The Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS June 1, 2024 Recipe.

LindaGHill’s email arrived yesterday bright and early but I was too busy to look at until today! Here’s what it said. “Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “recipe.” Use it any way you’d like. Enjoy!

Recipe for what?

Wednesday I had the hygienist at 11.15, then we had pick Olivia (a nine year old black Lab, a working Guide Dog) up at 1pm from a half hour drive away. Then drive back, fix dinner and eat it. Then hubby had an ECG at 4.30pm

Aya (a two and a half year old black Lab) was arriving early evening to start her stay of ten days. So was a mad day! Possibly a recipe for disaster.

Thursday morning we had to take Olivia back by 9am! I was tired just thinking about it !!  Then Aya needed a good log walk !

Now Aya did her training as a guide dog but she didn’t quite make the grade. Why …well she was apparently “nervous” when she met other dogs whilst on the lead and also whilst working in harness. She would bark and Jump. ….let’s just say not focused on the job in had….. looking after a blind human! She also had a few other “faults” as the GDA see them! ….A recipe for disaster.

Well I can confirm Wednesday a Thursday worked out well with proper planning it was a recipe for success! 😁

© willowdot21: Olivia and Aya

The girls above, Olivia at the front and Aya.

Well it’s just us and Aya for now and she is , touch wood behaving like an angel. It’s amazing what a little love and patience can do ….a recipe for love and success.

© willowdot21 Aya .


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