Terza Rima Day 10. Life

This Month Kat Myrman has suggested a new theme for the daily poem—the Terza Rima, writing one stanza each day.
A terza rima consists of stanzas of three lines (or tercets) usually in iambic pentameter. It follows an interlocking rhyming scheme, or chain rhyme. This is where the middle of each stanza rhymes with the first and last line of the following stanza. There is no set length to this form, as long as it follows

I shall be joining Kat Myrman and Jane Dougherty in this challenge.

Life… A Terza Rima,

Married they all said, your but a baby

I was determined though, afraid to he left alone

So the plans were laid, a start a bridal spree.

Installment 10 of Life for this month’s Terza Rima Daily Poem Challenge, one tercet at a time.

Musicalmarch🎼🎵Day 10.

Our Blog Sis Ritu at  But  I smile anyway has come up with another challenge for us this month Musicalmarch.

Ritu  said  : “Nothing too serious or tedious.Just a chance to share some songs! If you fancy posting a song for any reason this March, tag it #musicalmarch

Link to Ritu’s post

Today is Day 10 of #musicalmarch. I am going back to look at my school days when I loved the diametrically opposed Rolling Stones and the Monkeys! The Monkeys were a manufactured group who had a TV show on a Saturday night. I along will hoards of others looked forward to it every week!

Here is Pleasant Valley Sunday by the Monday!

And here is My Sweet Lady Jame by the Stones. I picked this track because it was one of my favourite tracks back then very different to their normal music but then again they did write As time goes by, for Marianne Faithful xxx

Day 10, NaPoWriMo I am your slave.


Today is Day 10 of NaPoWriMo. Today’s prompt is to write an – un-love poem.


I am your slave.


You have the power to lift me up and make my day

Lightening my darkness then again you can take it all away.

You truly seem to enjoy the power you wield over me

There are ties between us now, invisible that no one can see.



At first you made no demands in fact it was you who gave

But more and more you influence the way I behave.

I am attracted to you , attached and now you fill my life.

I resent you , your demands you just cause me strife

Enough , enough I need to separate from you and cut you out.

I need my life back, privacy , sleep and relaxation without a doubt.

I truly need some peace and escape the ties to you I need to brake.

I wish I had never picked you Android, I did not think of me a slave you’d make!

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