Sword of Runes Chapter 11


As Sir Byron  kissed  Leona’s lips  so red.

He slipped the ring of life on her finger, their agreement to wed.

“Oh! cried out the Faery Queen ” Had I forgot  my ring

I could not use my  magic, for I am not not whole without this  thing”


Restored she rose up and grew in stature and from the ring came light

“Thank  you Bryon,  my  love . I summon  all that  is good and right

To  come now and assist me. To save  not olny Andrew Bold  but the whole universe.

I must keep you safe now my love, while I  put back good and all evil things  reverse.”


Sir Byron tried to argue  but Leona  was too quick for him to move

She made a safe ring in which  to keep her  love, a spell no evil could remove.

Quietening  Byron’s protestations she put him to sleep.

Leona Faery Queen was ready or battle now,  knowing  Bryon was safe in her keep.


Out on the Tor Bold Andrew was fighting  for his life

This was his fate, the reason he had  been born to rid all strife.

Blinded  by blood from a grievious wound, Andrew trusted to his Sword of Runes

His thrusts  and lunges  found their mark  but made no impact The Evil Dark Knight saw victory was to be his soon.


Leona could not believe her eyes. The child that  she had help to raise, lovingly  taught

Was attacking evil  with all his might . The sword that he had forge for good,seemingly counting for nought.

Of  a sudden The Evil Knight of Doom  turned away  from Andrew , his eyes locked fast with Leona’s

“No” said the Evil Knight “you shall not rob  me of what  is mine.” Leona called across the  miles for Susan’s  help  but Lady  Susan was in a coma.



Author: willowdot21

Female, wife, full time mother and Grandmother. I am not as happy go lucky as I used to be but I am still bubbling along on simmer! I have three handsome sons all grown and flown.The youngest married with a beautiful wife and two sons of his own. Back in 2010 I was working, running a home, driving and socializing then bang in a split second all that was gone. I had an accident at home. I broke my back, not for the first time, I had broken it 10 years previously as well. Unfortunately this time I had broken it really badly and it was truly messed up so I had to have two operations. I was told before each operation that the outcome could mean I spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair. Still as some guy once wrote "I am still standing " yes "better than I ever was " I no longer use the walking stick . I had lots of friends before the accident but when things like this happen, you loose most of them. Their lives move on and mine stood still and so they left me behind ...I know that is just the way life is but it hurt and always will. Then I looked around and saw those who were still there for me, these friends are the roses in my garden they need to be tended well. They are the diamonds in the dust. I will of been married 53yrs this comming year. I have found different ways to approach life, use my pain befriend it almost...yer right , well that is what they tell me at the pain clinic ROFLMAO ...... if only I could! I have found an outlet for my fears, frustrations and night terrors . I have started writing poetry if that name can be applied to my writing. I hope I do not come over as a moaning winger. I hope I am past all that. I also hope that you might see how the poetry is moving from very dark through the grey and hopefully in to light. My back is no longer straight it is C shaped because of the injury and I have lost two and a half inches in height but my Pilates and Core teachers have helped me to stand up as straight and be as strong as possible. Pain and depression are still hanging on my arm but I have weapons to use against them and if I say so myself I cope well. I have made lots of new friends, real diamonds. I am also very grateful for all the support and help I have encountered here on Wordpress. Hugs and welcome to everyone who visits.

68 thoughts on “Sword of Runes Chapter 11”

  1. Oh Lordy, I shoulda known – just got the Faery off her derierre and now Susan is in a coma? Bold Andrew’s pit crew just ain’t comin’ thru for him in this fight against The Evil Knight of Doom. And what’s with The Sword of Runes? Andrew spent all that time and energy and poured everything he had into making that sword – when’s it gonna show some respect and start doin’ its part? My foot is starting to tap in annoyance at the showing the forces of Good are exhibiting here.You guys gotta get your manure together here. the forces of Evil ain’t just ginna stand aorund and wait while you get it together. Buck up forces of Good! Get in there and whoop some Dark ass. We’re waiting…

    1. Yes I know Paul but to be fair. Lady Susan has been in a coma since just before the faery Queen left …. The wolves are on their way to help .. All will be well. Andrew’s sword is working fine but the sneaky snikey Evil Knight of Doom is on a roll right now but all is about to change .All will be resolved but not tonight I need to watch the Good Wife then get some sleep. Be patient and watch out for the wolves. <3. <3. xxx

