#JusJoJan 2019 Daily Prompt – Jan. 3rd

Our prompt for JusJoJan 2019, January 3rd, is your blog. Why did you start blogging? How did you come up with your theme, if you have one? How has it changed your life? Tell us about your blog in your jot! Enjoy!

Just Jot it January is run by LindaGHill.

After I broke my back , for the second time, almost ten years ago I was in hospital for over a month. I had three operations and was told I could end up in a wheelchair. I was in a lot of pain, I was scared,my life was dropping apart and friends were just disappearing.

Well I almost sunk, luckily for me I was sent to a pain phycologist. After a few visits she asked me if I had ever considered writing about my pain, fears and feelings.

Two of my sons helped me set up a wordpress blog. At first it was a self-indulgent miserable blog, I freely admit that.

After a while I got followers and I made friends really good friends. I realised that those friends who had drifted away when I was out of circulation were not real friends and not worth having.

My blog has evolved in the last seven years , no longer a miserable moan fest I hope now it is a diverse poetry blog. I have met so many amazingly clever and kind loving people. Honestly my blogily ( blogging family) have supported, helped, encouraged and given me a purpose in life.

My love of poetry has grown, my views on life have grown. My blogily have truly helped me through some horrendous times, mentally and physically.

So I love blogging, I love meeting other bloggers and I do love the Bloggers Bash.

I hope that I helped other bloggers as much as they have helped me.

In short I started blogging to escape depression and pain.

My theme, poetry and stories.

How has it changed my life. Massively, it has given me purpose,friends and to be honest it has saved my life.

George's Guinea Pig World

Tales from the hutch

🪻 Colleen Chesebro, Author & Poet 🪻

Crafting Magic through Prose & Poetry

Sillyfrog's Blog

"Once a pond a time..."

Writer Ravenclaw

Books by author Diana Coombes


A Collection of Life Stories



The Elephant's Trunk

🐘 Nancy is a storyteller, music blogger, humorist, poet, curveballer, noir dreamer 🐘


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Join Us: #TankaTuesday 短歌 火曜日

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Take It Easy

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An open blog for stories about the animals in our lives

Annette Rochelle Aben

~ Communicator, WordSmith, Artist, Guide, Mentor, Muse ~

Curious as a Cathy

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✨Epicseekerblog, ever seeking answers to questions newly formed in Poems ‘n Stuff, ✨

luna's on line

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Writing to be Read

Authors' Blog - Book Reviews, Author Profiles and Reflections on Writing

Second Wind Leisure Perspectives

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A mixed bag

Pacific Paratrooper

This WordPress.com site is Pacific War era information

A Teacher's Reflections

Thirty Years of Wonder

Butterfly Sand

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Laura McHarrie @ The Hidden Edge

Another Way of Looking at Your Business

Shan Jeniah's Lovely Chaos

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But I Smile Anyway...

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Ella Craig

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A Dime of Time: Mostly 10 Minute Stories, Fiction and Memoirs

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