FanFoFeb: Mae and Polar Bear. 12/02/2014

“Yes I have  the child “replied the Witch  of the East

“He  is mine and on his innocence I feast!”

“Then why did I find him lost and alone in the snow?”

asked Mae.

The Witch told Mae ” I sent him out to snare you didn’t you know.

I needed him to gain your trust and love so I could reel you in. It worked  well my dear.

For your army is within my domain and you Mae, you are here!”

Mae’s temper flared this evil woman was laughing at her.

Eyes  flashing  Mae  raised her sword to the, now giant witch , “No, No” screamed Mae!!

“You evil bitch”, you  shall not win this day.

Mae advanced her eyes were wild and flashing ,

Whirling  her sword at the witch she advanced and down upon  her brought it crashing!

A high  pitch squeal was heard, it was the boys scream, followed by  the East witch laughing.

She had tricked Mae who now was shocked to see the boy child cut in two

His life’s blood oozing out, dead, dead the child was dead what was poor Mae to do?

Just in time  Mae turned to see hordes of demons, eyes a blaze slavering for her, fast advancing

Mae saw no other way but to turn and run . Out through the doors her eyes with fear dancing.

As she reached the courtyard Ewen  saw her plight

He called upon his men to help her,  he shouted  “save Mae, men fight!!”

Still Polar bear is trapped  under the East Witch’s spell

Trapped in a nightmare having to watch Mae’s agony, in his own hell.

An angel is with him trying to easy  his pain

But  she feel his anguish making him cry out  again and again………………


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FanFoFeb : Mae and Polar Bear 08/02/2014

“At last you have decided to show some sense”

Hissed  the witch of the East

“What have you to say in your defense ?”

Mae could not believe her ears such words from this female beast!

“Why do I need to defend myself to you”

Mae asked her temper, for the first time rising.

“I am not in the wrong here, no, that is you!”

Her hand around her sword hilt tightening, she look amazing , even frightening.

The Witch stood and seemed to grow filling all the room

Standing her ground  Mae  faced her arch enemy.

Sweat ran down Mae’s back she feared that she might swoon

A shaft  of silver moonlight shone through the window so Mae  could see.

Why have you turned this beautiful kingdom into a dark night

You killed  my father  and you have banished  my sister , why

What  have  we ever done to you , why  use us to vent  your spite.

You  have my half brother here, I know he is here I heard him cry.

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1. It’s never too late to join in, since the “FanFoFeb   Fantasy for February lasts all month . (it doesn’t have to be a post) counts as a “post.” If it makes it to WordPress that day, great! If it waits a week to get from the sticky note to your screen, no problem!
2. If you write a FanFoFeb  . post on your blog, you can ping it back to the above link to make sure everyone participating knows where to find it.
3. Write anything!
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FanFoFeb : Mae and Polar Bear. 04/02/14

The  battle raged  for days then came the ending of the seventh day

All was but lost, such awful wounds suffered on both sides

There was nothing left to do the Winter Witch  took to her knees to pray

Mae Bade, Ewen farewell and left  the battle  field and headed to where the Witch of the East hides.

Ewen and his men also fell to their knees and prayed to which ever God  or Gods  they followed

They watched as the dragons and the demons divided as Mae past

Mae walked up to her old home,  so sullied.  She disappeared into the gates as if she had been swallowed.

Both  sides halted fighting  as at one command.

Ewen when to help the Winter Queen rise but she remained fast.

Into  the dark, cold corridors went Mae , where once  was joy and laughter

All warmth  and colour  gone no sign of her  former happy life.

Nothing  left of her family , not one sign,  just snow and icicles hanging from all the rafters.

No sign  of her sister   or her father gone, destroyed was every sign  of her former life.

With heavy heart and fear  pressing on  her chest

Mae Entered  the throne room to find  the Wicked East Witch seated on her throne

Mae took in a sharp breath, it was so cold . Yet more than  that sadness washed over her and down on her soul pressed.

Entering  the once warm and inviting great hall she came eye to eye   with the woman for whom her hatred had grown.


Sleeping  Polar  Bear

Still in the angels care

For under the East Witches spell

I fear it will not end well…………………..

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1. It’s never too late to join in, since the “FanFoFeb   Fantasy for February lasts all month . (it doesn’t have to be a post) counts as a “post.” If it makes it to WordPress that day, great! If it waits a week to get from the sticky note to your screen, no problem!
2. If you write a FanFoFeb  . post on your blog, you can ping it back to the above link to make sure everyone participating knows where to find it.
3. Write anything!
4. Have fun!

JusJoJan : Mae and Polar Bear. 26/01/14

As the battle raged , uneven as it was Polar Bear slept in the East witch’s spell

He could not wake  from Morpheus’s hold, he had to watch as his loved ones go through hell .

From his eyes, tight shut, escaped tears of pain,  he reached out to slay the dragons, in vain

Like a puppy  caught in a dream his limbs twitched and flickered,he howled in his head again and again.

A passing angel heard his moans  and took pity on him.

She saw how exposed he was,  and realized the danger he was in.

