The Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS June 8, 2024 Question.

LindaGHill’s prompt for this week’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday arrived late on Friday but not as late as I am writing it!

Badge by Shelley Krupa..

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “start with a question.” Begin your post with the first question that comes to mind when you sit down to write your post. Bonus points if you end your post with a question too. Have fun!

Have you noticed that I not posted since Monday?….why you may ask should I care? It’s your right not to care but I feel I should explain. I have a lot going on right now ….we have had a lot of of guide dog foster guests who so far have been delightful but looking after dogs especially when they are not yours can be quite a handful. Now you could ask having a dog before has not stopped you blogging so why now?

Well I have two projects I am working on and I want to concentrate on them so I need a brake.

Hang on , I hear you say she has coped with dogs,projects and blogs what’s different this time?

Hang on honestly I have a lot to do babysitting, supporting friends and family and there’s a few medical appointments this week, a concert to attend and an upcoming holiday. As they say somethings gonna give.

So I shall read and comment on as many blogs from you wonderful as I possibly can .. I shall be back to normal as soon as possible.💜 So who knows where the times goes?

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