Stream of Consciousness Saturday:Awkward. Acrostic

This week Joey is a guest host at Linda’s for SoCs. 

Firstly this is for Joey as requested !


Always clumsy or in the way

Wishing I could not be seen today

Kinda hoping not to be sent south

Why do I put my foot in my mouth

Apes are less clumsy than I am

Really  flushing  myself down the pan.

Don’t laugh at my awkwardness.

#writephoto Photo Prompt: Lights. 

This  is part  of  Sue Vincent’s #writephoto Photo Prompt Lights.


Sue says  to “use the image below to create a post on your own blog… poetry, prose, humour… light or dark, whatever you choose, by noon (GMT)  Wednesday 5th October” and link back to her prompt  post  at Thursday Photo Prompt #Lights#writephotowith a pingback. Please make sure that the pingback works and if not, copy and paste your link into the comments section of her  post.


Fingers almost blue, toes numb like  her soul

Fear had  her in it’s grip , she was no longer whole

The lights  twinkled on the water  and  the  snow

Eyes closed she stood silent rocking to and throw .


Warmth and  home seemed a million miles away

Under this  bridge ,damp and  bitter her only place to stay.

Tears cannot fall when frozen  but  they hurt as much

She  longed for  a gentle  word or loving  touch.


Watching  the lights on  the water  dance

Like little fairies they leap and prance.

Music floats across the water  to her ears

Laughter  and an happy voices, all she hears.


Tired, so tired  she slumps down on the frozen ground

Watches  the  lights  from  the house praying never  to be found.

Maybe she could of  spoken out  but she had not dare.

Who would believe her who would care


Slowly as life  slips away from her grasp

Suddenly she is  held in a warm, kind clasp.

A soft voice takes  her to a happier place

She  opens  her  eyes and sees God’s face.


Anywhere Evening News. Christmas Eve 2016 :another  drug addict  found dead under the  the bridge opposite  the  Ferryman’s Inn.





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