  2. 🙂 Just a quick, “Hi!”, milady; been offline other than the daily post for a while… too much pain to sit….can’t stay, but, nice work, as always…. See ya, luv…
    Ned, aka gigoid

    1. Hi Ned sorry to hear that you are in so much pain so glad you can still manage your post I would miss my daily fix of Gigoid. Never leave us you are needed and loved xxx

      1. Ah, Willow, luv… Pain is a part of everyone’s life; some is mental, some physical, and all a bit of both, I’m afraid… Mine just happens to be imbalance a tad on the physical side, which is annoying, but, not something I can change… (“tad” of course, means, in this instance, “quite a lot”…. you know, the second, sarcastic definition….)

        But, as Epictetus is so bloody fond of reminding me, whenever I think about that, “Happiness and freedom begin with a clear understanding of one principle. Some things in are within your control. And some are not.”

        Oh, by the way, the word “gigoid” is ONLY capitalized when used as the first word in a sentence… My true user name is caps free, as a tip of the cap to internet protocols, (it’s the geek in me….), to wit:

        I am gigoid, the dubious…..

        Luv you, milady… You know, I thought of it the other day… I believe you are the follower who has been with me the longest here at ECR; you certainly are the longest running commenter, save perhaps two other folks, who I haven’t seen in some time… Any who, I’ll be around, and, I assume you will be too, to give us places to go away from our own spaces… from your mind to ours…

        Take care, luv….

        Ned, aka you know who….

      2. As soon as I agreed the capital on your name I knew it was wrong but because it was predicted text (using my mobile) but hey I am being a slob. I understand pain as you know I like you I am on first name terms with it. I am honoured to be one of your longest followers you are my hero. Be big be brave be gigoid ❤ ❤

  3. I certainly understand the thing with the texting; I’m still bad at it, and my phone is so smart it lets me talk to it… I still make mistakes when I text…. I know you know, so know you, I know you… how well I know…

    Whatever that means…. 🙂 I DO know about your pain, and you know where to send it when it gets to be too much…. I can help you spread it thinner, if naught else, just by the sharing of it…. you can always use the email I believe I sent, if necessary…. Ta then, I am done for the day for sure, now…. I’ll be back in the morning….


      1. Yup … showing her anger ” I will not let you have him, I would rather die!” Screamed Leona the Faery Queen

        Her eyes flashed, she was mad and she swore with venom no one had never seen.

        You shall not claim him, he is mine. Evil laughed, “Be gone you Faery of the woodland

        I the Evil knight of doom will slay young Andrew soon, go you puffed up sprite before I show my hand.”

      1. Well instead of sulking we need you yo send our hero and heroines some good and positive vibes ..tish tish ! There is no time for sulking!;)

      2. Big girls shoes my ass – they pinch I went and got my bunny slippers [it’s actually cool here tonight WOOT!! It’s first sign that the heat is waning]
        All your fault – shouldn’t make the darn story so interesting – see that’s mature deflection of responsibility right there. Who needs big girl shoes NOW!!

      3. Bite your tongue – hmpf!!

        Of course I’m excited about the next installment – you left us with the cliff hanger of all cliff hangers – I NEEEEED resolution.

      4. I am struggling with it as we speak , I am afraid to admit that yesterday we decided to break with the laws of all that is good and right and dash down to the coast to visit my two brothers and their wives then went along the coast in the evning to meet our eldest son and went out for a meal thus not returning home until 23.23 ( spooky) I was too tired to write . So while I was having fun our poor heros and heroines were hanging on by their teeth and nails!!
        We are lucky living were we do we can reach the coast in a couple of hours traffic willing! We do not have your huge distances to travel… Anyway that is my excuse and I am sticking to it!! xxxx 😉

      5. the gym and I have an arrangement – it doesn’t bother me and I don’t bother it that way no one gets hurt!!

      6. Aha! That sounds like the type of arrangement I’d like but after my last back op I have been warned exercise or wheelchair.. No contest. No brained even ! ❤

      7. Oh bugger – well SYMPATHIES – really don’t like ‘formal’ exercise but I’d do it in the same situation. Good luck.

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