Cinders Part Two.

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Stepping down unto the pavement taking care to look cool,when stepping off a  motorbike, not to show you knickers is the golden rule .

Well, Cinders thought to herself that was so much fun, to arrive on that sliver monster was worth the telling off she was headed for when they find their ironing is not done!

As she walked into the hall it was strange no one recognized her.They well stunned by this  beauty? yes she cause quite a stir. Looking down at her wrist Cinders saw the lovely little watch the strap was strand and twist.The lady had given her this to make sure she home by midnight as that was when it would all her finery would disappear in a mist!

Offers for dances came thick fast and Cinders was pleased to accept OH! she wanted this evening to last and last! It was wonderful it was great she loved to dance and she did. She out shone everyone as her feet flew and she pranced!

Her stepsisters,like all the girls, wondered who this stranger  was there was no doubt  even in those heels there was nothing she couldn’t do. The boys were more interested in how hot she looked one smile from Cinders and they were hooked.

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OH! Cinders loved to dance around the house she’d pirouette and prance. Her life was one big game until one day into her life darkness came. Yet tonight she felt something good  was coming.So she danced as if her life depended on it, she did the best she could.

Quietly sipping his drink at the bar, the  man in the blue shirt and dark glasses watched her from afar. Unaware Cinders danced with all the boys this might be her one and only chance to enjoy so while she could she danced!

The man in blue, wearing shades asked her to dance she did and was amazed by how light he made her feel. He lifted and spun her round she felt as if she had taken flight ! Just then the clock on tower outside chimed the quarter to  midnight! OH! sighed Cinders I shall have to shall have to go soon.

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The minutes ticked away and as the clock began to strike twelve Cinders had to run, “bye bye” was all she could say. Her chauffeur was waiting with engine running , hurry he said as she climb on to the bike “I thought you were not coming”

Somehow, Cinders does not know how, they were home on the last stroke of twelve. As Cinders dismounted the bike she noticed that one of her shoes had taken a hike!

As cinders hobbled into the kitchen she found the strange lady was there finishing the ironing! “Have a hot drink Cinders and tell all, careful where is your shoe I don’t want you to fall!

By the time the stepmother and her daughters got home the house was sparkling , all the ironing done nothing to complain about Cinders was asleep and the lady was gone.

During the next few days the papers and the town gossip was all about the girl who ran away. She had been dancing with a top dance  show producer ! He was desperate to find her, all he had was a shoe . Yet he had vowed to find her if it was the last thing he could do! He said she was a dancer the like he’d never seen and he wanted her for his new show which was to be called “The Dream”

It was like the X Faxter it was really cool any girl could try the shoe but only one chance,  that was the rule. Cinders Stepmother took her daughters to try but neither of them could get it on so both began to cry.
Eventually the shoe was taken round all schools, he really had to find her, he never should of let her go, he was such a fool!

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So the producer met many women and girls he got personal with all their feet. He had to find that girl before his life could be complete. So finally he reached the room that Cinders was working in. He had lost all hope of ever finding her again and to tell the truth this trying on of  the shoe had become a real pain.

He nearly missed Cinders as her step sisters were hassling him then finally he saw empting the rubbish bin. Cinders was so excited but she made herself look calm.He placed the shoe upon her foot and could not believe his eyes not only did the shoe fit but it did perfectly she had not had to try!

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When Ciders looked into her bag there was the other shoe she was so excited she did not know what to do! There she stood before him he asked about hair would she mind if were red she smiled and said she did not care!

So suddenly young Cinders was whisked away her step mother and sisters did not know what to say. They tried to cosy up to her but Cinders was having none. She said you girls have never liked me and neither has your mum.

Cinders was a good girl so she let them keep the house and as soon as she had red hair again she was no longer a mouse! Cinders went on to be a dancing star she was always kind to everyone she met and her future was bright she would go far. She could go anywhere her mind was set.

Did she marry the producer I really cannot tell that is another story but I shall say, dear Ciders is doing very well!!

Now what of the lady the one who got her to the ball, the lovely lady who wanted nothing from Cinders, nothing at all.  Was she a fairy an angel or something other , well let me see , shall we say she was Cinders kind fairy Godmother!

Cinders loved to dance around the house she ‘d pirouette and prance. Her life was one of darkness until she met her producer and he let her dance!!

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