (pro-peace) who loves her country, & don’t want to see it destroyed by corrupt politicians, greedy corporations that exploit the working class, pollute our environment, by an illegitimate gov’t that work for the elite and does everything in it’s power to suppress the inalienable rights of its people as guaranteed by the constitution FOR the USA- aka the people, not BIG gov’t.
        It’s not a secret, nor conspiracy, just open our collective eyes and witness how Western governments have been militarizing our police force, controlling the mainstream media, propagating war for profit, with post 9-11 patriot act, war on drugs (privatizing prison system), war on terrorism, agenda 21, taxation without representation (falsified elections/corp welfare), US gov’t/corp policy of outsourcing jobs overseas (NAFTA, TPP, T-TIP) and dozen other FTAs.
        This is just tip of the iceberg:
        Enjoy your chicken gentlemen.

      4. I agree 100% 1EU. It is happening all over the western world. It was actually predicted as far as 2,500 years ago when Socrates said in Plato’s Republic that a capitalist democracy inevitably results in more and more wealth being held by fewer and fewer people. Eventually the population trades off freedom for security until the wealthy replace the democracy with a dictatorship – one ruler who they can trust to keep their wealth safe. When the framers of the Declaration discussed the phrasing of the section that encourages revolution to dismiss a non-functional government, there was some concern that such a statement might incite violence when there was still a viable gov’t. Then they decided that they would use the strongest language they could with the sure knowledge that the people would not act until the situation was far beyond acceptable – inertia.

        But, all that said 1EU, we have a long ways to go before this becomes intolerable – and it is possible to avoid that outcome by redistribution of wealth with profit sharing; systems that provide free health care and food and other necessities, for the poor; the maintenance of the middle class, etc. Unfortunately all these changes can only be done with the agreement of the wealthy and they don’t see the danger because they currently live in safe bubbles and have no empathy for the less well to do.

        Anyway this problem will have to be dealt with by our children and their children. Although we can see it happening already, I doubt there is any chance that we will be forced soon.

        The chicken was delicious , thank you 😀

      5. Hear hear! While we are still on this planet, we can certainly try our best to make it better for everyone, hopefully for the next generation. Change is slow… but inevitable!

    1. Ha! You know you’re getting old when… Thanks so much for dropping by Diana, I am honored. Yes, both of those are important criteria now. Hopefully all will workout. Thanks for the visit. Please drop by again.

  7. Paul I love the picture of the chicken salad sandwiches! We too have those astronaut chickens! Ours is about $5.00 US dollars. The amount of meat can vary but it does making putting together a dinner a bit quicker!

    1. Hi Bernice! Glad you could drop by. Make a meal? ha! I’m a bachelor – that chicken gets eaten right out of the container – it IS the meal. Ha! Actually I’m not quite that bad – I will usually make chicken sandwiches or chicken salad. I love a thick chicken sandwich with mayo on fresh bread. Yum, yum. Thanks so much for dropping in – a pleasure to see you here joining our discussion. Please drop by again.

      1. You are funny Paul! And I am glad to hear you can make a salad or sandwich that that chicken. And the chicken sandwich sounds wonderful! I love a specialty bread and perhaps a bit of basil or something added to the mayo. 🙂

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