NaPoWriMo Day 8 Sorrows

DAY 8 NaPoWriMo : Today’s prompt is write a poem in the English style of an ottava rima which is an eight-line stanza of iambic pentameter. I have attempted two Stanzas. 



I sought to drive  my sorrows out  but they did not wish to go.

They refused point blank to leave me even though I begged them so.

I thought I may be able to drown them in whisky or in gin.

I tried very hard but those blighters had actually learnt to swim.

I wished them goodnight and  went up to bed.

Sadly when I tried to sleep they had migrated and were waiting in my head!

I sit and and shake my fists and bury my head in my hands

I really need a rest but my sorrows have other plans .

I run out the house and into the woods.

But the sorrows can out run me and so that is no good.

Stopping and turning as I flee, I see

those damn miserable sorrows are still after me.

I have had enough, if I just sit down,

these sorrows are just screwing me around.

I am afraid awake and terrified  asleep,

I fear these sorrow are after my mind for keeps.
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