24 Seasons Syllabic Poetry Challenge, No. 35, 5/21/24, 

This week for Colleen Chesebro’s #TankaTuesday we’re in the second week of the season of Fine Weather: May 20 – June 5, as we follow the 24 Seasons of Japan. The dates are based off of the lunisolar calendar, often called an agricultural calendar. The traditional Chinese and Japanese lunisolar calendar divides a year into 24 solar terms.

Colleen showed us a lovely photo of her home so I thought I would do the same.

© willowdot21

How does this time of year affect you where you live? Think about the seasonal changes. What descriptive words come to mind? If they work to define the season you’re in, add them to your kigo list.


Do you see those blue skies and the warm glow in my photo 🌟 that was yesterday and the temperature was in the twenties! Today it’s dull and cold and my jumpers are back out of the wardrobe as the T-shirts are back in the drawer.

The Northern lights are back again this week but I look forward them in vain so far. This is a very strange spring/ summer transition nothing feels right, the lights in the night skies that never come this far south the weather swings…. The garden is so confused as are the birds and the animals! This is a new season, the season of flux.

So I have decided to write a double Etheree. My Kigo words/Phrases are are “yesterday was summer” “Spring season ” “weeds in the lawn” “Nature’s joke” “Man’s hand” “Solar storms”



In the dark looking for the northern lights
Temperature dropping like a stone
Sinking into the deep abbyss.
The new dawn will soon be here
Yesterday was summer
Today who can tell
It could be Spring
Season’s play
With us
Weeds in the lawn thriving but that’s okay.
The squirrel and birds work together
To empty the feeder quickly
Never sure what time of year
They are at, Nature’s joke
Or has man a hand
In the weather
Maybe it’s

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