Thursday photo prompt: Imagination #writephoto

This little piece of imagination is for Sue Vincent‘s Thursday Photo Challenge. It about Anne Neville and her Husband Richard 3rd of England.

Anne was lost she had been looking for Richard everywhere. Her patience was running very thin, as thin as her veil and her robes. It was transparently clear from the look on her face that she had had enough. As transparent as her body had become.

She had floated from Westminster to this cold carpark in Leicester. Looking around her she found it very difficult to take in what she was seeing. Here she stood in …well what was this place it said CARPARK… But what was a CARPARK.

Standing stark still for a second trying to take in her surroundings, to understand what was happening to her. She was by a wall, a wall decorated with white Lilies on a black background at it’s center was what resembled a black an orange stained glass window.

There was a pole with a round disc on it , white edged in red. It had drawings on it and some writing … It made no sense to Anne.

It actually read please park bumper to bumper. That meant nothing to Anne. As she stood there a youth rushed up and said “don’t move you look amazing stood there the mural makes it look like you have a halo around your head.”

“Look” said the youth “you look great in this photo, I am well impressed.” Then he showed her a small magic box that held her image the wall painting did indeed give her a halo.

The lad was off and running to meet his mates his magic box in his hand.

Anne turned and shivered, she called Richard several times before he finally answered her.

He took one look at her face and said, ” you are not happy are you madam” he smiled hoping to defuse her scowl.

“What is this awful soulless place why have you brought me here” Anne asked.

“It a carpark, it’s were I fell in battle, I was buried here when it was called Greyfriars they discovered me here and the moved my bones to Liecester Cathedral where I have a nice spot. I’d like you to join me, I have missed you.” He offered his hand and read her expression smiling he said “poison? come, you know me. I would not do that… And it was a long time ago.”

Anne who had been bristling with rage relented and took his hand. The years slipped away as they floated off, laughter was in the air.

Up the road a young lad was showing his mates his latest Instagram shot. He had already had 100 likes.

# JusJoJan 2019 Daily Prompt – Jan. 17th

Our prompt for JusJoJan 2019, January 17th is brought to you by John Holton! Click here to find his last post and say hi while you’re there! John’s word for our prompt today is “Inch” Use it anywhere in your post or make it the theme of your post. Have fun!

Inch by inch we moved forward, attached by ropes around our waists. The ice was so cold we could feel it chilling our bones.

We inched on carefully watching for any cracks that might appear in the ice. The man at the front of the line signaled for us to stop and listen.

We all did, we heard the ice groaning and over that the tired howling of exhaustion. We all knew what to do. We spread out, those at the front laid down and continued to inch ahead. We further back held on tight to the ropes securing the men at the front.

We held those ropes tight we could not give an inch or they might slip and drown.

The howling was getting quieter now but we could not give up or relax our efforts. This was a valued member of our team they had saved many of us before.

The cry went up “Got her” slowly inch by inch we hauled her out. She was passed down the line across the frozen lake to the shore. As soon as she reached the bank she was wrapped up warmly in a moon blanket. And rushed off for medical treatment.

Later we visited her, luckily the Vet said she would be fine but the fabulous dog part of our team had been within an inch of losing her life! Even so she was soon back working with us again.

Image from Pixabay

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