JusJoJan 18th: Despair.

Linda said : “Hi there! We’re back with your eighteenth prompt for Just Jot it January 2024. Today’s prompt comes to us courtesy of Carol Anne. Thank you, Carol Anne! Please be sure to visit Carol Anne’s blog to read her posts and say hello. And follow her while you’re there if you’re not already.

Your prompt for JusJoJan January 18th, 2024 is “despair.” Use it any way you’d like. Enjoy!

image from here

Every night she crosses the bridge between life and death.
Carrying the tormented souls, of hope bereft.
Her shadow lost gently her will follow.
With no one to love her heart is hollow.

The moon looks on and gently weeps As she, her lonely vigil keeps.
Loneliness and despair
Are all around hanging heavy in the air.

She craves colours, rest,
And the warmth of another body
Spending time in despair’s lobby.
Demons reach out for the souls she carries.
Shaking them off their claws she parries

They scratch at her heels and
They hurt but worse they hold her down.
Stuck in the night she never sees the sun!

Pour lost soul there is no hope
She is despair, tethered by invisible rope.


It’s the fourth week of the month! Are you ready for a theme prompt? Merril D. Smith from last month’s challenge selected the theme of…


Image from here

Immortality Nonnette

Above the city hidden from light
She waits to launch into the night .
She yearns for unending flight
Blood pounding sets her free
It’s a true curse.
Always worse
No more

This is part of Colleen’s Tuesday Tanka.

Scary October 1

Here we are at the unholy month of October. I thought I would do a paranormal, witchy, unholy bunch of poems, some new and some old.

Don’t forget to check out Jane Dougherty and Kat Myrman‘s plans for this month!

Here we go October 1st.

Man of my dreams.

In that second I surrendered my soul

Gave it up totally,untouched pure and whole.

My senses went haywire, I was at sea

His beauty touched every inch of me.

Unable to move I grew roots, I had to stay

My eyes I could not tear away .

Nor did I care to, desire was all I felt

My blood rushing, my heart full pelt.

The stars moved across the skies

I saw the sun set and the moon rise.

Reaching out I touched his perfect skin

I stole a kiss, I was lost now in sin.

He opened his eyes as I kissed his lips

He smiled as I caressed him with my fingertips.

His Raven screamed at me then took to angry flight

He took me to him and held me and we decend into the night.

The sun found me cold and wet

All life extinguished an empty shell.

I looked down at my corpse with no regret

Though dead I am so alive under his spell.

Forever means forever when a vampire you love

Yet I am happy and and my spirit now flies like a dove!

NaBloPoMo : Death’s Book is Missing


“Well” said the voice filling everywhere  with light

Somehow everyone calmed down as all their fears took flight.


They  knew they were in trouble they new they were in bin!

They  had all been careless and causing  trouble  but felt there was no great sin.


A voice as smooth as syrup  gently calmed the street

This calm somehow traveled around the world, believe me no mean feat!

Death was secretly relived  to see his lord and master.

Plague, war and famine  if they had of had hearts would of felt them beating faster.


“Good evening, Death, I hope you are well and I see you have brought  your brothers.

You  have got  yourselves in to an awful mess  Death.” God said, then turned his head to look at the others.

The angel of death standing by God’s side tears of relief running down his beautiful face

“We have the book, boss” he said.He  held it in his right hand,” praise  be, we now can sort out the human race”


God  looked down on the angel of death who now sat in his hand, what was he to do with him

And Death  and his brothers three? They  were doing their best but God’s patience  was growing thin.









Nonnet : Vampire


She craves the dark ,she hides from the light

Eyes as black and cold as the night

Kisses honey  sweet teeth like razor blades

Soulless,  heartless her beauty never fades

She lives only for one

They hide from sun


Happily fed



A Nonnet is a nine line poem, the first line has nine words diminishing  down by a word a line to one word in the lastl ine

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