On his back she lay to keep him warm, to try and ease his grief

Such pain she felt reading his thoughts knowing that she could afford him no relief.


Meanwhile Mae and the others  held their own against the demons and the dragons might

Many fell but they held the line and prayed for help to arrive, from the entreaties they had sent to allies to join their fight.

So from yellow dawn they fought till darkest night such  horrors they faced. There was nothing more that they could do.

So they  prayed  for help and in the meanwhile made sure their swords and arrows sped straight and true!






1. It’s never too late to join in, since the “Jot it” part of JusJoJan means that anything you jot down, anywhere (it doesn’t have to be a post) counts as a “Jot.” If it makes it to WordPress that day, great! If it waits a week to get from the sticky note to your screen, no problem!
2. If you write a JusJoJan post on your blog, you can ping it back to the above link to make sure everyone participating knows where to find it.
3. Write anything!
4. Have fun!


JusJoJan : Mae and Polar Bear : 19/01/14 the Winter Queen and Little Mae

As rooted  to the spot  they stood

Man, Fairy all akin bound in brotherhood!

The sight before them enough to freeze  the soul

Was this  what they had come to claim was this truly the goal?

Of a sudden a roar of hundreds horns

Broke the dark night’s silence like the breaking of a thousand dawns.

A shaft of light hit the castle walls  and out  from every orifice demons and devils crawled.

They  came even though they shielded their eyes for they did not like the light  .

A moment of shock, then Ewen recovered  his voice

Line up  my men and elves line up  we fight  we have no choice!

Mae  shivered at  the thought  that Polar Bear lay close to death

And her kin was that Castle yonder within, out of touch yet in a hair’s breadth !

Inside the castle behind thick walls the evil witch of the East sat in an empty hall

Though the arrow slits  she saw Ewen’s army she willed  Ewens’ men to fall.

And the men loyal to the Winter Queen she cursed, her spite made her ugly.

She crossed the room and wove a spell over the sleeping  boy so he’d never be free.





Post on your site, and join Just Jot it January. The rules are easy!

1. It’s never too late to join in, since the “Jot it” part of JusJoJan means that anything you jot down, anywhere (it doesn’t have to be a post) counts as a “Jot.” If it makes it to WordPress that day, great! If it waits a week to get from the sticky note to your screen, no problem!

2. If you write a JusJoJan post on your blog, you can ping it back to the above link to make sure everyone participating knows where to find it.

3. Write anything!

4. Have fun!



I am floating high above the plain , my body suddenly light and free from pain.

I see the torn flesh and sinew, white bone hanging out of gaping holes I can’t believe it’s true.

I see the filthy hounds of hell fighting over my body they rip me limb from limb.

Unbelieving I watch what they are doing to my is sickening.

My eyes are drawn towards the ridge a wondrous sight I see.

Hoards of smoking Dragons led by Lady Pen and Fyrespike  advancing to rescue me.

What a wonderful sight to behold, a sky of Dragons all breathing fire making the night burn  gold.

Lady Pen and her Dragons…… and, what warriors akin to me? ..these men who deserted me

they had seen the hounds of hell and they like cowardly bastards turned to flee!

Oh! Lady Pen I thank you with all the love in my soul.

Drive these filthy hell hounds from my lands and full fill my goal!

Save my body Pen, save me from hell’s foul Gate . Get these foul and filthy dogs off of my corpse before they seal my fate.

Tears fall from my eyes as I watch the men return, I need to forgive them or my soul in hell will burn.

As I wonder how to forgive these men who left me to my death. I feel a loving hand touch me then I see a face, that took what was left of my breath.

My Mother , the one who bore me and then died. My beautiful mother over who my father cried.

She told me I must forgive them or I would loose my soul and the dogs would have my body .

Warmth and love began to fill me and started I  to feel at peace I agreed I should forgive my kin and immediately all my panic and anger ceased.

So serenely with my mother I watched the battle rage. The Dragons lead by Lady Pen and Fyrespike the Gallant Dragon Lord

flew bravely into battle with fire and claws of steel, they with the help of my kin  brought down the hell hound horde.

For days and nights the battle raged the skies were black with smoke at times it looked like the humans would fall, for they could not breath through all the smoke.

Finally the hounds lay dead and scattered all around and so the humans gathered them up and threw them into a lime pit underground.

With Fyrespike’s blessing Lady Pen brought the baby dragons in, to search for every part of my body , she bade them lovingly to gather me in.

Find every part, lock of hair , each eye and lash and lips the scraps of cloth and the sturdy sword, the belt that hung around my hips.

The Dragons and their young found every part of me , I with my mother waited and watched and prayed I’d soon be free.

So now at last the deed is done the fight is at an end. My kin can restart their lives and I can be set free, thanks to Lady Pen.


So now the tale is ended and I can at last take my rest in Heaven with soul intact.

To be reunited with my parents as was our holy pact.

As to Lady Pen my dearest friend she really did me proud she and her beloved Dragons

found me a fine ship and with my mortal remains they set a funeral pyre

and set me sailing into the sun as the cleansing flames grew higher.



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